Part two, as promised! It is about the same length as the last chapter, but I can promise you a nice, long one tomorrow and maybe another one or two over the weekend. I don't really have time to answer reviews, that will come this weekend, seeing as I am posting this like 5 minutes before I will be banished to my room for the rest of the night- without my comp. -_-'

Disclaimer: I do not own Austin and Ally, nor do I own Never Go Back. Disney and Evanescence own those two respectively. I do, however, own Jason and our mysterious brunette friendish-person…

Ally was reclined back against the plush cushions of a grey leather couch, looking on in amusement as Trish sashayed through the crowds, stopping randomly to say hello to along the way. She had claimed she would only be gone for a moment, saying she was going to get drinks, but Ally knew from the moment she left that she would be gone much longer than she claimed.

A giggled escaped her lips as Trish quite literally ran into a waiter, nearly causing him to spill his drinks in the process. She scrambled back and Ally could hear her apologizing from fifteen feet away. The man just shrugged it off and smiled at her before walking away. Trish turned and trotted back over to sink into the soft, cushiony seats next to Ally.

"Smooth move, honey," Ally laughed, "real smooth."

Trish scowled at Ally, but her twitching lips utterly destroyed the intended effect.

"Oh, shush. I have never claimed to be graceful." She grumbled. She glared down at the floor for a moment, until something caught her eye and she snapped her head up. Ally jumped as Trish yelled out across the room, "Hey, Jason, over here!" The latino waved her arm in the air.

Ally's eyes widened as a handsome man dressed in black slacks, a clingy grey shirt and a loose white button up turned and weaved his way through the crowd, coming to a stop right in from of them. He smiled, showing off a perfect set of bleached white teeth that glinted in the neon lights.

"Hey, Trish, didn't expect to see you back so soon. How are you?" He glanced over at Ally, who had sunk back into the mountain of white cushions and was now listening to the song, Poker Face, with a smile.

"Oh, this is my boss and my best friend, Allison Dawson. She owns SBI. Ally, this is Jason Malise. He is a part-time waiter here." Ally looked up from the song and smiled at the blonde.

"It's nice to meet you, Jason." The man flashed her a smile.

"It's always nice to meet a beautiful woman, Ms. Dawson, especially one with style." He reach down and clasped her hand before kissing it lightly. "The pleasure is all mine."

Ally smiled at his words. Her eyes met his, and for a moment she could have sworn that they flashed amber, but a moment later they were back to the same soft sapphire she had seen before. She shook her head, confused, and decided that she needed a drink. Trish seemed to pick up on her wish and asked Jason if he could bring them back two Bloody Marys and a bottle of their best wine. He nodded, smiled at them and then took off, quickly disappearing into the crowd.

Trish turned back to Ally and grinned widely, looking oddly akin to the Cheshire cat, had he been human, and female. Something about that grin made Ally want to flinch and cheer at the same time.

"Ready for some fun, miss Dawson?"

Ally smirked.

"Hell yes," she answered, "I have been ready since we got here."

Just then Jason appeared, set their drinks down and then took off again. Trish handed Ally a drink, and then took her own.

"Then drink up, Alls, because we got some partying to do."


Two hours later found both women happily buzzed, or in Trish's case flat out drunk, dancing together in the middle of the floor. Trish stumbled backwards after a particularly strained move and bumped in to a random customer and caused her to spill her wine down the front of her white shirt. The lady glared at her and stalked away. Trish and Ally giggled lightly.

"H-hey, Ally, guess what?" Trish breathed.


"I think Lady Gaga might be here tonight. Ooh, ooh, and maybe Beyonce or ADELE. A lot of stars and famous people party here." She giggled again. Her breath wafted into Ally's face, causing the older woman to wrinkle her nose and step back.

"Your breath reeks." She mumbled. Trish grinned.

"I think I had a little too much alcohol." She conceded. Ally nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, you did."

They were silent for a moment, still swaying to the rhythm of the song, but not really dancing or speaking all too much. Then the music picked up and Ally squealed.

"Ooh, I love this song!"

Trish wrinkled her nose and shook her head. The sudden movement made her wince and a low groan escaped her lips; her head spun for a moment and she stumbled a few steps before catching her balance.

"That what you said the last time, and the time before that." She groaned.

"What," Ally exclaimed, "I like music!"

Everything is so dark
And I know there's something wrong
But I can't turn the light on

Ally danced forward and griped Trish's hands in her own, pulling her along through the dance floor until they were somewhere near the center. She grinned at Trish, who was groaning, smiled, and started singing along with the song.

In that split second change
When you knew we couldn't hold on
I realized I lived to love you

Ally pulled at her friends arms again, and Trish let herself be yanked around without a fight. A small smile played at the corner of her lips.

Save yourself
Don't look back
Tearing us apart until it's all gone
The only world I've ever known sleeps beneath the waves
But I remember

Ally spun in a circle, still holding her friend's hands, forcing Trish to spin with her. Ally grinned as Trish began to chuckle, and a full blown smile stretched across her face as Trish began t dance with her.

I won't give up on you
I can feel you in my heart, just show me the way
I don't belong here

They were so absorbed in the music that neither of the two noticed as the door opened again, and three figures stepped into the club: a red-head, a blonde and a brunette.

I can still see your face
Where it's burned into my mind
I die every time
I close my eyes, you're always there

The new comers made their way over to the bar and leaned against the metal railing, sipping at their drinks absently as they gazed at the dance floor. The brunette clung to the blondes arm, giggling and babbling on about something or another. He glanced over to the red-head and rolled his eyes before sending her a pointed glance.

Save yourself
Don't look back
Tearing us apart until it's all gone
The only world I've ever known sleeps beneath the waves

Trish spun around Ally and ended up facing the bar, and the people who were standing there. Her gaze found the three immediately, and the happiness in her eyes flickered and faded out like a dying ember. A second later she was spun back around, a frown marring her face.

But I'm the one who's drowning
Without your love
I am lost and I can never go back home

Ally noticed the frown and sent Trish a look of confusion. The brunette shook her head at her friend and motioned to keep dancing, but Ally ignored her.

All across the ocean
We are calling, calling

The next verse ended, and Ally stood with her back to Trish's, facing the one direction that Trish had signed to ignore.

Are you there?
Nothing left for me till I find you because it's

Her eyes met another pair, and chocolate drilled into amber. Both of their faces paled.

All gone
The only world I've ever known sleeps beneath the waves
But I'm the one who's drowning
Without your love
I am lost and I can never go back
I can never go back home

"Austin…" Ally breathed.

"Ally," Austin choked.

Well, there you go. Part two to Clubs and Cars. Hope you liked it! How many of you saw that coming last chapter? Who is Jason? What does he have to do with Trish? How will he and Ally get along? And just who is the mysterious brunette that seems so fond of our favorite blonde pop-star?