The Secrets We've Kept-Chapter 16

Disclaimer-I don't own DBZ I own this story line and Tula, you can't have my Tula. Woo hoo oh yeah!

Pairings-Kakarott(Goku) x Vegeta

{Mind Link}


"Saiyan Language"

Amaterasu Masami-Hello everyone!

Kakarott-It's about time! Gosh man where the have you been?!

Amaterasu Masami- School is hard alright?! But I want to be a psychiatric neurologist so I have to go…dammit.

Kakarott-Haha, you went to school *points finger and laughs*

Amaterasu Masami-points finger and laughs* haha, guess who will get a job in the future?

Kakarott-Bulma will give me a job.

Amaterasu Masami-You sound like a gold digger.


Amaterasu Masami-Anyways people, I want you to know that I thought my deadline had already passed and it was too late for me to post my story but this guest on the website named Louise left a review-

Kakarott-Learn from Louise.

Amaterasu Masami-Haha that's funny. You know these people that read don't review my story. They don't want to take the time. But, that's not the point. Louise left a review talking about how he/she really loved my story and was hoping I updated soon. Louise was my first review since I posted the last chapter. So, for Louise, I checked my account to see if I could still post and what do you know? 6 days!

Kakarott-So we decided to dedicate the story to Louise!

Amaterasu Masami-Mm hm. Everybody thank Louise because this probably wouldn't be here without him/her.

Kakarott-Woo hoo! I'm a star once more!

Amaterasu Masami-Yeah yeah be quiet. Okay so, I'm working on a trillion other stories right now that'll be fantastic but I still want to finish this so onward with the story!

Kakarott-Wait! Review responses Amaterasu.

Amaterasu Masami-*checks schedule* oopsie doopsie my bad. There were so few.

Dragon77-Thanks for being a constant reader. I gave Gohan that hug for you by the way.

Louise-It's all about you man! Thanks so much for speaking up! I didn't know my words were strong enough to bring tears but one of my other reviewers said the same thing. I won't say any spoilers though. Yeah Piccolo getting in trouble would be kind o funny wouldn't it? Sorry it wasn't soon but I try.

Amaterasu Masami-Now?


Amaterasu Masami-Onward with my coolness!

~With Gohan~

It was the day after Gohan's transformation and he was beginning to wake up. He sat up, rubbing his eyes and yawning before getting to his feet.

"Hey, how'd I get down from the cliff?...oh well, at least I'm down." He started to unzip his pants, oblivious to his new clothes and weapon beside him, and relieved himself. (A/N-WTF?!) When he was finished he pulled up his pants and tied his gi. "Time for breakfast," He said happily. "Oh, wait, I should wash my face first." He started to turn around but ended up falling on his face.

"What's going on?" He said trying to stand but landing back on his butt. He sat up again. "Wait, something's gone." He reached for his tailbone and rubbed it. "My tail! My tail's gone!"

Turns out the loss of his tail threw off his balance.

Gohan started crawling to the pond to look at himself. "Where'd it huh?" He noticed the orange outfit he was wearing and stood up, looking down at himself. "These aren't my clothes." He looked back to his reflection. 'This is weird," H thought to himself.

The water started to ripple and Gohan saw a shadow coming toward him and yelped, jumping back when a crocodile surfaced and snapped at him.

Gohan turned and tried to run away but he still hadn't regained his equilibrium so he soon fell on his face, crawling towards some rocks. He turned around and started throwing rocks at it but the enormous reptile only became frustrated and opened its mouth to show off its teeth.

Gohan reached behind him trying to find something else to throw when his hand wrapped around the hilt of his sword. "Get away from me!" He noticed that what was in his hand was not a rock and looked at it, confused for a moment before jumping back and away from the crocodile.

He swung the sword at it, missing completely and told the reptile once again to get away from him. Then there was a roar and Gohan looked behind himself to see a saber tooth coming towards him. He screamed again and turned in a different direction to run. "Wouldn't you guys rather have a bowl of cereal for breakfast instead of me?!"

The saber tooth jumped on top of the crocodile then jumped back off, hoping to slow it down. Gohan was jumping up rocks until he reached the top of a hill that had a huge bird on it.

The tiger reached the hill top a moment later and tried to bite Gohan but instead bit the bird. Both animals screeched and the bird grabbed onto Gohan, taking off into the sky.

Not a minute after their take off a pterodactyl came flying towards the screeching at the bird threateningly. Gohan screamed as talons came toward him before he was dropped by the bird so it could fight off the dinosaur.

The Saiyan landed in a sand dune, sliding to the bottom and was quickly sucked in. "Help me!"

~With Vegeta~

Vegeta had left the gravity room late last night, having sensed the energy spike and deciding to check it out but it ended so quickly that he decided to just stop his training and visit Raditz and the boys.

Now it was the day after and he was in bed, trying to get in touch with Kakarott.

{Kakarott, can you hear me?}

A moment later he felt his mate joining the connection. {'course I can Vegeta. How are you?}

Vegeta couldn't help himself, sighing in relief when he heard Kakarott's voice. {I'm alright, everyone here is fine.}

{I'm glad you're all fine. I'm terrible!} Kakarott said, exaggerating.

{What is it now Kakarott?} Vegeta said exasperatedly.

{I have got to get some food in my system! I mean really, what do I have to do to get a burger?!}

Vegeta rolled his eyes, starting to get out o bed. {Kakarott,}

{Yes Vegeta?}

{You're so…}

{Indescribable?} Vegeta could hear the smile in Kakarott's voice and decided not to say what he was going to say.

{Of course Kakarott.}

The other Saiyan laughed at him.

~With Gohan~

Gohan had landed on a pile of sand in some kind of cave. He sat up, but the moment he moved he slid down the sand and landed with a thud on the ground.

He looked around and noticed the pictures on the walls. "This place is weird and those pictures on the wall…look like something from my history books."

Gohan started walking, not paying attention to his feet. Not three steps later he tripped on a rock on and fell face first. He looked and screamed at what he saw, making the unstable building shake.

When he was far enough away from the thing he stopped to really take it in.

It was a large round robot and it seemed to be offline. "Wow, what's this doing out here in the middle of nowhere?" He walked over to and studied it, seeing some buttons e touched one and the robot started making noise. Gohan backed away from it.

Suddenly there was a voice from the robot. "Who goes there? Who took me out of standby mode?"

Gohan gaped at it. "Oh my gosh it's talking."

"Who are you? What do you want?" The robot asked harshly. Gohan took another step back. "Um, my name is Gohan sir."

"Well Gohan, keep your voice own! What are you trying to do?! Bury us in sand?"

Gohan looked up, the cave had shaken again and sand was coming from the ceiling.

Gohan cupped his hands in front of his mouth, whispering this time. "My name is Gohan."

"I heard you the first time." The robot snapped.

There was silence for a second before Gohan chose to speak. "What are you doing here?"

"That is none of your business. Now put me back in standby mode and get out of here."

Gohan looked around slowly before looking back at the robot. "But, there's no way out."

"Except for the trail right behind me," The robot said sarcastically.

Gohan looked up and behind the robot, eyes widening at the sight of the trail up and above the robot. The young Saiyan smiled brightly already starting to climb on top of the robot and get on the trail. "Wait."

Gohan turned back to the robot. "Huh?"

"Aren't you forgetting something?"

"Oh yeah," Gohan knelt down and pushed the button to turn the robot back off. "Thanks for everything."

Gohan ran up the trail laughing and sliding down the rocks but stopped himself when he couldn't see the ground anymore.

Turns out the trail led to a gorge. "I can't even see the bottom," Gohan said shaking. He ran back onto the trail and into the cave, turning the robot back on immediately. "Mr. Robot, Mr. Robot, I can't-"

"Stop yelling!" The robot said seriously. "Don't you remember what I told you?"

Gohan put his hands on the glass dome of the robot. "I said I can't make it down from here."

"That isn't my problem so put me back in standby mode and get out of here. Thanks have a nice day." The robot said the last part in a mock cheerful voice.

Gohan felt the tears coming from his eyes. "But I can't get out of here all by myself! I can't!"

"Stop yelling!" The cave was shaking again. Gohan put his hands on the glass dome again and stayed close to the robot, shaking in fear. "Now stop doing that or you'll bury us both. I told you how you can get out of here so I don't know what your problem is. What are you? Some sort of crybaby? Don't you realize if you don't get out of here now you'll be buried forever? Get out of here."

A piston shot up on the robot's head and his eyes got brighter for a moment as the cave started to shake.

Gohan's eyes started to water and he looked down defeated. "Put me back in standby mode and get out of here now. I've wasted too much energy on you and your problems." Gohan walked over and turned the robot back off. When the lights were completely dark he put his hands on the glass dome and let the tears spill over. Then he moved away and sat against a column, staring at the robot whimpering.

'This is the worst. I'm stuck in this cave forever. Mr. Piccolo will never find me and he probably won't tell Papa because he won't want to get in trouble and that means I'll never see Papa or Daddy or Goten or Trunks or Bulma or Mr. and Mrs. Briefs ever again.' He realized he could no longer keep the promise to his father to protect his Papa and brothers. He shook his head in self loathing, wrapping his arms around himself. 'I'm sorry Daddy.'

Gohan pushed the button to turn the robot back off and sighed, sitting back down and leaning against the robot, a little more alert now.

Before he could fall asleep, an idea popped into his head. He turned the robot back on, not listening as it complained, and took off his sword.

"What are you doing?" The robot said suspiciously. Gohan smiled. "I'm digging you out."

"I don't need your help, I can leave whenever I want."

Gohan chuckled. "You might not need my help, but I need yours." As Gohan continued to dig, the cave began to shake but he barely noticed, having already dug out one of the robot's arms.

"Stop it! You're causing a cave in!" Then a rock landed beside Gohan, making him fall over in shock. He looked up to see a pillar about to fall on top of his head but before it could crush him the robot caught it. Gohan stayed frozen. "Move, I can't hold this thing forever! You must leave now! Use the trail I told you about!"

Gohan stood up, starting to dig the robot out again. "I can't just leave you here."

"You have to or you'll be buried here forever!" Gohan kept digging. "Gohan please, climb over me to the path! This is your last chance."

Gohan finally stopped and nodded, climbing over the robot and to the path.

The robot turned slightly after a moment. "Now, jump out as far as you can."

Gohan stood still at the end of the trail, staring out at the gorge. He started to shake at the thought of it. He tried to prepare himself to jump but instead he just turned and ran back into the cave. "I can't do it!"

"Have you lost your mind?!" The robot yelled at him, no longer caring for the cave's stability.

Gohan tried to respond but only screamed as he saw a snake. It jumped at him but the robot knocked it away before t could touch the boy, the pillar he'd been holding in that hand began to fall but he stopped it before it could completely crush him.

"Gohan, I stopped the pillar but now you're trapped…listen to me carefully. I need you to reach inside my head and connect the blue wire to the red wire. They're both in front. This will transfer all of my reserve energy into my power cells."

Gohan's mind was still catching up to his racing heart so he ended up just looking at the robot confused.

When the robot realized the boy wasn't moving he yelled at him. "Hurry, this place is coming down fast."

Gohan quickly found the wires and put them together, backing away from the robot. It started climbing out of the hole it had been stuck in and lifting the pillar higher. Then he pulled it out of the hole to the trail and threw it across the cave, grabbing Gohan the next instant. "Ready Gohan?"

"Ready for what?" Gohan stuttered. The Gohan stood still for a minute, just watching the child, before throwing him through the hole to the trail.

The young Saiyan screamed as he was thrown across the gorge but grabbed onto the cliff as soon as he was near it. He pulled himself up and looked back down at where he had once been.

The cave was completely collapsing on itself. "Mr. Robot!" He called out desperately. He started to jump down using the new rocks form the collapsed cave. (A/N-Seriously? The darn robot has to die before you find these "rocks"?)

"Mr. Robot?" He called, once he reached the bottom. He looked around and saw the robot buried under some rubble. "It's all, my fault." He said, getting on his knees beside it. "I'm sorry."

"G-Gohan, throwing that pillar drained all of my power cells. I will be gone soon." Gohan started trying to dig out the robot. "Come now Gohan, that won't do any good."

"Don't go." Gohan begged.

"Remember what I told you Gohan. You have to learn to take care of yourself and be strong." His lights started to flash signaling his failing power. "No more standby mode." He said sadly. "It's time to shut down." His lights flashed for the last time as he shut off.

Tears fell freely from Gohan's face as he mourned the machine. He stood up and started walking in a different direction and not turning back.

'I don't know how I'm going to survive out here…but I have to try."

~With Kakarott~

Vegeta ad decided to spend some time with the boys and Raditz before he started training so Kakarott let him go to focus on the children.

'Man, I'm so hungry, I could eat a…a…" Then he ran past a large cloud. 'Hm, I wonder what cloud taste like.'

Moments later Kakarott decided that he could no longer take his hunger or his curiosity as to what the clouds tasted like so he stopped on the Way and started eating. Soon he had eaten so many that it actually began to inflate his stomach. "Wow, that was great."

He patted his stomach before getting up and starting on the Way again. {Hey Vegeta, guess what I just ate?}

~Days Later With Gohan~

Gohan had just caught a fish to cook for dinner(A/N-you guys know those huge piranha fish?).'This is harder to take to the cave than it was to catch.'

He started making his way away from the river and toward the cave he had found shelter in since the robot died.

He stopped when he noticed fruit in a tree. He climbed it until he reached the branches, and then picking some fruit. He saw a snake but instead of screaming and moving away, he slowly made his way closer to it and moved it to another branch.

He smiled at the fruit, stuffing some into his shirt before biting into one. Then he noticed the storm clouds and decided it was about time for him to start making his way to the cave again.

Gohan tried to climb down but lost his footing and ended up falling and squishing most of the fruit in his shirt. "Ow," He started to push himself onto his knees when he heard thunder. He bolted upright and started to the cave, a bit faster than earlier.

~In the Cave~

Just before he reached the cave, Gohan realized he had hurt himself and was bleeding slightly. Then, the young Saiyan noticed the leaves growing near his cave and realized that his father had used it once before to help him with a cut.

When he was in the cave he started to wet it with the water still drying from his clothes and mash it into a thick green liquid. "I never thought I'd have to do this by myself one day."


One day, while Gohan was still 3, I was decided that the Saiyans should take a camping trip.

Trunks and Goten were left in the loving care of Mr. and Mrs. Briefs. After Vegeta was sure everything was completely set so if they needed something, it was there, Gohan, Kakarott and he all set out to the forest.

Everything had been going fine during the trip until they were setting up camp and Gohan had skinned his knee trying to help.

The young Saiyan started crying, fearing for his life, when Kakarott had found some leaves used to help with cuts around the campsite.

Vegeta had been trying to settle his son down, attempting to convince him that his life was not at risk, but Gohan kept crying that he was terribly hurt.

"Well, we know who he takes after, Kakarott." Vegeta said, smirking at his mate. Kakarott turned to stick his tongue out before getting back to his leaf.

" I'm done." Kakarott turned to his son. "Alright Gohan, give me your knee."

The boy sniffed and sat in Vegeta's lap, slowly sticking out his leg. Kakarott applied a bit of the herb onto the boy's knee but Gohan pulled away screaming and turning to bury himself in Vegeta's chest.

"No Daddy, it hurts!" He clutched Vegeta's shirt and wrapped his tail around his waist.

Vegeta glared at his mate but Kakarott only smiled at his son. "I know it stings Gohan, but it'll help, I promise."

Gohan turned back to Kakarott, sniffing again but not moving away from Vegeta. Finally the flame haired Saiyan took off his gloves and took the herb from his mate, looking own to his son. "Would it be better if I put it on Gohan?"

The young Saiyan nodded, offering his leg. Vegeta smirked at the pout he noticed on his mate's face but focused on his task putting one hand on Gohan's stomach and moved the other to apply the herb.

He yelped when his father applied it but Vegeta used the hand on Gohan's stomach to keep him in place.

After he was done and Gohan's crying turned into small whimpers, he smiled down at the young Saiyan, hugging him close. "Now, that's a brave Saiyan. Wouldn't you agree Kakarott?"

Kakarott winked at Gohan. "Yep, I know I'd still be crying about it."

Vegeta rolled his eyes. "Oh we all know that Kakarott." He and Gohan laughed at the look on Kakarott's face.

Soon the mood had lightened once again and they were all enjoying themselves.

~Flashback is Over~

Tears started to well up in Gohan's eyes but he refused to cry about a good memory. He moved to put some of the herb on his finger. "Well, here goes."

He applied some to the scratch on his arm and winced but continued to rub it in. 'I wonder what Papa and Daddy would say if they saw me.'

He almost smiled as he imagined their reactions, unaware of the eyes that watched him from behind…

Amaterasu Masami-Ooh spooky cliff!

Piccolo-I have to commend you Amaterasu, over a thousand words in less than an hour. Congrats.

Amaterasu Masami-Thanks, this part'll have to be short because it's almost my bedtime and yes, all future rulers of the world have bed times.

Piccolo-I should know. Yes I have a bed time.

Amaterasu Masami-Awesome. Anyway, thanks for sticking with it you guys! Love you much. I won't even try to promise faster reviews just know that the next chapter will be here.

Piccolo-See you all soon.

Amaterasu Masami-What did I just say?! Oy, buh bye now, oh and vote on my poll or…or you'll get the herb on your next cut.
