"That's my dream…" Chitose confessed dreamily as she reached the conclusion of her delusion.

"It seems… kind of nice," Kyoko admitted softly, an undetectable smile working its way onto her lips as she considered the possibility of the fantasy future becoming actuality.

"Ho-hold on a minute, you two!" Ayano piped up hastily. "Get a grip on reality!"

She quickly turned to Chitose with a blushing countenance. "And for the record, Chitose, you overdid the morning kisses!"

"Ehehe, forgive me~" Chitose said in a sing-song tone.

The ponytailed tsundere then turned to her ribbon-wearing blonde classmate, who was still absorbed in the implication of the fantasy, and said, "You, too, Toshinou Kyoko, aren't you satisfied by now?"

Kyoko lifted her eyes from the floor and regarded Ayano in a way she never had before. "It's weird… I think I'm beginning to feel differently about you…"

Both Chitose and Ayano jumped, startled.

Chitose, what did you do to her! Ayano thought in disbelief.

This… could this be a chance for them to get closer? Chitose thought with high hopes as she intensely stared at the two. I didn't know telling about fantasies would have this great of an effect! But these recurrent nosebleeds are beginning to take a toll on my body…

"Chitose, do you have any more fantasies?" Kyoko prodded, starving for more.

"Let's see…" Chitose tried to imagine more situations, but her body was too weak. "It seems I have run out of enough blood to fuel my fantasy engine. I suppose even I have my limits, huh?"

"I see…" Kyoko expressed, trying not to sound too disappointed.

Ayano sighed. "You shouldn't push yourself too much, Chitose."

"Yeah…" Kyoko half-heartedly agreed.

Chitose noticed the blonde's crestfallen demeanor and smiled. "How about I try one more time?"

Kyoko's ears perked up at this.

"It seems like I got a bit ahead of myself on the last one, so let's rewind," Chitose suggested. "I often get carried away with my fantasies so do forgive me…"


Ayano was gazing outside of the Student Council clubroom window, watching the school clock tick as she awaited the arrival of her heart's owner. She grazed her fingers over the windowsill, lost in her thoughts, when the clubroom door was inadvertently slid open.

Ayano turned and found Kyoko staring back at her, with a look of confusion.

"Sorry for suddenly calling you here," Ayano apologized.

Kyoko shook her head and smiled, as she always did. "Nah, it's alright, is something wrong?"

"There's something… I want to say to you." Ayano's eyes rolled to the side, avoiding Kyoko's curious ones.

The ribbon-wearing blonde began to get uneasy, thinking she was in trouble for not turning one of her handouts from class again. "Something to say to me…?"

"Yes," Ayano affirmed, straightening up and turning her gaze back onto hers. "I always pick on and get angry at you, don't I?"

"Well, yeah, but it makes sense, since I always forget to hand in my homework and use the tea ceremony clubroom without permission and other stuff…" Kyoko looked to the side in uncomfortable embarrassment.

Ayano sighed and said, "That's all fine."

"…Huh?" Kyoko said, befuddled.

"To be honest, those things aren't that important," Ayano continued. "I just used them because…. I wanted an excuse to talk to you…"

Kyoko's eyes widened and her heart tendered. "Ayano..."

"I understand now what it all means," said the vice-president of the student council with more confidence than she had hitherto said anything. "I know the words I want to say to you…"

Kyoko waited in anticipation.

"Kyoko, I…."


"Oof, I've reached my limit," Chitose confessed, huffing in excitement as she wiped the remaining bits of blood leaking from her nose.

"Whaaaaaat! ?" Kyoko protested in disappointment. "But we were just getting to the good part! ! !"

"I'm sorry, Toshinou-san, I can't go on…. oof."

"B-But at least tell me what happens next?" desperately pleaded Kyoko, completely absorbed in the story. "What does Ayano say to Kyoko ! ? ! ?"

"The ending is up to you now, Ayano-chan," Chitose stealthily communicated to her friend while Kyoko despaired at the corner of the room.

"Chi-Chitose….! ?"Ayano whispered her reply.

"I shouldn't be the one to conclude this fantasy," Chitose said. "I think Ayano-chan should clearly do it through her own words."


How did it turn out like this? Ayano thought uneasily.

"Even Toshinou-san said she wants to hear you what you have to say," Chitose said with a smile, glancing over at the girl in question, who at the moment was speculating about the conclusion of the fantasy, almost like a fangirl obsessing over her favorite couple.

"Well, I will retire to the infirmary now," Chitose announced, heading for the door.

"Eh, Chitose, you're forgetting your tissues!" Kyoko, finally returning from her speculations, reminded, handing the white-haired girl her bloody tissue box.

"Oh, thank you, Toshinou-san, I will see you two later." Chitose walked out of the room and winked at Ayano as = final encouragement. Good luck, Ayano-chan~!






"U-um," Ayano uneasily began.

"Ye…yeah?" Kyoko attentively responded.

"Um… it's about Chitose's last fantasy…." Ayano muttered nervously, looking down at the floor.

"Oh, yeah, that!" Kyoko replied, nodding her head.

"Well…. there's something I…. um…."

"Don't fret," Kyoko reassured. "I understand what you want to say."

Ayano's cheeks flushed and she quickly met Kyoko's tender gaze. "Yo-you do…?"

Kyoko assented. "Yes. None of it is true."

"….Huh?" Ayano's hopes flopped down.

"Because… it's all in Chitose's imagination, right?" Kyoko said, forcing a smile. "So…. none of it is real."

Ayano gripped her skirt tightly at hearing this. She had failed at being honest and expressing her feelings, once again.

"Say, Ayano…" Kyoko continued.

The tsundere released her lower body clothing and focused on Kyoko. "….Mm?"

"Today, after hearing all of Chitose's fantasies, I began to feel a little weird," Kyoko shared. "At the beginning, I just listened because I thought it'd be fun, but halfway through the stories, my heart began to tender. I kept telling myself these were just fantasies, but whenever I did, for some reason I began to feel sort of… sad."

Ayano's eyes widened. "Toshinou Kyoko…"

"I began to think to myself how I would want the fantasies to be real. The two of us going on dates together…. even getting ma-married…. though that's kind of far out there," Kyoko caught herself, a little embarrassed about the notion. "I began to think to myself that I wanted to spend more moments like that with you…"

No…. No way…. Ayano's countenance was adorned by an abashed blush, for she could not believe what was coming out of her love interest's mouth.

Kyoko, however, mistook Ayano's expression for one of unpleasant surprise.

"Eh, uhm, sorry, I got carried away!" Kyoko quickly said, laughing her previous statements off.

Ayano watched Kyoko painfully cover her feelings, and it reminded her much of herself. The student council vice-president was suddenly filled with an intense determination.

"….To-Toshinou Kyoko!" Ayano shouted, grabbing Kyoko's attention. "Those… they were not…. fantasies…"

"….Eh?" Kyoko blinked.

"I…. do… love you," Ayano whispered, face fully red.

"! ?"

"I've always, always loved you!" Ayano confessed, louder this time, as she was no longer in any place to turn back. "But I just… was never brave enough to tell you. In an attempt to convey my feelings, I always ended up being horrible to you, and I'm sorry."


"Chitose… she understood that part of me… and because she understood she gave me this chance to finally express it… I'm just glad I was finally able to tell you," Ayano said, relieved. "Tell you my honest feelings for you."

Ayano smiled sweetly after finishing her speech.

Kyoko's heart picked up pace at seeing Ayano's smiling face. She wondered how she was just now starting to see Ayano's cute points. How could she have ignored them for so long? She could not stand it anymore.

"A-Ayano…. can I… hug you?" Kyoko ventured tentatively.

"Eh?" Of all possible reactions, she was not expecting this one.

"I just can't wait anymore!" Kyoko said, having awoken to the charms of Ayano's character, and lunging at her. "Let's hug~!"

"Wa-wait a second, Toshinou Kyoko…!" Ayano said, her body debating whether to hug the girl she's loved for so long or resist for a while longer.

"Ayano, just now, when you smiled, you looked soooo cute!" Kyoko said to her, squeezing her tighter. "I couldn't contain myself!"

"Sheesh… you're embarrassing me," Ayano mumbled, finally hugging her in return.

"From now on, so that we don't lose to Chitose's fantasy us, let's be even moooooore in love than them in our reality, okay! ?" Kyoko proposed enthusiastically, bubbling with excitement and love for the girl in her arms.

Ayano blushed brightly and nodded shyly. "Toshinou Kyoko…."


Meanwhile, eavesdropping in the hallway….

"He he he… to me, there's not greater happiness than this…" Chitose muttered to herself as she slid down the door to drown into a pool of her own blood.

"Eh? Ikeda-senpai?" Akari, an underclassman passing by in order to turn in papers to the student council, noticed her upperclassman passed out by the door. "A-Are you okay! ? ! ?"

"He he he… reality…. so much better…" the half-conscious Chitose spoke to herself.

And the jubilant Kyoko and her abashed counterpart, Ayano, were to enjoy countless, timeless days in their joy—

"WAIT, WAIT, WAIIIIIT! Akari just appeared in the scene, you can't end the story now! ! !" Akari complained to the author.

—ful youth, towards an even brighter and happier future.


\ . Akari~n . /







Wasn't that just adorable :3? I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I did when I read it. The story actually ends when Chitose falls into her pool of blood. I added the part after that because I wanted to pick on Akari xD!

School is going to start soon. I will not have time to translate. There are many more wonderful stories I've read out there, though, so until I can get to translating them, I hope many more yuru yuri fans are motivated to add to the count of stories in the English fanfic community :D!

(^_^)/ BYE BYE!