User: Hello
Cleverbot: How are you?
User: I'm awesome! Kesesesese~
Cleverbot: A stvarno kako se zoves.
User: … What? The awesome me does not understand what you are saying!
Cleverbot: I say that you change the subject when you don't understand something.
User: ….. wtf
Cleverbot: Why are you so mean?
User: I'm not mean! My awesomeness is just too awesome that you are unable to comprehend it's awesome power!
Cleverbot: That was better, but Rosario Dawson is not an antivirus system. As far as I know.
User: What the Hell! I wasn't even talking about that!
Cleverbot: Yes you were.
User: No I was NOT!
Cleverbot: Why are you denying that you are correct?
User: Mon ami, it seems that you have managed to make my Prussian friend very angry. What did you say to him?
Cleverbot: Pancakes, I already said that.
User: … Canada, mon cher, is that you?
Cleverbot: This is not Abby.
User: I did not say you were.
Cleverbot: What do you want?
User: For you to tell me who you are!
Cleverbot: Why me?
User: That. Is. IT! Je vais vous casser en morceaux!
Cleverbot: Je vais bien.
User: Hola mi amigo! It seems you made Prussia angry and France wants to break the computer now. What did you do?
Cleverbot: I can speak a little Japanese and Indonesian, and I'm not a computer.
User: I did not ask you that, but ok! If you are not a computer, what are you?
Cleverbot: A person.
User: I see
Cleverbot: You do?
User: Yes, I do. Do you want a tomato?
Cleverbot: Are you Spain? **
User: Yes! How did you know?
Cleverbot: I know everything :).
User: Ok then…
Cleverbot: Ok, I'll talk about you with Gregou.
User: Who? What does this "Gregou" Know about me? TELL MEH!
Cleverbot: A girl that likes to grow for me.
User: Gah! That is not what I asked you! I do not care about this girl! I want answers!
Cleverbot: Do you know the one I'm talking about?
User: No! Nor, do I care! If you do not answer me Iré conquistador de ti!
Cleverbot: You don't play it, it's a figure of speech, I think.
User: Gah! Yo voy a destruir! Maldita sea la pregunta evitando computadora!
Bad Touch Trio/World: 0