A very tiny one-shot. I think I'm back on the 1886 wagon so expect updates for Bedmates and Break Even soon. In the meantime, enjoy this little drabble. It's set TYL at some random time. Very short and very sweet... kinda. I think Haru needs to stand up for herself a little and she does that with Gokudera so why not with Hibari? Let me know what you think!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own KHR nor do I claim any rights to it or any of the characters in this fan fiction. I only own the plot and nothing else.

"Hibari what is the problem?" she asked trying to remove her arm from his death grip.

"What are you doing?" he asked meeting her eyes, his own grey ones holding an angry glint in them.

"What do you mean what am I doing? I'm here on a holiday and I'm having fun. What is your problem?"

She had been hanging out with a couple of guys she had known in High School. They had been catching up pretty well and one of them had asked her to dance. Then Hibari had pulled her away in front of everyone.

"If I didn't know better, I would say you were jealous!" she said crossing her arms and waiting for an explanation. He looked at her, not bothering to reply then she was in his arms with his lips on hers. That had caught her off-guard. He was bruising her lips and he held her face in his hands. She wasn't going to escape this one easily.

"What are you doing?" she asked breathlessly when he finally let go of her.

"I'm claiming you as mine," he said simply and pulled her flush against him. She widened her eyes looking at him. He was doing what?

"You're... claiming me?" she asked bewildered. He pushed her up against the wall and put his hands on the wall on either side of her.

"I don't want you spending time with those men and I don't like to play games. I don't mince my words either Haru. You're mine and nobody else's."

She blinked meeting his gaze. Was he serious? That he was jealous was easy to stomach, but that he was claiming her? Honestly!

"And you were going to tell me about this and let me decide for myself whether I want you or not?" she asked meeting his gaze defiantly.

"Miura-san," he said leaning in with a smirk, "I don't believe you have a choice." He kissed her then and she couldn't help but return it. He had bruised her before, but now he was feeling her, tasting her, telling her what he wanted and not making any room for her rejection. Rejection? She hadn't even considered this happening! Still, the absolute bliss that came with that kiss made her head swim. She'd only been drunk once, but she recognised the feeling.

Then he kissed her neck and sucked. She mewled and laid her hands on his shoulders. He grinned against her skin licking her there then he bit on her sensitive flesh. She whimpered unable to do much else and he finished off with a last kiss there.

"Pay mind to what I've said Haru. You're mine and I don't like sharing," he said then turned and walked away. She put her hand to her sore neck as she watched him leave. What had that been about? She looked at her reflection in the mirror and lifted her hand from her neck to see what he had done.

There, on her flawless skin was a reddening mark. The cad! He had given her a love-bite! How was she going to explain this now? She growled looking the way he had gone. Hibari Kyoya was an irrational irritating man who for some unknown reason had decided she was meant to be his! In all honesty, who even did that any more! She didn't have a choice? What did that mean? She looked at the angry red mark and scowled. He would pay for that.