***Disclaimer*** Don't know hp or forever yours.

Dedication: To cousins and brothers, one day you guys, we'll own the night-together.


Own the Night

You sit paralyzed in fear


But time still ticks by

Minute by minute

And you're still sitting there

Wondering if you will be the hero

Or still be the one to be looked down upon

Either going to be praised

Or Abhorred

You sit and wonder and ponder and wonder

You think about the night you left

The night you decided to become one of them

You're hands clench knowing it was the wrong one

The wrong choice

The incorrect one

You grit your teeth and wrap your arms around yourself

You're not cold

You're just protecting yourself.

Protecting yourself from the dangers you know with arouse

from the vulnerability you will soon face

protecting yourself from death

But you need to accept that you might die

and maybe die as a hero

You could still see your brother's face

He's older, wiser, and would never follow your parents consent

Yet, you did.

And you wonder why.

No more wondering, you were born to be a hero

And you smile

Because in just a few hours, you will make your brother proud

whether he will know or not, he will be proud.

Or you hope

And everyone will know

And it will be the first step to his death

Just a few more hours.

Just a few more

Until you own the night.

A/N: Hey, ya'll! I guess this is my Merry Christmas/Happy New year/ Holidays story, or something. This is one of the many stories on my google docs that I wrote from one particular song. Yeah. So. I'm on Winter break, and I'm sooo happy! Oh, glory. R&R thankssss :) smile and laugh forever

good luck with life :) (happy holidays and new year!)