Okay so I have received a lot of PMs and reviews about how America wouldn't do that and bla bla bla. Well I'm here to point out a few things:

I am American, first off

I'm not dogging on Obama or anyone currently in Washington

I was twelve years old and I was in seventh grade when I wrote that. I am very much uncultured so I didn't already have a lot of knowledge about America's past (even though I've lived here all my life) and I didn't take US history until 8th grade.

My writing skills were awful and I didn't know how to build up character personalities (or country personalities I guess) so I just went full stereotype

In the City of Ember they fought over oil and stuff too so ha

Most importantly, this is my story. I know that there are tons of other things that could have caused a war of this magnitude (now that I'm older I like to think it could be caused by overpopulation or disease) but I also believe that this could happen sometime in the future. And this could happen with any of the world powers, not just America. I just used America because most of the main characters in the show speak English with American accents.

Moral of the story: I wrote a fictional scenario that could possibly end in nuclear warfare.