Chapter 24: Always Another Challenge on the Horizon
Yellow groaned loudly, hugging her knees. Her whole body ached like it had been broken into pieces and recklessly placed back together. She could feel the soft feel of the earthy ground and natural grass. There were chirps and squeaks of Pokemon nearby. It took her a moment to recognize the familiar sounds. A group of Butterfree were flapping their wings, on their way north to avoid the incoming heat. Several Beedrill were buzzing near their hives, protecting them from any intruder that overstepped into their territory. Somewhere else, she could feel the fear of a Caterpie and Weedle trying their hardest to outrun a hungry Pidgey. It went for the Weedle, which was fortunate for both because Pidgey accidentally tried grabbing Weedle by the sharp spike on its head. The Flying Pokemon flew away in pain, leaving the two Bug Pokemon in continuance of their journey.
Near where she was sleeping though, only Pikachu flocked. Probably twenty were surrounding her at the moment. She could instantly feel their thoughts and feelings. The distinct smell of Pikachu entered her nostrils. It brought back warm memories of Pika nuzzling under her shirt and dress.
"Oh crap, Red!" Yellow sat up randomly, scaring the Pikachu around her. She looked around, hoping to see her friends and family. Instead, she immediately recognized the environment. She was in Kanto somehow. To be precise, she was in the Viridian Forest. She could now hear Bug Catchers trying to catch what would be their first Pokemon.
"I need…to find…Red." Yellow tried getting up but her spaghetti legs refused to work. She could barely muster up any energy. When she tried to remember what had last happened, a flood of memories rushed over her. The events of the last few years came back. She was reliving Red's death, his unlikely revival, their departure into isolation with Xabat, the constant training and planning, the Resort…and it.
Her stomach hated her right then and there. She turned away, feeling the puke forcing itself out from her stomach. She spilled what must have been days of food all over the ground. Accompanying all her stomach had held, Yellow felt what little energy she had leave her. Her vision, initially blurry and unfocused, had just returned. It was now fading to darkness. "I'll just rest for a bit and then go look for everyone…" She muttered before losing consciousness.
Iris felt her body being shaken lightly. Her name was being called by someone she vaguely remembered. It was someone from her past…but she couldn't recall. All she knew was that she didn't want to wake up. Her body hurt all over and she just wanted to get some well-deserved rest. She had no idea why she considered it well-deserved but she knew something must have happened lately.
"Iris! Wake up, damn it. You're not even supposed to be in the region right now. Iris! Hello? Wake up!"
Iris pictured blue hair. She didn't know why. It belonged…to a female. No, to a woman. She was a friend, right?
"If Lance is the reason why you're sprawled out like that, nearly comatose, I swear I'll skin his balls and feed them to my Dragonite."
Iris sat up onto her knees. She had been lying face down in the middle of her favorite place. The shrine inside of the Dragon Den felt much brighter than she remembered. It may have had to do with the massive headache she had. "Why am I here?" she murmured.
The blue-haired woman sighed. "I've been trying to figure that out, dummy. You've been lying in a puddle of your drool for at least ten minutes. I was about to start kicking you to shake some life in you."
Iris cringed. She remembered her. Claire, the eighth and last gym leader in the Johto region, was an old friend and mentor of hers. She remembered the constant bruising she suffered under Clair's rigorous training.
"So? Do you know why you're here? Or where Lance is?"
Iris frowned. She couldn't actually recall. What had happened? The last thing she remembered was running and then…
"Oh, gross! Iris! This is my favorite workout outfit!"
She apologized repeatedly for randomly upchucking on Clair. "I wasn't expecting that."
Clair snorted in disgust. She started removing her outfit. "I wasn't either. Just how much did you drink?"
Iris rubbed her head. Her black hair was loose. "Actually, I was at a resort last time I checked. I…have no idea why I'm here. I just remember fearing for my life and some giant Pokemon trying to kill us all."
Clair was confused. "You were at the Pokemon Resort?"
Iris nodded.
"Iris…that's like a week trip from here."
The poor girl starting to stutter. She waited awhile before speaking. "I just remember thinking I was going to die. It made me realize how weak I am still."
Clair, now bare from her waist up, gave her a strange look. "I don't know what went down there but it must have been very humbling for a Champion to say that."
Juan smiled as he took a sip of his foreign wine. He had saved it for a special occasion. The recent repairs on the gym had been repaired. The last challenger, the only one in months to defeat him, had accidentally destroyed a wall during their battle.
Unlike regular gym days, Juan kept his attire simple though elegant. He had on a white buttoned-up dress shirt with black slacks over brand new black shoes. His gym's regular occupants were celebrating in the next room with champagne and cake.
It just seemed like a peaceful day. Until he noticed the man face down in his large pool arena.
Juan didn't hesitate in removing his shoes and silk socks. He quickly dived in to save the downing man. He didn't recognize him until he had him on his back. "Wallace? What are you doing here?"
"M-master? Oh Arceus I feel horrible. I might even…"
Juan quickly stood up and grabbed a bucket for Wallace. His former apprentice began hurling into it.
"Thank you." He muttered weakly.
"I'm surprised to see you in Hoenn, even more surprised that you're in our city."
Wallace nodded. "I have no idea why I'm here."
"Weren't you celebrating with your friends on some island?"
His questioned triggered a rush of memories. "Oh Arceus, yes I was. It doesn't explain why I'm here. When did we last talk?"
Juan frowned. "You called me yesterday before partying with your friends."
His statement sounded absurd to the Champion. "I…no it can't be. It took us several days to get to the island. I was there yesterday and apparently today too."
"You see why I'd be surprised then."
Wallace chuckled. "Yeah, apparently I teleported or something."
Juan clapped his hands together. "Specifics don't matter much right now. We have to get you dried up and fed. You look horrible."
Wallace groaned. His head was in pain. "I feel it."
Cynthia felt a cool hand rest on her forehead. The fingers were soft and gentle. The cold sensation was greatly welcomed with the fever she seemed to have.
"Don't worry, Cynthia. You are safe now." She heard someone whisper.
Cynthia opened her eyes slightly. They opened wide in shock when she recognized the villa she was in. Caitlin, the Master level Elite Four member in the Unova region, was sitting on the edge of the bed. She had a calm expression on her. She seemed a bit impatient though.
"I may have poked into your head a little with my Pokemon. I hope you won't mind. They're easing your body as we speak."
"Thank you."
Caitlin nodded. "Your stomach is about to try to empty itself. So…here." She handed her a pale bucket. "Let me know when you're done getting up. I'll be near the shore, playing with the sand."
The shore…just like Caitlin predicted, Cynthia emptied her stomach's contents into the bucket.
Once she was done puking, she cleaned herself up. She took her time getting up though. Her body felt like it went through hell. She wasn't sure how she was in Unova. She remembered what happened in the resort. She should be dead…but wasn't. "I guess I have some phone calls to make."
She made her way out of the villa and towards where Caitlin was. The long haired girl was digging her toes into the hot sand. It must have pleased her because she was giggling.
"Can I borrow your phone?" Cynthia asked. The fresh air was almost acidic to her nostrils.
Caitlin reached into the front top of her pink dress. She kept her phone clipped there for easy access. "I already tried calling most of your Champion buddies. It seems like their phones are currently unavailable. Yours seems to be reset."
Cynthia barely remembered she had a personal phone herself. She reached into her back pocket and pulled out the device. Like Caitlin had mentioned, her phone seemed to lack all her numbers and information. "That is weird."
Caitlin nodded. "I was also surprised because you aren't wearing your hair clips."
Cynthia quickly reached for her hair. She realized that her hair was loose. "I didn't even notice."
"I figured." She muttered in response.
Cynthia began to remember her actions in her last fight. "I need to train."
Caitlin shrugged. "Go ahead. You're always welcome here anyway. I'd rest a bit first. You must be famished."
Stella screamed at the top of her lungs. Amber, who was next to her, cringed in pain. "Calm down, Stella!"
The confused girl stopped her screaming and scanned the area. "Where are we?"
Amber groaned. Her skull felt like it would crack in two. "I have no idea. Weren't we all on the island?" She noticed Stella turn a little green. "What's wrong?"
"I-I feel very nauseous."
"I…do too actually. Wow, well I guess that sucks. We might as well eat some limes." She pointed to a nearby tree. "They help with the nausea."
Stella stood up slowly. "Can you help me reach them? I think I'm too short for them."
Amber smiled at the innocent and shy girl. "I'll get them for you. I'm going to get quite a few for myself. It feels like I got hammered last night. I don't know how we go-" Amber then noticed the round belly Stella had. "Holy crap, Stella, you're pregnant!"
Stella was shocked at her outburst. She followed her friend's eyes, stopping at what she had felt was off. Her belly was swollen, sticking out quite a bit. She had no idea why her stomach was that big. "I've never even had sex with a boy!"
Amber groaned. She quickly reached for her Pokemon and released them all. "Guys! Please tell me you have more answers than we do."
You two have been asleep for a few days. We were unable to get out. You do NOT know how stale and irritating it is to be in a Pokéball for so long.
Stella frowned. We've been asleep for days?
Espeon stared at her in shock. She looked at Amber, hoping for an explanation. She then relayed her shock directly to Amber.
"Um since when can you talk telepathically, Stella?"
Stella was confused. "What are you talking about?"
You spoke to me telepathically.
Stella was surprised. I did? Oh crap! I am!
Amber couldn't understand their situation. "So one moment we're about to die from some huge monster. The next, you're a pregnant telepath, and I'm…" She lifted her shirt. "I'm in much better shape than I was. Holy shit I'm hot. And we've been asleep for a few days. What the fuck is go-"
Both girls were then forced onto their knees. They immediately began to hurl.
Espeon rolled her eyes. You should have gone for the limes while you had the chance.
Amber glared at her. "Shut up. You're not helping."
Stella tried standing but lost her balance. She was helped by Espeon's Psychic.
"You have to be extra careful, Stella. I have no idea whose baby that might be but you should be cautious anyway."
Tears began pouring from her eyes. "Amber, I'm scared."
Amber pushed her long hair back and fixed her glasses. She wrapped her arms around her terrified friend. "Don't cry, Stella. We'll find a solution to this. You'll be back to Samantha in no time."
Stella nodded. She wiped her tears away and took a deep breath. "We should probably look for some food."
Her companion agreed. "Guys, can you lend us a hand. We're screwed if we wander aimlessly."
Gengar was the first to respond. He dashed forward and returned quickly with various fruits Amber could recognize. "You're awesome, Gengar. Eat as much as you want, Stella. You're eating for two now." She paused. "Arceus, I hope it's only two."
Stella turned green again. She looked ready to puke.
"Here, this should help with your stomach."
The young girl eagerly took the limes. Espeon helped her cut them in half so she could suck on them.
Amber sighed. "I really hope we aren't the only humans on this place." She whispered low enough for Stella not to overhear. She knew the girl was going through a lot as it was.
Lance groaned. His head hurt like hell. It felt like it was shattered to pieces and barely put together.
"You're going to want to puke in a bit." Red told him.
"What are you- oh fuck!"
Red chuckled. "I told you."
Once Lance was done puking, he checked their surroundings. There was a light layer of snow everywhere. He could actually see clouds only a few feet higher than their location.
"This is the very same mountain." Red stated.
Lance nodded. "I remember it perfectly."
Red looked up. "We're actually not that far from the peak." He shivered. "I am not prepared for the weather even here. Arceus, it must be freezing up there."
"Why are we here? This is close to Kanto. We were nowhere near this place."
Red sighed. "Xabat had one last ace in the hole just in case everything went into flames. We weren't necessarily sure it would work but apparently its power was amplified by the thousand year wait."
Lance just gave him a confused look.
"Xabat's last wish to Jirachi is the reason we aren't dead. I can guess that our friends are safe too, though in pain."
"You seem to be fine." Lance commented.
Red shrugged. "I went through vigorous training after I was brought back. It seemed that my body no longer had the worked-in instincts I spent years developing. I actually came here a few times. I was training nonstop for years. Our little revival hurt but I'm okay."
Red nodded. "We technically all died. I'll admit, it was less painful than landing on a giant rock and getting impaled straight into the heart. It is worse that I was still alive for a few minutes." Red paused. "Even though I was revived and all, I still have those memories as the last memories before seeing Yellow and Xabat again. They are...very vivid."
Lance cringed. "I had looked all over you that day."
"I figured you would. I guess Harold got to me before you could. It was horrible weather. I don't blame you for not finding me."
"I…always blamed myself. I had a long time to think about it, but I still do."
Red put his hand on his shoulder. "The situation was outside of your control. It's okay." He waited a moment before letting go. He took a few steps away, glancing at the clouds. "We should leave right about now. A storm is approaching."
"Why did you do it?" Lance blurted out.
Red stopped. "What?"
Lance felt emotions rush up inside of him. "Why did you want to die?"
Red took a pause. He thought carefully about his answer. It was something he hadn't thought about much since his revival. "Samantha and I had started forming a romantic relationship, before I got with Yellow obviously, that ended up getting too one-sided. It was never official so I just slowly started treating her more like a friend rather than a lover. I eventually ended seeing Yellow as more than a companion. However, Samantha never fully got over it. She had become obsessed with me, to the point where…she offered her first time to me."
Lance's jaw dropped. "You didn't take advantage of her, did you?"
Red stayed quiet. Lance didn't hesitate in punching him squarely on the jaw.
"I never should've let myself do that to her. I knew how she felt about me. I just…couldn't resist the look in her eyes that night. We had so much in common. We're both great battlers who live for battling. Our connection with our Pokemon is sublime. She actually challenged me to do better, helping however she could. That's something Yellow never could. She's much more passive with me." He rubbed his bruised jaw. "Yellow knows what happened by the way. She tried talking to Samantha but it seems that the poor girl blocked out the event from her memory."
Lance frowned. "Why would she do that?"
Red sighed. "I told her how amazing she was as a person and as a friend. I told her how much I cared for and loved her but that I couldn't love her the way she wanted me to. She was more like family to me. She agreed and wanted to go back to friends. I was surprised by her level of maturity over it. She even made me promise to tell Yellow. She knew her actions could affect our friendship and happiness so she would handle any hurt feelings that occurred. I left with her smiling and telling me that I should try to be more assertive with Yellow. This was around when Yellow and I had barely seen each other for a few months. Even though I did cheat on her, it made us a much better couple. I ended up realizing that Yellow and I didn't both have to be assertive and trying to push each other. We had our own way of showing support and affection."
He shifted his gaze to his hands. "I never got over the fact that Samantha forcefully blocked out the memory. I know she was only eleven at the time but she seemed much older. She was wiser than me. I'll never forgive myself for taking advantage of that child I used to babysit. I might only be a few years older but I should've known better. I know my effect on her was still strong. I guess all her feelings for me were bottled up. She decided to go for Kanto Champion and the other titles. Around the same time, she and I met Xabat as the leader of his organization. I only slightly got involved. I barely had time for it. Samantha though, she became his protégé. He pushed her harder than I or her family ever could. She rose through his ranks, becoming one damn good spy. I know she had to do some wicked things for the sake of protecting mankind and Pokemon. I just pretended not to notice how empty she seemed. She pretended to be happy and joyful…but she was really suffering inside. Her breakdowns are signs of that. I couldn't bear the guilt of what I had caused. She was one of my closest friends. "
Lance started to understand. "You felt like you robbed her of a regular life."
Red snorted. "Her family did that for her. I just happened to be the icing on the cake. I was so ecstatic when I heard she found the short blond girl. Maybe she'll actually have a chance at happiness." He tried to remove his cap, remembering he had given it to Samantha. "It won't be right away though. I know Samantha. Her desire was probably to send the poor girl somewhere far away. She would still be in danger around Samantha. I'm also expecting her to turn herself in to her cousins."
"Won't they kill her?!" Lance was alarmed.
Red just shook his head. "They need her alive. There are several witnesses to show that she was alive on the resort. If she was discovered to be dead, they would be hung from their loins and burnt in view of the Sinclair elders. They want to punish Samantha but she is still Sinclair blood. Of course, they'll probably torture Samantha until she agrees to plead guilty. Samantha would never do it though."
Lance nodded. "Samantha has bigger balls than the dinosaur you fought."
Red gave him a surprised look before bursting into laughter. "I don't want to know why you were focused on his genitals."
Lance turned red in embarrassment. "I just happened to see them. I wasn't trying to watch them."
Red kept laughing. He slowly stood up and stretched. "Well, we might as well head to Xabat's base. He'll probably be there soon if he isn't there already. I'm not ready to go back into the public. Want to battle with lots of strong Pokemon?"
Lance grinned. "I really do."
Red chuckled. "Remember, I said battle. Not wrestle." He released Charizard and hopped onto his back.
It took Lance a moment to understand his comment. "Shut up, Red! Just lead the way!"
The resort's shore seemed much more desolate with half of its occupants gone. Only four remained on the Champions' side: Eon, Lucy, Xabat, and Samantha. Everyone else was still on the opposite side. All of them were on the floor though. Samantha and Eon were the first ones to get up.
"I'm assuming this was your handiwork, Xabat?" Samantha muttered. There was a strong ache in the back of her head. She stumbled to rise to her feet.
Next to her, Eon was struggling to get up as well. He seemed ready to fall over again. Xabat was still face down next to them, cringing.
"I have no idea how you two are up already. I don't think I've been in this much pain before. Dear Arceus, I can't imagine how Red must feel, having to go through this twice now."
Eon chuckled at Xabat. "Samantha and I are used to a lot of physical discomfort."
Samantha rolled her eyes. "You seem ready to puke."
Xabat nodded, puking himself. "It's one…of the side effects."
The two shrugged it off. "We have more pressing matters. Where are our friends?"
"Well…if things went according to plan, their last desire came true. I'm guessing most of them are in their home country. They probably wanted to go home."
Samantha bit her lip. "Our last desire…"
"Wouldn't you want to be with Stella?" Eon asked.
Xabat frowned. "You sent her away, didn't you?"
Samantha nodded.
"You've…already made up your mind."
She chuckled. "I'm supposed to be the mind reader."
Eon looked at the two of them. "What are you two talking about?"
Lucy groaned with life. She gripped Eon's leg for support. He didn't hesitate to pick her up into his arms, barely realizing that he had all of his strength back. "How are you feeling?" He whispered. She gave him a weak smile.
Xabat spoke up, attracting their attention. "Samantha, now knowing that Stella is somewhere far from here, can turn herself in. She has no reason to run. If she does, things get much more complicated again. She has someone she could lose. Back then it was just you guys and her family couldn't do anything about it. Stella though, is just a regular person. If she happened to disappear one day, it wouldn't be such a big impact to society. Right, Samantha?"
Samantha nodded.
On the other side of them, their company began to stir with life. Slowly, each individual stood up, emptied their stomachs, and cautiously rose to their feet.
William and Matthew were first to speak. "I'm not sure what happened or why we aren't dead but things haven't changed."
"I know." Samantha simply stated.
The Chairman interrupted their conversation. He had walked over to Eon and Lucy, close enough so that the Sinclair duo couldn't overhear. "I have a request for the Johto Champion!"
Eon was taken aback. "Yes?"
"You and your group were accused of Poképhilia, correct?"
"We are guilty of it." Eon admitted.
"Are you the sole writer of the alleged bible of Poképhilia?"
Eon shook his head. "It's more of a group thing."
"And your mate, is she your wife?"
Eon and Lucy was shocked.
"I may be old but I am not stupid. I'll take your stunned silence as a yes. Now, for my next question, I want your answer, Lucy. Your relationship with Eon, has it caused any major discomfort for you?"
Lucy smirked. "Well the pregnancy hurt a bit."
The Chairman waited.
Lucy frowned at the man. "No, I love Eon dearly and he feels the same. We are no different from any human couple. If anything, our love is much stronger. We connect more than any other couple could."
The Chairman nodded. "I am not a fan of what you two have done. I know that Kanto specifically hates it. My friends at the Johto area told me about your situation though and I'll keep it to myself. As for what transpired on this island, it is still illegal. I can't condone those acts. However…I know the feedback your book brought. There is a growing following for the practices it tries to explain. If…someone could expand on it on a much grander level…maybe you two wouldn't have to hide your true relationship."
Eon was shocked. "Are you…willing to help us legalize Poképhilia?"
The Chairman shook his head vigorously. "I never said or acted in a way that shows my approval of such acts. But…I know that the Pokemon League would not be against legalization if all of the research is funded by them and it helps solve the mysteries of Pokemon breeding. If the research happens to involve human interaction…" The Chairman shrugged. "It would be for the good of the Pokemon, right?"
Eon smiled. "It would be."
The Chairman nodded. "That's good to hear. Maybe you'll get a letter later on with more details." He walked back to the group of Pokemon League officials. "Men, we're done here. The Sinclair group have their own business. Ours has concluded. Prepare to depart as soon as possible." About half of their group turned to leave.
"Was that your desire, Eon?" Xabat asked.
He nodded. "It's the best chance for us." He whispered.
"Hey! Don't ignore us!" William yelled. He was red in the face.
"You've kept us waiting for too long. What is it going to be, Samantha?" Matthew demanded her answer.
There was no hesitation on Samantha's expression. She merely removed Red's cap from her head and placed it on Eon's. "I'm going."
Eon tried grabbing her wrist to stop her. She quickly shook him off. "Samantha, you don't have to do this."
Samantha retorted. "You really think I want to run away again? It's gone on long enough."
"They're going to crucify you."
Samantha shrugged. "They want a verbal confession before that." She gave him a strange look. It reminded him of the Samantha he met years ago. "It's not in my nature to give up."
"I'll do everything to help you, Samantha. Xabat and I have some pull. We could fin-"
"I want you to promise me two things, Eon."
"What is it?"
"The first, do not try to find me, to help me, or even rescue me. I do not want you to get involved." She began to walk towards her family members.
Eon gritted his teeth. "I don't know if I can do that."
"Lucy, make sure he can. I know Eon hates breaking promises."
Lucy nodded. She placed her hand on Eon's shoulder. "I'll keep him in line."
Samantha kept walking. She was already by William and Matthew. Each one placed a hand on her shoulder, afraid she might run away. That wasn't an option for her.
"What…is the second thing, Samantha?"
Samantha paused briefly. She turned slowly, revealing a genuine smile. "Make your Johto Elite Four."
The comment sounded bizarre during their situation. "What are you talking about?"
"I plan to survive my family. When I do…well we need to have our rematch. It won't be fitting without the Elite Four challenge. So make your other dream true. I'll…be waiting." She turned away from them. "Well guys, time to head home…"
Eon clenched his jaw. Every fiber of his being wanted to save Samantha but he knew he truly couldn't. He would bear it. Instead, he grinned. "I'll make the best, damn Elite Four possible. You better be prepared for the biggest challenge in your life!"
He could feel Samantha smile. And it crushed him. She was already boarding their ship.
Lucy was by his side, holding him close. "We should probably leave too."
Xabat walked up to them. "I have a personal plane. Would you like to join me?"
Lucy smiled. "Do you have room for three passengers?"
Xabat raised an eyebrow. "Is there someone else?"
Lucy grinned. "I think I made a weird request myself."
Suddenly, a large black shadow landed behind her. It slowly stretched to its full size, standing menacing behind her. Its red eyes gleamed in the morning light.
"It's finally conscious. Well she is finally conscious." She turned to Eon. "Don't get any weird ideas."
Eon's face turned red. "I would never!"
She giggled and kissed him on the cheek. "I'm just kidding, love."
The black Lugia began to shift into a human form. Unlike Lucy, she was much smaller. She stood slightly over five feet with waist length black hair. She had the curves of a blossoming teenager entering womanhood. Based on her looks, she couldn't be older than sixteen. Her small frame was wrapped around with a thin, tight black dress. Her tiny, perky nipples stood out lightly from the thin fabric. She was wearing nothing underneath.
"What…would you…call me?" The young girl murmured.
Lucy frowned. "It is your name. You should choose it."
Lucy smiled. "It's a beautiful name."
"I want to travel." Vida stated.
Eon laughed. "Well you are free now. You can do whatever you want."
Vida nodded. She went over to Lucy and gave her a big hug. "I cannot thank you enough for what gift you've given me. I'll…see you again someday."
She let go and stepped back quite a bit. Her body shivered as her first transformation into her Pokemon state began. Her body turned completely black. She started to grow rapidly into her majestic form. Once done, she gave her savior a nod before flapping her large wings. She didn't hesitate at all as she flew away to her future.
"So that's all of our desires being brought to fruition, except one." Eon stated.
He turned to Xabat, waiting for an answer. Xabat looked away. "I fear I may have wasted years of searching. I…may have sent the beast somewhere else out of fear."
"Where is it though?"
Xabat sighed. "It's somewhere in the middle of the last uncharted areas of the world map."
"Do you plan on going there first?"
Xabat shook his head. "I need to go to Johto."
Lucy chuckled. "Well I guess I have to take back my earlier statement. We're back to two extra passengers."
"What will you do next, Xabat?" Eon asked.
"Probably the same thing I've been doing for years. I'll push for better treatment of Pokemon and their habitats. I'll see if I can somehow buy more land. I'll have to stumble upon the creature again. I…might have to find Stella myself. Samantha wouldn't send her anywhere with people; she would be in danger in any city or town. What about you two?"
Eon smiled. He wrapped his arm around his lovely wife. "We have big plans for the future in Johto."
Xabat smiled. "No point in stalling the future then."
The three headed towards the east side of the beach, to Xabat's plane.
Unbeknownst to those who fought for their ideals, there were two spectators that observed the whole ordeal. Not once did they intervene. The future of Pokemon and human relationships was in the hands of the present individuals. They would all be part of history in one way or another. The events would have to be recorded by someone. That someone was Eve.
The sixteen year old young woman stood next to her longtime friend and mentor, Mewtwo. The two had chosen an undisturbed building to watch every single event. The battling had finally stopped so the two focused on the departing members of the Sinclair family and the remaining Champion side allies.
"Are you satisfied with your curiosity?" Mewtwo asked.
Eve stayed quiet for a moment. She pulled up her scarf that concealed the lower half of her face. Her bright, piercing sapphire eyes sparkled with knowledge and power. They caught every detail that transpired. "I'm surprised by the outcome. I expected one side to come out unanimously victorious. It seems more like one side lost just a bit more than the other."
Mewtwo nodded. "Oftentimes, war has no true winner. The enemies of Poképhilia didn't stop the actions they meant to. They may have actually helped advance its legality in the future. As for the other side, they may have seemingly won. The truth though is that several of them are focusing more on having finally realized their weakness, whether it's their lack of power to protect themselves or others. In addition, the world has just lost one of its strongest trainers and one of its most innocent individuals, an innocence which will surely die. Even if both escape their current predicament, they will be far different than they are now. As for the people of the resort, Poképhilia has taken a big blow, at least in their minds. The resort, if repaired, will not recover as quickly as they hope. On the Pokemon side, we are either tools, weapons, allies, family, or just plain liabilities. It is never just one category; there will always be Pokemon being used the wrong way: our mistreatment didn't end here. We have however seen the destructive force and the miraculous wonders Pokemon, especially the Legendary type, can achieve."
Eve exhaled slowly. "I wanted to vacation here, if only for a little."
Mewtwo placed one of his paws on her shoulder. "Politics is not a world we wish to join yet. Someday, we will be ready. We won't struggle like those present here. Until that day comes, we train."
Eve nodded. She fixed the black cloak wrapped around her. Hers and Mewtwo's helped shield their power level from being discovered. "I wish to fight Samantha one day."
Mewtwo smirked. "That is a mountain even you cannot climb yet. Patience, my child. You have so much growth in you, as does she. Soon, our fates will cross. Whether we are friends or foes, we will be ready."
The two disappeared without a trace.
-Three Months Later-
Stella trudged slowly through the thick forest. Her naked form was covered sparsely by moist leaves, broken twigs, and mud. Her bare feet left small prints on the moist ground. She made sure to cover her tracks, wary of following enemies.
Is today the day? Stella smiled. She knew for sure it wasn't the day for her reunion. The question always came up though. It was probably her sanity reminding her of who she was. She always questioned herself about Stella. The name was hers but no longer felt like hers. She was just a young woman. Names were for those with hopes and dreams. She no longer had any. All she knew was the forest and survival. One wanted her dead and the latter she would accomplish.
But she was happy. All her needs were met. She only needed to concern herself with survival and she was very adept at that. The forest gave her shelter, food, water, and a sense of home.
Her belly growled. It brought a smile to her face again. I think I saw some Mago Berries earlier.
Stella began her walk back to the hidden Pokemon village, humming to herself. She knew the berries were on the way back. She would gather enough for her friends.
And enough for two, right? You are eating for two.
Stella giggled. An image of a blue haired girl came up in her mind. Her eyes were the ocean and her body an unbreakable pillar of light. She was her only hope. Tears ran down her cheeks though. She could not even vaguely remember the girl's name. But she loved her. She knew in her heart, she would see her again. She was willing to wait. She would put up with any suffering.
The juice will be worth the squeeze.
The innocent girl hummed even louder, feeling her spirit waver and her sanity regress. One hand stayed on her swollen belly, caressing the unborn child with no father.
-One Year After the Resort Incident-
"Red! Red! Is it true you are one of the architects to Division X, the newly reformed organization that has pushed the limits for Pokemon and human civilization?" The reporter asked with enthusiasm.
"Did you really die and come back or was all this staged for your return to the public?" Asked another reporter.
"Are you and Yellow aiming for a spring wedding?"
"Any word on the whereabouts of the exiled Sinclair princess?"
"What comment or opinion do you have for the unknown movements of all the current Champions?"
Red smiled. He was standing next to Yellow. They were holding hands as they stood by the large crowd of reporters. After years of working in the shadows, Xabat and Red had pulled for the whole operation to come out into the public. Now, they had a giant magnifying glass on them but their work was able to move much faster with the public behind their every move. "I'm happy to announce the expansion of Division X in the SPEARS organization. We are here to make life easier on our friends, our Pokemon, and for us. We have always known the struggle for coexistence. With the help of the general public and all of our supporters, we'd like to show how far we have progressed. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Dragan Park, the largest Pokemon reservation site in the world!"
The tall superman grinned from ear to ear as he walked towards his large home. His silver spiked hair was kept short but still swayed with the breeze. Next to him stood his beautiful partner and the love of his wife, Lucy. Her long, billowing hair followed the trail of the wind. Her body was glistening with the glow of the sunlight barely appearing over the horizon. Inside their home, their two children were busy playing around while preparing breakfast.
Lucy held Eon's arm, slowly turning him towards her. She gave him a sweet smile. Their icy, cool blue eyes linked together. "It's been a whole year."
Eon nodded. He caressed her cheek. "Soon, we will be ready to build Johto's future."
Lucy chuckled lightly. "Your son will want to join immediately."
Eon laughed with her. "I would love to have my son by my side. Alas, that would show too much favoritism. He would be stuck under my shadow anyway. No, his life will lead him down a different path. Maybe one day he'll take his old man's title."
A single boat waited patiently at the harbor. The yearly horrible storm was crashing large waves against the defenseless vessel. Every wave threatened to obliterate it, but it remained strong. Next to the pier stood a single person. He had donned a thick raincoat in preparation for the storm. It barely did any good. He was already drenched.
"Of all the days to do this, it had to be worst day of the year…" He muttered.
Lightning struck repeatedly in the surrounding area. He was almost fearful of getting shocked. The ride back would be his responsibility after all. His passenger was lousy with boats. They had to rendezvous with a larger ship anyway. He had to be the one to do the negotiations.
"Did I keep you waiting?" A female voice whispered from behind him. It was filled with amusement.
Xabat jumped. "Arceus! You seriously know how to make an entrance!"
She laughed loudly, nearly falling backwards. Her hood fell back, revealing her azure hair.
"Your hair looks lighter now." Xabat commented.
Samantha grinned. "It's probably my new attitude."
"So you…got out?"
She gave him a puzzled look. "I told you I would."
"But are you still in trouble?"
She shrugged. "Am I ever not in trouble?"
"Samantha…we can't handle a war against the Sinclair Family."
His concern made her laugh again. "I'm sorry. I should explain what happened. We don't really have time. They'll figure out I sneaked out. Let's go!"
Xabat sighed. "I'm going to regret this somehow, aren't I?"
Samantha gave it some thought. She was already on the boat, waiting for Xabat. "Just know that you aren't helping a fugitive. We aren't breaking any laws."
"Then why are we smuggling you out of the country?!"
Samantha laughed again. "Have I ever not left this country in some obscure, unorthodox way? Let's not break tradition!"
Xabat gave up. "Fine then, let's go."
"That's just what I wanted to hear. Onwards!"
Xabat pushed off from the pier. He grabbed the oars and tried with his best to paddle towards their next destination. The waves were very fierce though. He could barely make any progress.
Samantha rolled her eyes at him. "I have no idea why we are doing this. Change of plans." She reached into her shirt pocket and pulled out a Pokéball. Next to the boat materialized Swampert. The Pokemon felt at home in the water. "Jump on his back, Xabat."
Begrudgingly, Xabat obeyed. Swampert's moist, slimy body felt uncomfortable to him. Samantha seemed used to it.
With a slight nudge from Samantha, Swampert sped forward, nearly knocking Xabat off. "So where exactly do you want to head to?"
"We're going to Kalos first. Then, we are heading southwest from the region. I have something to do there. I won't be leaving that spot for about a year."
Xabat was surprised by her request. "What's in Kalos?"
Samantha flashed him the bracelet she had on her wrist. It glowed with a strange power. "I found out about the strange power my cousins had. It'll help for when we depart Kalos."
"Is that where Stella might be?"
Samantha lost her positive attitude for a moment. "Stella has been alone for about a year now. She may or may not be alive. A part of me knows she would survive. But I can't go for her right now."
"Why is that?"
"I can't really explain what happened when she left but…Mew is no longer with me. My guess is that Mew went with her. Which would mean Mew may have had her desire fulfilled."
Xabat's eyes widened. "Wait, I think you told me once what Mew truly desired."
Samantha's eye narrowed. "If I go save Stella, her life will be in danger because of Mew's instability. There's a theory that unsuccessful copies of Mew become Dittos. There's also a theory that Mew is the perfect stable life form; however, if that balance is shifted, Mew no longer remains the same. Stella is probably symbiotically linked to Mew, far more than I ever was. My presence will be too much of a stressor for her."
"Even if that's true, shouldn't you be present for what Stella is or already carried? Mew has the exact same DNA as you."
Tears ran down from her closed eyes. "You don't know how badly I'd like to see the face of my and Stella's child. But her instability will not resolve itself for another year. When it does…I'll be by her side again. I'll apologize for not being there for two whole years. And hope she'll take me back. Until then…I will become stronger. Without Mew, I am much weaker than I predicted. I could also revert to a Ditto."
Xabat gritted his teeth. "Had I known this would happen…"
Samantha cut him off. "You ended up saving us. If I have to wait two years to see my love and our child, I'll gladly wait for them, knowing full well I get to see her again."
"…if she survived." Xabat warned.
Samantha chuckled. "Stella may seem weak compared to us monsters but she has a lot of inner strength."
A ship appeared in the distance. It was around a hundred feet long and was about to depart.
"I guess we barely made it." Xabat muttered.
Samantha nodded. "Soon we'll be in Kalos. In one year…I'll see my love again."
Xabat hoped things would work out. "So when are you going to tell me exactly what happened this year?"
Samantha laughed. "That is a story for another day. Maybe I'll tell you in Kalos, maybe later. All that matters is what is to come."
"Alright, people! I want that banner up as fast as possible. We have guests coming in less than ten minutes. Remember to give them all the positive energy you've got. We had a rough patch but we're ready for business again!" Abigail Matthews shouted to her employees.
Leila Swellows, her next in command, wrapped an arm around her waist. "Can you believe it's been a whole year?"
"I really can. Dear Arceus, the rebuilding was much more expensive and took longer than I expected. It's all done now and we can do this right this time."
"Ma'am, the train will be arriving in five minutes." One of Abigail's employees notified her.
"Do you think the Champions will come back again?" Leila asked.
Abigail shrugged. "If they do or don't, I really don't care. I honestly prefer regular guests. We have about two months to regain all of our lost revenue."
Leila gave her a mischievous smile. "Once we break even and actually start making money, let's have our own little vacation."
Abigail grinned. "Why wait?"
The loud hiss of the train interrupted the employees around the port. They all gathered around to greet the new guests.
A large group of timid and nervous people began pouring out to the entrance of the area. They had no idea what to do now that they were off the train. All of them had bags or suitcases with them. They all stopped in front of the line of the resort's employees.
Everyone, including Abigail and Leila began their greeting. "Thank you for choosing the newly remodeled Pokemon Resort! We hope you enjoy your stay with us. Your happiness is our goal!"
It's been three years. But it's finally done. Of course, this is just the beginning. Samantha and Stella still have more adventures to come. The resort even has its own sequel, without any of the violence it once faced. Eon goes on to make his own Elite Four. I have no idea where that leaves him as I am not the original creator.
The fight for Poképhilia continues in Pokemon Researcher, a story I have ignored for far too long. It has ties to this story and to Samantha's future story so I hope y'all give it a chance, or another if you've read what has been written so far.
I know this isn't the best of endings. But it was the ending intended since the beginning. An ending with many beginnings. It's the foundation for several stories to come., stories I plan to write.
I am aware of the hiatuses from many great writers here and I nearly fell to the same fate. But I'm sticking around for a while longer. Too many tales to tell.
I want to thank all of my readers, those who reviewed and those who didn't. Every chapter I posted was filled with views and it inspired me to write more. And even when I disappeared after my computer broke, I still had readers. Those readers pushed me to keep writing. Even if it was a bit by bit, I wanted to write more. So thank you.
I also want to thank Lord Lucious. I loved his guide and he created one of the main fighters in Pokemon Resort. Eon, his character, impressed me so much that it reshaped the story midway through. Lord has been there since the beginning. His enthusiasm for his stories and his characters kept me going too.
In the end, this story is dedicated to him:
Thanks once again for all of your help. I wouldn't have finished this story if it weren't for your past encouragement. Whatever you are doing now, I wish you the best of luck.