Chapter 7
"What?" Carl exclaimed, "What do you mean Mona was your assignment?"
Porter took another deep breathe. He wasn't really sure where to start.
"Mona and I have a history," Porter began, "We were actually dating for a little bit before I got reassigned."
"Dating?" Carl repeated in disbelief, "How is that possible? She doesn't even know you."
"Just listen first," Porter said, "When I was done my angel training, I was given my first assignment: To help Mona Walker get rid of her stage fright. Dr. Cassabi was the guidance counsellor of her school and I was the new student enrolled, just like here."
Carl was so confused, but he let Porter continue.
"Mona is an amazing singer," Porter explained, "But every time she would get in front of an audience, she would freeze."
Porter remembered the first time he tried to help Mona.
"Why would you put clown wigs on all of the audience!" Mona exclaimed as she quickly ran off stage.
"Because if I put the audience in their underwear, you would freak out."
"Oh, and that wasn't weird?"
"Stop yelling at me, I'm just trying to help,"
"Well stop helping," Mona huffed, as she took her guitar and ran out of the auditorium.
"So you weren't helpful back then either huh," Carl said.
Porter rolled his eyes as he sat on his bed across from Carl.
"So I don't get it," Carl tried to wrap his mind around the whole thing, "What happened? Why are you no longer her guardian angel? Why doesn't she know you?"
"Because..." Porter sighed, "We kissed."
Porter paused, waiting for Carl to give him some sort of reaction. He was expecting him to be mad, but instead, Carl looked sorry for his friend.
"You liked her," Carl said softly.
"The first time I kissed her," Porter remembered, "It was a spur of the moment thing. She was panicking before one of her shows and I wasn't sure what to do."
"You are going to be great," Porter told Mona. They were both backstage of the auditorium. Mona was going to perform a song for the school's talent show.
Mona kept playing with her bracelet out of nervousness.
"I feel like I'm going to throw up," she exclaimed walking back and forth.
"You've rehearsed so many times in front of me, and you were flawless," Porter said gently grabbing her arm.
"It's different with you Porter," she said, "You're my friend and I trust you."
"So we're friends now?" Porter smirked.
"Oh shut up," she laughed.
"So I should just change the audience so they all have my handsome face," Porter joked, "And you'll be fine."
"Don't you dare do that PJ," she said, still smiling. She knew he was joking which made her feel better.
"What are you nervous about?"
"Nothing," she shook her head,"I mean...everything."
"Why? You have nothing to worry about."
"Cause if I don't do this, you won't get your angel wings."
Porter scoffed, "This is not about me Mona. This is about you. So I don't get my angel wings. So what? That just means we'll..."
Mona quickly stopped playing with her
"We'll what?" she asked.
Porter didn't have a witty response to this. He knew what he wanted to do.
"We'll be stuck together for a little bit longer," he whispered.
There were somethings that Angels and Humans had in common.
Kindness, patience and love were a few of those things.
Porter also found out that impulse was something they shared as well.
He knew that there would be consequences but at that moment, he didn't care.
Porter pulled Mona in closer and gently kissed her.
Mona kissed him back.
"Next up, Mona Walker performing an original song..." the MC announced on the speaker.
Mona and Porter quickly broke apart, and stared at each other in shock.
"You guys kissed?" Carl exclaimed.
Porter nodded, "It just happened. We didn't know what to do."
"Well did she perform in the talent show?"
Porter shook her head, "I think I just made it worse. She ran off the stage."
"Then what happened?"
"Dr. Cassabi told me to try again," Porter explained.
"To kiss her?" Carl exclaimed.
"No! Not kiss her, to help her with her stage fright," Porter said, "Dr. Cassabi didn't know we kissed. And he couldn't know because..."
"Angels and humans aren't allowed to date," Carl said, finally realizing the problem.
Porter nodded, "But eventually the Angel's council found out about us, and after a couple of warnings, they separated us."
"So, why doesn't she remember you?"
"They erased her memory," he sighed, "They did not want to risk her telling anyone about the existence of angels."
"That's a little harsh," Carl muttered.
Porter knew it was harsh. He also knew that he had to live with the guilt that came with that.
"I then got reassigned to work with you," Porter said.
"Wow," Carl exclaimed, taking in all this new information.
"I think her memory is coming back though," Porter said, "She remembers these little things about me every time we hang out."
"Well that explains why you two are always so weird when you're around each other," Carl sighed.
Porter felt guilty. He knew how much Carl liked Mona.
"I'm so sorry Carl," Porter said, "I didn't mean for any of this to happen."
Carl shook his head, "Don't apologize Porter. Hey, if you hadn't broken the rules before, we wouldn't have met."
Porter smiled, "That's true."
Porter always admired Carl's positivity. It's always saddened him that the rest of the school still hadn't valued Carl and his charisma.
"So what's the plan," Carl said getting up from his bed.
Porter smiled. He felt grateful that Carl was willing to help him.
"What I should have done in the first place," Porter sighed, "Tell Dr. Cassabi."
Carl nodded, "You'll think he'll help."
"It's better than keeping it a secret again," Porter said.
"Do you need me to come with you?" Carl asked.
Porter shook his head, "It might be better if I go alone."
Carl nodded, "You're doing the right thing Porter."
Porter got up from his bed, "I'll tell you how it goes."
Porter nodded his head and beamed himself to Dr. Cassabi's office.
"Oh Porter," Dr. Cassabi said startled, "Did you need something?"
"I have something important to tell you Dr. Cassabi," Porter stated. He knew he had to get right to the point.
"What is it Porter?" Dr. Cassabi said in a worried tone.
"It's about a new student. It's about..."
"Mona Walker," Dr. Cassabi sighed.
Porter's eyes widened, "You knew?"
"Of course I knew Porter," Dr Cassabi said, "It's all part of your test."
"My test? Test for what?"
"To get your angel wings..."