Christmas Time

1.00am Christmas day, 6 hours till sun rise.

Jimmy, Beezy, Heloise and Lucius had used the Heinous fortune to buy lots of presents.

Jimmy: know all we have to do is get al these presents in everyone's houses, Heloise do you have a jet-powered rocket ski?

Heloise: Of course I do.

And so everyone got inside the jet-powered rocket ski and fly off into the night and dropped presents down peoples houses but when they got down ΒΌ of Miseryville the but then the Snow-burator 901 malfunctioned and made a blizzard and Heloise who was driving couldn't see were she was going and crashed into a mountain, after the crash the four of them collapsed but just before Jimmy did a big shadowy figure appeared in front of them.

7.00am Christmas day morning.

Jimmy, Lucius, Beezy and Heloise woke up in there own houses in bed when they all came in to there living room they where shocked to discover there where decorations and presents under there tree, the four off them went outside to meet to find out what happened.

Heloise: I don't understand we crashed into a mountain and collapsed so how can people have presents and decorations.

Lucius: Who could have done it.

Jimmy. Maybe it was Santa.

Lucius: That's not possible I search all over the planet.

But then they heard slay bells and looked up and sore something that looked like Santa Claus disappear.

Jimmy: It really was Santa.

Lucius: Wow, you know Two-Shoes Christmas only happens once a year so once this day is over things go back to normal Ok.

Jimmy: OK Lucy.

Then Heloise sore something shiny above the tree that her and Jimmy were standing under, it was a mistletoe.

Heloise: oh Jimmy look what where standing under.

Jimmy looked up and sore the Mistletoe.

Jimmy: Oh what the heck its Christmas.

Jimmy gave Heloise a big kiss on the cheek.


Merry Christmas