Title: The Perfect man
Pairing: McKono all the freakin way y'all! my OTP is so perfect.
Disclaimer: blah blah blah not mine. Though Steve is mine in my dreams. Except Maggie,she's mine.
Spoilers: None

A/N: I know I haven't finished my other McKono fic,I will no worries,but I had to post this one :). Biggest GIGANTIC hugs to my LJ beta,rebel, for taking her time to do this for me,especially on Christmas Eve.


I know it sounds stupid, crazy even, but when I was younger I used to make a special list to find my perfect man; all he had to have for me to love him forever. I stopped doing that when I had my first boyfriend, since he had none of the qualities that I considered "special" on my list. I started it up again when we broke up, added a few things here and there. I kept that list for when I met my other boyfriend, which didn't work out either. Under my friend's request, I redid the list. I don't know why I did it really, since last time I checked it I felt that there was no way in hell I was going to find the perfect man on this planet.

"C'mon Kono, show us!" Maggie, my very best friend on the Island, laughed as she held the drink in her hands; she was very much drunk at this point.

"It's ridiculous. Besides, this was just part of my younger self," I say, laughing along with her.

It was a fantastic Friday night, the perfect Friday night I might say. There was nothing better than spending time with my best friends, with a few drinks in hand, laughing and telling jokes, reminiscing of what we used to be before each of us made a whole new life. We barely got together now that we all had jobs, and every time these reunions were coming closer, one of us got called to work. That "one" being me most of the time.

"I'm pretty sure you know it by hand, don't you?" Lena said, the only married man in the group, who claimed she married her perfect man.

"Actually I do," I laugh a little, take a sip of my drink and prepare to recite the perfect man's list "Okay, so this guy has to know how to play guitar, 'cause I want a serenade once in a while obviously. He has to love kids, because I want to have one or two. He has to know how to surf. And he has to be cute, not the Brad Pitt type of guy, he has to be handsome and sweet. He also has to know when to save me and know how independent I can be."

"All of this applies to?" Maggie says smiling mischievously. I know what she is getting at - Steve. We always come to the same conclusion, that he's the perfect guy for me or the fact that I have the biggest crush on him and I happened to reveal it to her in one of our drunken nights. Biggest mistake ever.

"Nobody," I reply, completely ignoring her stupid grin.

"You're lying to yourself if you think you will find someone THAT perfect," Maggie says. "It's ridiculously impossible."

"I told you, I was young when I wrote this!"

"Well, you won't find a man with all of those qualifications but you can at least think about one. Right?"


"And you already said Steve can surf?"

"Why do we always end up talking about Steve?"

"Because you're so madly in love with him!"

"I am not!"

"I think you are," Lena speaks this time, taking a short sip of her drink. "The way you even say his name, the way you blush each time WE mention his name gives you away!"

"I told you, I HAD a crush on him when I first started working with them, but now I don't."

"Of course you don't. You LOVE him now!" Maggie laughs loudly, proving she had been very close to being wasted.

"Can we stop talking about him, please?" I complain, already feeling uncomfortable with my boss being mentioned, especially since that will create a distraction in the morning.

"You gotta accept that even though he doesn't fit your perfect man's list, he is pretty much the ideal man for you to hook up with. You can't deny it."

There was no need for me to say how ridiculously right she is. Steve was perfect to every single girl's eyes, even me. I wasn't ready to say how I felt about Steve to my friends yet so I kept saying it was just a crush, something that could happen to anyone, but to me this was way more than that. I didn't need a list to tell myself how perfect he was. I love him. I guess if he didn't fit that list he would definitely be my number one option.