Chapter 3

And there, at the top of the page in Freddie Benson's tidy handwriting reads something that I never would have expected

59 reasons why I hate Sam Puckett.

I look up at Carly in shock, to find her eyes staring into mine. "No wonder he didn't want us to read this..." she mumbles, closing the journal. "It's really none of our business."

"I promise I won't kill him when I read it just give me the notebook I wanna know why he hates me!" I say, all in one breath. She sighs handing it over.

"Fine," she says. "But I'm not reading it with you."

I grin at her and snatch the notebook, opening up to the second page again, and I begin to read.

After a few minutes, Carly, who was attempting to continue watching videos, but kept glancing over at me, suddenly screams. "ICANTTAKEITANYMOREREADITALOUD!"

I smile, go back to the beginning of the list, and begin to read again.

1. I hate the way she goes out of her way to hurt me.

2. I hate it when she calls me a nerd.

3. I hate it that she's stronger than me.

4. I hate that she yells at me for the stupidest things.

5. I hate that I have to see her whenever I see Carly.

6. I hate that she acts like I can't make useful contributions to anything

7. I hate that she never even tries in school.

8. I hate that she gets good grades even though she never even tries in school.

9. I hate how she always tells me Carly will never love me.

10. I hate how she knows Carly will never love me.

11. I hate the way she always calls me Frednub or Freddork or something, like she can't be bothered to say Freddie.

12. I hate the way she eats, like she's been stranded on a desert island for months.

13. I hate how she always pushes me away when she talks to Carly.

14. I hate how much she lies

15. I hate that Carly cares more about her than me.

16. I hate how she knows when I'm in a good mood so she can come and stomp on it.

17. I hate how whenever Carly and I are alone together she shows up and finds a way to ruin everything.

18. I hate the way she always ruins everything.

19. I hate that every time I get an ice cream cone she licks it all over just to annoy me.

20. I hate the way she thinks the world revolve around her.

21. I hate that she's always right

22. I hate the bruises she leaves on my arms.

23. I hate that she leaves the bruises on obvious places so I have to explain things to my mom.

24. I hate the way she always makes fun of my mom.

25. I hate that she's never said one nice thing to me.

26. I hate that she takes her anger out on me.

27. I hate that she won't trust me with anything.

28. I hate how much she hits me.

29. I hate how much she hates me.

30. I hate how much it hurts when she hits me.

31. I hate that she can find fault with anything I do

32. I hate that she's really good at whatever she tries.

33. I hate that she only tries things that she can use to hurt me in one way or another.

34. I hate that she can always come up with creative ways to hurt me.

35. I hate that she was my first kiss.

36. I hate that she can't keep a secret.

37. I hate that she does things just to spite me.

38. I hate that she does things with force that she could just as easily do with words or reason

39. I hate that she abuses me when she's sad. Or mad. Or happy. Or bored. Or in any mood at all.

Carly chuckled. I turned and glared at her before going back to reading.

40. I hate that she can always come up with better comebacks than me

41. I hate that she's only nice to me when there's something in it for her

42. I hate that she calls me a button pushing monkey

43. and says I'm not important to the show

44. I hate that she knew I was only Carly's bacon and ruined our relationship

45. I hate that she has ruined every chance me and Carly have ever had at a relationship.

46. I hate that she's just naturally vicious

I stop, slamming the notebook shut, and getting up. Carly looks up at me, frowning. "Hey!" she protests. "I was reading that!"

"Too bad," I say, walking towards the door.

"Where are you going with that?"

"To Gibby's. Freddy and I are going to have a little chat."

I walk out and slam the door behind me, not giving her a chance to respond.

A/N: I'm sooo sorry I havent updated in so long! I've had so much going on! I will hopefully update again in the next few days, and then a few days after that I will be posting a one-shot that is a companion piece for this story that I've already written, involving Carly and the boy she has a crush on that she mentions in chapter 1. Thank you all for bearing with me. As always, please favorite, add to alerts and REVIEW!