A/N: Haven't been able to update as frequently as I used to :/ Due to school computers malfunctioning with Microsoft (which means no literary analysis on The Great Gatsby :D) and my Fun Time With Computer only on weekends, I have limited time to do fun stuff. Scholarships, internships, volunteering, drivers ed...so, I finally have time to breathe and do something fun for once :D Enjoy~

Remember When...

6. Six Gave Rex "The Talk?"

Rex was so focused on what was on the computer screen, he hadn't even noticed Holiday dropping her coffee mug while washing it out in the sink. Six looked up from the paper to see what happened, when he caught what Rex was watching. His eyebrows rised at the sight, then he quickly looked back at Holiday. She was flushed, mumbling as she began to pick pieces of ceramic out of the sink. He quietly got up from his seat and walked toward Rex's bed.

With one tap on Rex's shoulder, Rex shrieked and jumped out of his skin. His headphones ripped from his ears at the action, causing him to yelp again. Six looked up nervously, but Holiday paid no mind to it when a piece of the ceramic cut her finger. "Six!" Rex breathed, eyes shifting. "What are you-" He slammed the laptop shut and his eyes averted quickly. Despite his deep tan skin, Six could still see the blush on Rex's face. "It was a...movie. And it just happened to have that on. OK?" He frowned.

Bobo walked in, seeing Holiday sucking her finger to stop the bleeding, and Six hovering over Rex. He blinked, then walked back out-slowly-not wanting to be apart of the situation. That grape soda was going to have to wait.

"What's going on?" Holiday asked, a bit concerned.

"It's nothing," Six said, his stoicness casual and assuring. "Rex and I were talking about a movie."


Holiday rose an eyebrow at Rex's joined answer. Six glared at him. When someone adds on to a lie, suspension arises. "What movie?"

Rex pursed his lips. Holiday walked over, eyebrows knitted in confusion. Six held Rex's arm down when Holiday picked up the laptop. Six wasn't sure what Holiday's reaction would be, but by the way Rex stared at her in sheer fear-it was enough to let Six know he was in deep-

"Oh. That's all?"

OK. Not so much.

Holiday sighed, sitting down next to Six. Six moved over to give her some room, but she shook her head, focusing on Rex. "It's normal for a young man to be interested in a subject like...this." Rex stared at her, mouth gaping in disbelief. She laughed. "What? You look scared out of your mind!"

"You...but I...I thought you...you...but..."

She rolled her eyes. "Look. Six gave you the talk a few years ago right?"

"...I what?"

Rex and Holiday turned to Six this time, smiling wide. Rex, knowing he was in the clear, took full pride in reminding Six of what happened. "I think I was, what, thirteen?"

"You were a teenager, or almost there," Holiday added. "One day, I just got annoyed of all of the flirtations, and mentioned having 'The Talk' with Six."

"It terrified the hell out of me. I had no idea what 'The Talk' was. So, I went to you, asked you what 'The Talk' was, then you just stood there. You were quiet, then you asked me to come with you. We winded up back in the lab, with Doc, and then you began to...give your so called advice." He paused. "You know, I think The Talk was more of a punishment than a lesson."

"It was a lesson in itself," Holiday smirked. "Six seemed to find some satisfaction in that. I kind of enjoyed it, I had to admit. I expected Six to just talk to you, and you would come to me with a look of horror on your face, but seeing it in person..."


Six wished he could see the look on the kid's face. He wished he remembered what he told him. The kid had a lot to learn about, and looking at "movies" wasn't a fine education. He pursed his lips, fighting a smile.


The next day, Rex was ready for bed. The day was exhausting, with a long round of basketball with Noah and some practice with Six. Actually, Six went easy on him today, and the stretching actually took longer than the cardio. And he swore that he smiled.

Scary. Very scary.

He didn't want to think about it. He just wanted to go to bed. Now.

He paused, seeing a folded note. He cautiously picked it up.

If you like a girl, tell her.

If you love a woman, protect her.

Um. Weird.

He lifted the sheets, and on his pillow, was a blue foil square. He picked it up, reading the label. Trojan.

"Oh God."

Ok. So he wasn't sleeping in this bed...

A/N: Ahh I don't know how well that went xD Review :D