Dear readers, let me first start by saying I love you immensely just for reading this little story of mine. However, I regret to inform you that I will be putting this story on

hiatus. I never really had a plot in mind when I started it, and I don't really know what to do with it. Reading over it, I realize it doesn't suck as much as I'd thought it had, so

I won't be taking it down. However, I can't promise it will be continued. I may come back to it someday, but right now it's just going nowhere. If any of you have suggestions

as to where this fic could go I will take them into consideration and they may even inspire me to continue (since I seem to be so much better at building off other people's

ideas) and I would certainly give credit where it's due. Thank you for being patient with me and my sporadic (nonexistent) updating schedule.

Much love to you all~