Last chapter, my dear readers. I hope you enjoy this for the final time.

,,I'll be your Heart to Heart"

Once upon a time,

There had been a tiny, little child.

It was a cold and lonely winter's night,

When a lone passerby

Had heard the silent cries.

Instead of walking on;

He took pity on the little one...and took him home, gave him love.

They stayed together, fitting into a small hut.

Actually the gentle man hadn't had the means to help,

But the child was always happy, always wore a smile on his little face;

just from the comfort, of the old man's oh so warm embrace.

I'm watching you breathing right next to my ear. Your warmth envelops me; it keeps me here, near you, close to your heart.

So many things have happened in my life; so many awful, painful things that I always was afraid to wake up the next morning. But I am not the same anymore.

How could I have ever expected someone to actually like me, when I have been disgusted by myself? When I looked into the mirror, I wanted the reflecting surface to shatter beneath my very fists. The boy I was seeing was certainly me, but I didn't fancy him. I wanted him to change, but I knew…that he couldn't.

But then, I realized what life was really all about.

Life in itself means changing. Like every day is another, always different…so are humans.

I was so alone back then and I thought that the world was only dipped in shades of black and white. And then, suddenly, I could hear the whisper of a heart, trying to form words so desperate and pleading. It was there all along…murmuring comforting words of encouragement with each strong heartbeat.

And I grabbed the offered hand that day and I began to open my eyes for the first time. I could finally see, my heart reached out to others, and I was finally free from my burden.

I had been reborn and I made it my life's dream to help other's reach the light that shined from within each human's heart.

Tsuna was woken up by a gentle touch; almost fleeting, but enough to enter his dream and pull him out of it. He didn't open his eyes though and let himself soak in the comforting, soothing feeling of the fingertips ghosting over his cheek.

"…-'m sorry, Tsunayoshi.''

Tsuna felt a shiver run down his spine at hearing the murmured apology of the stoic Hibari right next to his ear. The caressing fingers immediately stilled though, frozen in place, when they felt the tremble beneath them.

But after a few seconds, they began their ministration again, this time growing even bolder and brushing brunette bangs gently aside.

"I know you're awake, herbivore."

Tsuna instantly opened his honey eyes and looked to his right, where Kyouya was sitting at the edge of the bed.

They were looking at each other, neither saying a word though, and the silence stretched on for a few minutes.

The brunette rolled onto his side, his head propped up by his arms and looked up at the raven.

"I'm sorry, too. I knew that you didn't mean it, but…but I was so angry. Natsu…no child on this earth deserves to suffer, because of foolish humans who are too conceited and superstitious to even help them out. They were watching Natsu being nearly eaten by dogs, Kyouya. And they didn't even think about helping! It was just one big show for them…but he almost died. I-I…please tell me, how people can be so cruel, so blind to the needs of others. I don't understand it!"

Tsuna buried his face into his pillow and his whole body broke out in silent sobs.

The brunette heard Kyouya sigh and he felt the mattress move. He curled up even tighter, thinking that the raven was leaving him. But suddenly Tsuna felt himself being embraced by strong, warm arms that wrapped themselves tightly around his slender waist and pressed him tightly to a firm, lean chest.

The younger boy stiffened, but didn't push the other off.



And the arms tightened around him and suddenly one of the arms loosened a bit, just so a hand could intertwine with his own. Tsuna felt soft breathing near his neck, causing a new shiver to race down his spine. But this one wasn't unpleasant at all. No, he quite enjoyed this closeness of another human being right next to him.

Now it was Tsuna's turn to let out a content sigh and he snuggled closer to the heat of the other body. He could feel the raven's strong heartbeat through his back and he couldn't help but blush.

"Go to sleep now, Tsunayoshi."


The brunette closed his eyes and tried to calm his frantic heart down. Kyouya seemed to feel his nervousness, because suddenly he ran his thumb over the back of Tsuna's hand and nuzzled deeper into his neck.



"Thank you."

Kyouya stopped his nuzzling for a moment, but soon continued.

"For what?"

The brunette let out a quiet laughter.

"For rescuing me that day. I am glad that I am alive. If I had died…I wouldn't have been able to meet all these wonderful people…I wouldn't have been able to be here…with…you."

Kyouya chuckled and suddenly kissed his cheek, causing Tsuna to blush an even deeper shade of red.

"I'm also glad, Tsunayosh-"


Tsuna immediately sat up in bed and looked towards the door, when he heard the tearful voice.

There, standing with their hands tightly clasped together, were his two sons.

"Natsu-chan? Kazu-chan? W-What's wrong?"

Kazuki shuffled with his tiny feet and looked down, while tightening his hold on Natsu's hand.

"U-Umm…we couldn't sleep. Can we, can we…sleep…with you?"

Tsuna smiled gently at his two sons and patted the space beside him on the bed.

The two children immediately brightened and ran towards Tsuna.

But they soon stopped before the bed and their eyes suddenly grew to the size of dinner plates. Tsuna was confused and followed their gazes until they landed on Kyouya, who had his arms still wrapped around his waist and looked at the display before him curiously.

"HHHHIIIII! This isn't what it looked like, boys! K-Kyouya…just had a nightmare! Yeah, that's right!"

But Natsu and Kazuki only smirked knowingly and jumped on the bed, snuggling close to Tsuna's side.

The brunette laid back down and drew the blanket over the four of them.

Kyouya chuckled and leaned over Tsuna to kiss his son on the forehead. Natsu watched this silently, but felt a tightening in his chest. He snuggled deeper into Tsuna's chest for comfort.

But then, suddenly, he felt a large hand brush his bangs away from his face and a kiss being planted on his forehead. Natsu looked up into deep blue eyes and smiled at the older man.

"A-Are you mommy's husband? Are you…my daddy?"

Kyouya raised an eyebrow and looked at the sweating brunette, who tried to evade his gaze.

"Mind telling me, what's going on?"

"HHHHHIII! W-Well you see…umm…seems like I am…their…mommy now…"

His voice got quieter at the end and he blushed beet red.

"Mommy, eh? Well…I guess that makes me the father."

Tsuna's mouth fell open and he couldn't help but stare at the raven haired man.


"Yay, you hear that Kazu-chan? We're one big family now!"

The boys laughed and tackled the two adults.

All of them broke out in boasting laughter and a tickling fight began instantly.

"haha, no have mercy on me! Haha…please s-stop already, haha!"

And then suddenly, Kyouya who had been leaning over the brunette tickling him like there was no tomorrow, stopped. Tsuna opened his eyes and gulped when he saw just how close their faces had gotten.


And then it happened and their lips touched. It was an innocent kiss, but it held so much emotion in it, that Tsuna felt tears well up in his eyes.

After a short time, Kyouya pulled back and wiped the tears away from the brunette's flushed cheeks.

"I love you, Tsunayoshi."

Tsuna only hiccupped and tried to cover his face with his hands, but Kyouya held them captive at his sides.

"I love you, Tsunayoshi. With all my heart."

The younger male slowly opened his eyes and looked into the deep blue orbs of the other.

And what he read in them gave him the final push.

With a surge of power, Tsuna freed himself from those restraining arms and wrapped his own arms around the raven's shoulders, while leaning in and crushing their lips together again.

"I love you, too, Kyouya. I-I'm so happy!"

Natsu and Kazuki were smiling and held hands again.

"Yeah, now we're really one family."

And just like that, the four of them quickly fell asleep and each of them wore a beautiful smile on their face.

While I'm lying right here, next to you, I feel my heart beat in the same rhythm as yours.

We are one, an entity. And we have finally found our place in the world.

I don't believe that there won't be any more pain for me, I know there will, but I don't mind anymore. I have found happiness…love. And I have already reached my goal.

I have changed three lives with my own and I know that their's will eventually be able to change another's life.

There is a reason for being alive, for everyone of us.

The only difficult part is: how will we find it?

It's not so hard: Just listen to your heart. And reach out to another. Just like that. Heart to Heart.

The difference between yesterday and tomorrow,

Bleeding and healing,

Joy and pain...

Tuth to be told, one can not live without the other.

It's the circle of life.

States that we all must conquer to become a rational human being;

With a consciousness.

To be able to feel and know and notice the difference,

To choose the right from the wrong...

We must overcome our greatest sorrow and stay strong!

So we won't be devoured by bliss and greed.

No one can ever stay for long;

On one of the two sides.

Some maybe a little bit longer than others,

Some perhaps a little less.


In the end...

It's the difference of all things in contrast...

That makes us


Everyone needs a reminder that the fact of their being on this Earth is imprtant and that one life...can change everthing.

-Marge Kennedy.

So that was 'Heart to Heart'. I hope you liked it, although the ending was little too fluffy. I enjoyed writing it :D.

I want to thank everyone who read my story, so: THANK YOU!