Inside the NCIS lounge, CIA agent Ray Cruz dropped to one knee in front of Ziva and held out his hands, "Will you marry me?" He asked, opening a small ring box.

Ziva smiled and extended her left hand outward, caressing Ray's right cheek, "Uhhhh..." She raised and placed the muzzle of her gun to his forehead, "An empty ring box, Ray? Really?"

"What are you doing?" Ray asked in a panic, "It's a nice box."

Ziva's smile quickly disappeared as she unleashed a round from her weapon, "Too bad you won't be getting anymore of my box!"

Tony walked in and stepped over the body of Ray on his way to the candy machine, "Don't mind me, just getting a snack."

Ziva turned, looking at Tony, "Tony..."

Tony smacked the vending machine, making a chocolate bar fall, "Yeah?" He answered, pulling the candy from the little door at the bottom of the machine.

Ziva walked over to Tony and placed her back against the coke machine, "Do you ever think about soulmates?"

"No, but I would never give you an empty ring box either."

"Good." Ziva smiled, "Wanna go to my place and turn me into a baggy bunny?"

"Heh." Tony dropped the candy and took Ziva into her arms kissing her passionately, "Absolutely."

Ziva wrapped her arms around Tony's neck and hopped up, wrapping her legs around his waist and kissed him back, "Watch out, don't trip over the trash on your way out."

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!