Everything but ordinary


"Don't touch!" The ape felt a quick snap against his furry hand as a scolding growl hissed in his ear. "If you so much as lay a finger on those things, the King will eat you for breakfast!"

"But they're so pretty!" The stumpy ape received another painful lash across his long, raw face.

"You useless little..." Both apes jerked their heads round as a sharp crack rippled the air. The eggs lay peacefully in a shallow nest of twigs. Each smooth, light stick bent and weaved perfectly around the two oval shaped treasures.

"Look!" The smaller ape cried with excitement as his sharp vision revealed a small crack in one of the eggs. It's bright, golden colour began to rattle back and forth, mesmerizing the apes like a long, tuneless rhythm, until finally it's fragile gold shield broke. A sudden silence filled the air as both apes stared in awe at the small, bright shape wriggling around before them.

"Aww..." The ape started to coo at the tiny creature, admiring it's deep red coat and fresh golden horns. But instead of scolding the childish little ape, the second ape simply stared as the little dragon playfully licked his friend's chubby finger.

"Look Scorrge! It likes me!" The stumpy little ape looked up at Scorrge, his wide face flushed with pride. Seeing his his fellow guard's sudden happiness, Scorrge stretched out a long, boney finger towards the baby dragon, his dark mind thrashing with shame at his curiosity. But as the ape's finger reached the small dragon, a sudden roar hit the skies as the dragon's tiny teeth sunk deep into his flesh.

"The little brat bit me!" Scorrge bellowed, his thin, dark eyes blazing furiously at the tiny, helpless creature below him.

"Aw you made it angry!" The smaller ape squawked at his partner as the little dragon started blowing short puffs of grey smoke from his nostrils.

"Shut it Tank!" The large ape lifted a clenched fist threateningly into the air, but before he could make his blow, another sharp crack snatched the ape's attention. Both apes stared down at the rattling egg, a deep hidden sense of excitement raising in their chests. Although instead of breaking open like the first, the egg stopped, leaving the apes silently hanging in suspense.

"Maybe it's stuck..." Tank mumbled, peering down closer at the strangely still egg. Instead of the brilliant golden colour of the other egg, it gleamed with an extraordinary silver shine. Both apes thought silently for a second as the egg continued to lie motionless amongst the twigs. But just as they were about to give up hope, a quiet fizzing sound reached their small, matted ears. The thin shell of the egg seemed to crack and sizzle as a thin sheet of ice covered it's smooth, silver shell. The apes eyes grew wide as the fizzing stopped, leaving one frozen egg before them.

"Maybe we should..." But before Tank could finish, a loud snap hit his ears as tiny shards of ice burst through the air. The apes flinched back in shock, their thick furry arms rushing up to protect their small, pinpricked eyes. As the room dropped to silence, Tank slowly relaxed his arm, only to reveal another tiny squirming dragon before them. Unlike the first, this one glimmered with a cold, ice blue that blended perfectly with it's smooth silver underbelly and horns. Both apes watched intensely at the two dragons with their blindingly opposite colours as they wriggled playfully in the nest. But whilst Tank's eyes were calm and loving, Scrooge's shone with a deep, dark menace.

"Aren't they just the cutest little things!" Tank cooed as Scorrge folded his arms in shame at his childish friend.

"No." The ape spat. "Stay focussed Tank, we should inform the King of the hatching." The ape guard began to turn his hairy back but Tank suddenly grabbed at a clump of his dirty fur.

"Wait, why don't we name them?" Scorrge glared sharply at his friend, before turning back to the two squirming baby dragons.

"And how exactly are we going to do that?" The ape moaned with irritation. Sometimes he felt as if his guard partner was the only thing stopping him from becoming top of the guard patrol, with his childish attitude and soft spot for anything that moves. Tank was certainly different from the other apes.

"The red one is a boy and the blue one is a girl." Tank chirped excitedly. Scorrge looked at his friend's long, battered face in surprise.

"How do you know?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Scorrge looked down at the two hatchlings, now curled up in what looked like an inseparable ball. The ape could now see clearly that the blue hatchling was much smaller and slender than the stocky red male she was curled up to.

"How about...Daisy and Todd!" Tank squeaked with excitement, his short stumpy arms flailing in the air.

"Their not teddy bears Tank..." Scorrge scolded his over-excitable companion, a long boney finger running thoughtfully down his jaw line as the growing exhilaration of naming these powerful creatures welled up inside of him. The young ape's attention turned to the tiny red male, his golden underbelly dazzlingly with light. "Lord Bloodshed." Scorrge growled proudly. "Now that's a name..."

"Their names are Keira and Tyson." Both apes swung round in surprise to the familiar voice. "A request from the mother." The apes felt their bones lock in place as the King sauntered out of the darkness towards them. "You could say it was her last, dying wish..." Gaul's pinched features scrunched up into a cunning scowl. Tank could feel his forehead begin to drip with sweat, the drops sticking to his short matted fur like tiny leaches. The sudden thought of death lingered in their minds, knowing it could happen at any moment.

"Yes your majesty." Scorrge bravely piped up, his voice matching the dark sneering tone of the King's. His back straightened up as he spoke, seeing the ape King's cruel eyes run up and down his tall, gangly body. Both ape's hearts rose high in their chests as Gaul began to take a few, sly steps forwards, his sharp brown slits staring intensely at the young apes. A deep sigh of relief blew into the air as Gaul steadily stepped past them towards the two peaceful hatchlings. The King slowed to a stop just before the shiny new dragons, a small, cunning grin creeping across his ugly face as the two dragon's breaths rose them in and out of sleep.

Their beats matching like a tuneless melody.

As one.

I'm back! Right...at the end of my last story(however long ago that was) I said that I would write a new, longer, better story, so this is my attempt at that very thing. Now I am taking a risk here by creating my own characters, but do not fear there will be some familiar faces coming soon! However you will have to bare with me with the updates, as I am doing my a levels and have a job so don't exactly have a lot of time on my hands, so please bare with me! Chapter 1 coming soon...hope you enjoy! =)