Thank you so much for all the love that you guys have been giving me for this story. I loved writing this so much and I hate to end it. I'm planning on writing more cross over stories with Hetalia. I might even do one with Total Drama Island. (hinty hinty~!) Also, who knows? Perhaps another threat could come back to Equestria? (another hinty hinty~!)

Really, you don't know how much your reviews mean to me. Every review makes me either laugh, think about my logic, or become inspired. I love all of my little muffins so much. I can't do any of this without you guys.

Grazie mille.


"Feli? Feliciano wake up."

Italy blinked open his eyes to see Ludwig looking at him. Those sweet blue eyes made his heart flutter.

"Time to get up, Feli. We're going home."

The pegasus got to his feet and stretched. This time they weren't alone. Instead of just them in the barn, all the nations were there too. After the fight with Discord, everypony was too tired to make the full trek back to Ponyville. They went halfway and stayed at Sweet Apple Acres.

It was easy now who was with who. Since they were short of beds, ponies had to double up in the same makeshift hay bed. Feliciano had slept with Ludwig, Romano with Spain, America with England, Canada with Prussia, and Russia had slept by himself. (even if there was another pony, he would have still slept by himself.)

Already Alfred and Arthur were awake. Antonio was trying to wake the older Italian and Russia just sat at the window looking out. Italy fluttered a couple of inches off the ground over to Prussia and Canada. Gently, he shook Gilbert awake.

"Wakie wakie Prussia. Time to go home."

The Prussian woke with a yawn and began to wake Mathew. Everyone was here and acounted for. Once everypony was awake, they all began to walk to Ponyville. The trip was a quiet one. None of them wanted to admit it, but they would miss Equestria. This place had been their home for about two months. Italy himself actually wished he didn't have to go back. However he had learned the hard way that they weren't immortal here in Equestria.

When they arrived, the main six were standing outside the Library waiting for them. Italy saw Pinkie Pie waving at him and he hid behind Germany. They had been through so much that Feliciano didn't know if he could even talk to the pink pony again. She had been the reason he had learned to fly. She was his light at the end of the tunnel when Italy thought he had lost everything. She was his first kiss.

The pink pony bounced over to them with a large smile on her face.

"Italy! Italy! Guess what? You don't have to leave forever! When Sealand sent me back, he put a portal in a wardrobe," Prussia was laughing at this once again. "and Twilight put the other portal in a closet in the Library! You guys can come back to Ponyville anytime you want!"

The frown that had been placed on the Italian's face disappeared and a large smile that rivaled Pinkie's appeared. Italy turned to Germany at once.

"Ve~! We can come back Doitsu! I can see everyone again! Even Grandpa Rome!"

Ludwig returned the smile and Italy hopped around him laughing. Then Pinkie Pie joined in. The ponies around them laughed as they watched. Italy stopped bouncing and just leaned again on Germany. Pinkie bounced back over to her group of ponies.

They still had to leave.

Each one of them took turns talking to the nations. First it was each one the connected to each other best.

"Oh Italy I'm going to miss you!" Pinkie said hugging him tightly.

"I'll miss you too, Pinkie. You'll have to visit us sometime." Italy replied giving her a tight hug back.

Once everypony had said their last words, the nations gathered togather in a group and followed them all inside. Spike went ahead of them and opened up the closet door. Looking inside, Italy could see the inside of a wardrobe. Pinkie Pie jumped through first.

Italy saw her in her human form and tried to not let his jaw drop. She was actually really pretty. A hoof fell in front of his eye sight. Germany just growled when Italy tried to remove it. So he had noticed him looking at her.

Pinkie opened the door to the wardrobe and Italy could see the World Conference room.


The first one to go was Canada. It was weird to see Canada's top half a human and the bottom half a pony. He hauled himself up into the wardrobe and Pinkie helped him out. Prussia went next and Spain followed him. Romano gave a nod as if to say thank you, and then he followed after.

America gave Rainbow Dash another hug.

"Come back anytime you wanna race, Alfred." She said sadly. The American went through the portal and sat there next to Pinkie waiting for England. The Brit thanked Twilight again and gave her a hug, then he went after America. Russia gave a creepy smile and then went through the portal.

Italy had become so used to everyone in their pony forms that after seeing them as ponies for so long, it was strange seeing them as humans. Before he knew it, Italy and Germany were the last nations in the room. Ludwig took a few steps forward then looked back at the Italian.

"Come on, Feliciano."

The Italian could feel his heart tugging. He didn't want to leave! Although, he could come back to Equestria whenever he wanted. The pegasus took in a breath and sighed. He looked around the room and at the ponies all around him. They had treated him with kindness ever since he had first showed up.

Germany went through the portal and crouched next to Pinkie Pie in the wardrobe. Pinkie held out her hand which became a hoof on the Equestrian side.

"Come on, Italy. Come on home."

Italy walked forward sadly and stood in front of the portal. Gingerly, he held up his hoof and laid it on the pink one. She began to pull her hoof backwards and both her hoof and Italy's turned into hands. Feliciano didn't know whether to laugh with happiness or to cry with sadness. He needed someway to release his emotion at this moment.

Feliciano chose to cry.

He angrily threw the pencil across the room. The boy's hand was cramping so much! He couldn't keep filling out these papers! How much work did he miss anyways?

"Feliciano, don't throw pencils." Germany scolded, coming into the living room with more papers in his hands.

"Ve, it's not fair! I don't want to fill out paperwork!"

Ludwig sighed and sat down next to the Italian on the couch. He picked up a couple of the papers that Italy had filled out and looked over. Germany then looked at the papers he had just brought in and the ones Italy had stacked in a pile next to him that awaited his attention.

"Well, you finished a good amount of paperwork. Perhaps we could head over for a little bit.."

"Really Doitsu? You mean it?" Italy asked, hsi eyes lighting up with excitement. The German nodded and stood up.

"Call up the others. See if they want in."

A couple of phone calls later and practically all the nations were heading over to the World Conference building. Italy bounced up and down in his seat as Germany drove. It had taken three minutes to get Italy in his seatbelt since the boy wouldn't stop moving.

"Calm down, Liebe. It's not going anywhere." Germany said with a roll of his eyes.

Feliciano just continued to laugh and bounce in his seat. He watched the trees and houses past them. Their dull colors bored him. This world they lived in was so boring. He had seen what happiness truly was. Italy had seen the other side of life.

In that place, colors were bright, friendship was all around you. Italy had learned more about every nation than he had ever known. Germany was now his boyfriend. No longer did the Italian have to stay awake at night and wait for a shooting star. His greatest dream had been answered.

Finally, Ludwig pulled over at the World Conference building. Italy unbuckled himself and jumped out of the car and ran down the sidewalk towards the building. Ludwig quickly unbuckled, got out, locked the car, and ran after him shouting.

"Feliciano! Feliciano slow down!"

When the boy got inside, he found all the nations waiting for him. There was America, England, Prussia, Canada, Spain, and Romano. Italy ran over to his brother and gave him a large hug. Despite the older's protest, Feliciano began to spin around and brought his brother with him.

America looked over and saw Germany walk into the room. He gave his signature "Hero Laugh" and turned towards England.

"Germany and Italy are here! Can we go now, Iggy?"

The Brit looked over at the German who gave a nod as he pulled Feliciano off Romano. England turned towards an old wardrobe and opened up the doors. All at once, they began to run towards it happily. One after each other, they jumped into the wardrobe.

Italy bounced up and down and looked at Ludwig. The blond motioned for him to go on. The Italian laughed loudly and ran towards the wardrobe and prepared himself. By now, the closet door on the other side had been opened.

While it looked wierd, Italy ran towards the wardrobe with his hands folded against his chest almost like a puppy begging. He began to focus on all of his back muscles and they tensed up. Feliciano jumped into the wardrobe and felt a warm feeling shoot through him.

Imediately, he began to soar through the air. He stopped long enough to see America open a window.

"This way!" He called. Italy flew up after him with Spain following. The three of them flew out of the window and into the breeze. There was a happy laugh from bellow.

"Italy!" The Italian looked down and saw Pinkie Pie bouncing after him. The boy stopped flying and back when he remembered Ludwig. As he got back to the Library (with Pinkie following) he saw the dark green earth pony walking out of the Library talking to Applejack. Feliciano laughed and began to dive bomb them.

Alfred saw this and moved away from England long enough to shout loud and clear.


Italy tackled Germany to the ground and planted a kiss right on his lips. They seperated and Ludwig actually laughed.


"Ja, Feliciano?"

"Let's never go home."