Disclaimer: I own nothing!

Jace Herondale shoved past the mundane pedestrians walking along the New York side walks, earning a venomous glare from a man in a business suit as he knocked the brief case from his hand.

"Hey, watch where your going jerk!" The man yelled at Jace. Generic New Yorker.

"Whatever, dude," He muttered under his breath as he shoved open a set of glass doors, disappearing into a small cafe.

"Brother! I thought you'd never get here," A voice said quietly. Turning, Jace saw a boy not much older than him, with inky hair and coal black eyes, waving him over to a booth.

"Sebastian." Jace greeted him coldly.

Sebastian grinned. "Hello Johnathan! Got any good news for me then?"

He growled. "It's Jace. Just Jace. And there's been a problem with demons in London..." He began in a strained voice.






"Okay Shadowhunters! Your portal is complete. You may now begin to 'ooh' and 'ah'." Magnus Bane announced, stepping back from a large glowing doorway six feet taller than the himself.

Clarissa Fairchild turned to Jocelyn and Luke,who were currently leaning against the back of the Institute chatting with Maryse and Robert. Noticing that Magnus had finished the task of creating a portal, the four began to wander over to the teens.

"Clary," Jocelyn began, with tears in her eyes. "Oh, I promised myself I wouldn't cry!"

Luke put a hand on his wife's shoulder to comfort her. The other hand came to rest on Clary's. "Be careful kiddo."

Clary nodded at her step-father. "I will be." She said with a light smile.

"Group hug!" Jocelyn proclaimed. Laughing, Clary joined in with her mom and Luke for a final good bye.

"Where is Jace? We have a schedule to keep, you know." Maryse asked the air, as if it would give her answers. Clary rolled her eyes and walked over to where Isabelle and Simon were saying their good byes.

"Ew! You guys are gross, you know that?" The couple broke apart from their intimate make out session, Isabelle blushing bright scarlet. Clary was sure that Simon would have been too if he weren't a vampire.

"U-uh sorry C-clary..." Simon stuttered, looking incredibly awkward. She grinned.

"Whatever," She motioned at herself. "Get over here. I'm gonna miss you!"

Simon engulfed her in a bear hug. "I'm gonna miss you too, Clare-bear. Be careful," He said pulling back. He looked over at Isabelle. "Both of you."

Isabelle nodded, wiping her eyes of tears and breathing in deep. "I can't look like I was crying when we show up at the Institute, can I?" She asked in response to the looks her best friend and boyfriend were giving her. Simon shook his head at her.

"Get over here." She ran into his hug and sobbed into his chest.

"Honestly you guys? You're so sappy." Clary's head snapped up towards the voice. Jace.

"Where were you? We've been standing out here for like half an hour!" Clary yelled at him. Before he could come up with some excuse, Maryse ran over to them.

"Finally! Jace Lightwood, where in the angels name were you? You're going to be late if you don't get through that portal now." She scolded him. Rolling his eyes, Jace apologized to his mother.

"Sorry, sorry! Calm down woman. Yeesh! I was running an erand."

The woman in front of him narrowed her eyes. "Watch it, Jace." She said in a stern voice. She then raised her voice, grabbing the rest of the Shadowhunters attention. "Okay! Now that Jace is finally here," she shot him another look. "we can begin to send you through the portal. So, who'd like to go first?"

Sighing, Clary rose her hand. "Let's just get this over with." She muttered. Giving a final wave, she stepped backwards into the portal.






London Institute, 1878

The London Institute's shadow hunters were all sitting around the dinning table, chatting aimlessly amongst each other. Jem and Tessa were in the middle of a conversation about a book that Tessa was reading, Charlotte was trying to convince Henry to put his newest 'invention' away, Gideon was reading the news paper, and Will was telling his little sister Cecily stories about the "Horrid Jessamine" as he put it.

"Honestly, Will," Charlotte cut him off in the middle of the story about the time that Jessamine had attempted to train with him and Jem and had ended up with a broken arm and a bloody nose. "Must you talk about the poor girl when she isn't here? It is very rude."

Will rolled his eyes in annoyance. "She deserves what she got. And its not like it makes a difference whether she's here or not for me to tell a story."

Charlotte just stared at him.

"Fine. I'll stop talking about her..." He muttered.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, why is Jessamine in the Silent City? And is it truly that terrible to be there?" Cecily questioned. No one answered for a moment and, to everyone's surprise, it was Tessa who finally did.

"Jessamine betrayed us all to the Magister. And yes, it actually is quite bad at the Silent City. When I went to visit her..." She trailed off shuddering. "Aside from that, what made you want to train as a Shadowhunter Cecily?"

"Well," The other girl began. "I'm not quite sure... I guess it just gave me a reason to move out, and be independent for once. Ever since Will left, right after our sister died, my mother and father have been overprotective of me."

She looked confused by the stares she was getting. Will was glaring at her like she had said something wrong, and Charlotte, Henry, Gideon, and Jem were looking at her shocked. Tessa looked at her plate with understanding.

"What?" Cecily asked.

"They didn't know about Ella." Will said in a clipped tone. His sister's eye widened in shock.

"Why not? Wouldn't you tell them why you came here in the first place, Will?"

Charlotte spoke up. "Will hasn't been very... open, about his past."

"Well too bad for him that his past is my past." Cecily said, returning her brothers glare. Jem cleared his throat, in an effort to break the tension in the room.

"So."He said. "Gideon, how has the lady's training been going? Any progress?"

Gideon rose an eyebrow. "Yes, they've been doing very well considering they have only been training for a few weeks." He nodded his head as he finished.

"That's good to hear," Charlotte said, eager to have a conversation that didn't have to do with any upsetting news. "Always smart to be prepared."

Before the conversation could go any further, a gasp escaped Henry's mouth. Everyone turned to him alarmed, with the exception of Will. "What is it Henry? Did one of you blasted inventions start to work?" He sneered, clearly still upset by his sister.

Henry didn't seem to notice though, he just shook his head and lifted a finger in Will's direction. "Look." He whispered. Again, everyone's heads turned, now looking at the wall behind Will. A large door shape began to form. It was at least twelve feet tall, and appeared to be glowing.

"A portal." Gideon spoke up.

Tessa looked worried. "But what would a portal be doing here? You don't think-" She chocked on her words, and Jem reached for her hand. She looked up at the touch of his cold skin against her.

"Don't worry Tessa," He comforted. "The Magister is smarter than to barge in on a group of expertly trained shadow hunters."

"Actually," Will said. "He has before."

"Will! Now is not the time for that." Charlotte scolded. He held his hands up in surrender before bringing his attention back to the portal placed dangerously above his head. Will then stood, drawing a seraph blade from his coat and aiming it at the portal.

"What?" He said in response to Charlotte's stare. "You said so your self, 'It is always smart to be prepared'." She rolled her eyes and pulled out her own blade, as did Jem and Gideon.

"Henry?" He snapped his head up.

"Yes dear?" He asked Charlotte.

"Do you not have a blade on you?" She questioned.

"Oh! Yes dear, of course." Smiling across the table at his wife, he too, drew out a seraph blade.

Just as Will was going to suggest that this was pointless and they should go through the portal themselves, a figure flew from it, landing in a well exacuted crouch at Will's feet.

Was it good? Bad? Just okay? Let me know! And how was the ID gang bit? Was it okay? I'm not to good with the way they talk back than so let me know if it needs improving!

Review and of course, Jace and Will will love you.

~ 4everclacexoxo