Mine: Chapter 2
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or its characters. But I do own my oc ;)
A/N: Sorry for the late update! I'm soooo sorry. School started last week and I have been really busy~ -.- hate research papers and math tests… Hope you all understand. I want to sincerely thank all the reviewers. Thank you so much! & Special thanks to my first beta, Pam! She is an amazing writer, and I am so grateful that she noticed my flaws so well, and helped me so much to fix them ^ ^ If you haven't read her stories… Where were you? Go read it NOW. Anyways, back to the story: this happens after Rin left… and takes in modern era. Without farther delay hope you enjoy the story…
"Sesshomaru Taisho, again?"
asked the voice, filled with curiosity. She was a young woman of twenty-two years, reading her morning newspaper on her indoor patio . It was covered in tinted glass (like a greenhouse), and botany; consisting of different colors of royal roses, yellow daisies, tulips and various waterfalls, and on the ceiling hung 16-inch flat-screen T.V. She chuckled lightly, taking a sip of her espresso. As she drank her coffee, she heard footsteps coming towards her, and then felt a masculine body leaning against her seated form, both hands on the table, trapping her, but also observing her morning paper. He glanced at the paper and let out a relieved sigh.
"Another woman, again? Kagura… Kaze?" asked the voice again. This time she replied with:
"It seems so." She glanced at the one behind her and smiled, her eyes filled with mischief.
"Are you concerned?" questioned the voice, with a tone that sounded playful.
"No. Not at all," replied the woman with ease
"Doesn't she look competitive?" the voice challenged.
"Once again… No. She is not worth my time."
"If you say so… But she is different…" the voice pointed out; yet the woman shook her head in disagreement.
"No she isn't. Besides all women he has "dated" all comes from great, prestigious families."
"Hm… if you say so, since you are after all… Rin Yamamoto."
"Thank you for your compliment… Takumi," Rin replied in earnest.
"So what are you going to do now Ms. Yamamoto?" he questioned, while rising himself up. "We will see… I think. It's time for us to make appearance."
"You will leave for Japan and just say, 'Hi I came back. I missed you all. Let's laugh and cry like we always have!' to Taisho?'" His voice was filled with sarcasm and high-pitched.
Rin huffed and crossed her arms. "Was that your attempt to impersonate me? That was horrible. I do not talk like that!"
"I wasn't trying to impersonate you. I was just pretending to be… him." Then he pointed to man with pink, zebra print jeggings, who was galloping towards them. Wait… galloping? Is that a unicorn head between his legs? When he reached them, he threw the unicorn-head-on-a-stick in the air and embraced her, squealing:
"Rinnnn! I came back. I missed you! Let's laugh and cry like we always have - Oh? TAKUMI! You look so yummy as usual! Look at my unicorn!"
"Jak? I missed you too!" Rin hugged him back. Then she gave Takumi, who was standing beside them, a questioning glance, her right eyebrow raised and mouthed word 'unicorn?' Takumi closed his eyes with a groan and made an expression that looked like he wanted to vomit. Rin was now extremely confused. So she turned to Jakotsu and asked, "Unicorn?" Jakotsu just nodded with an idiotic grin, and then started to giggle.
"A unicorn! So, I met Takumi yesterday at Hallmark! He was looking at the birthday cards, and I was there to get Bankotsu, a lovey dovey card. It was a fate! We were supposed to…"
Takumi groaned, unable to continue further. "Fate my ass! You noticed me first then screamed and…"
"So… what did you scream?" Jakotsu giggled and his face became red with embarrassment. Rin slowly turned her head towards Takumi to see him covering his face with his hands, still groaning. She sighed.
"I screamed that… Takumi Williams is my lover! Everyone in Hallmark gasped and people took pictures!"
Her eyes widened with surprise. "Jak! You can't do that to Bankotsu!" exclaimed Rin.
"You are missing the point! People took pictures!" exclaimed furious Takumi.
"So… what does that mean?" she asked curiously, her head slightly tilting.
"It means… It's all over the news!" Jakotsu, with his eyes shining brightly, took the morning paper from her, smeared his lips on Sesshomaru Taisho's picture, skipped to a page and handed it back to her. There greeted big headline that read:
Rin was shaking. Both Jakotsu and Takumi stared at her like she had grown two heads, and both looked at each other with worried expressions. Rin was biting her lips to keep herself in control, but that didn't work out, for she broke out laughing.
"AHAHAHAHAH! You… gay? Oh please! … So Takumi, what happened to your girlfriend?" she asked, while wiping her tears away with her thumb.
"She dumped me. She believes I am gay, thanks to him. More importantly, she thought I cheated on her, since we were 'lovers'," he said while pointing a finger back at him and Jakotsu.
"Ah. Sorry. But what does a unicorn have to with this again?"
"Oh that? After all that, he threatened that he would kiss me if I don't buy that fucking unicorn head, so that's… that."
"So… Rin darling, what were you guys talking about again?" asked Jakotsu, smiling.
"I am planning a… dramatic entrance."
A gorgeous man, who looked twenty-six years in appearance, was woken by a stinging ray of the morning sun that pierced through the window. He then shifted from bed to see a beautiful woman with a black hair, sleeping nude next to him. He sighed, brushing his long beautiful silver hair with his long claws, and then stared at the silver alarm clock next to him. 7:34 Hn. I shall leave before she wakes up. What was her name again? Ah. Kagura. Whatever. This one does not have time to waste his precious on trivial matters such as this. He got out of the bed, stepped in to the bathroom, and took a shower. He walked into the hotel closet, putting back on his white Polo shirt, silver Armani suit with black trousers, black oxford shoes, a Rolex watch, and then with lithe, graceful steps he walked out of the hotel suite. Once he was in the elevator, his phone rang. Sesshomaru raised his eyes to the caller ID: Father.
"What is it, Father?" Sesshomaru answered in his usual monotone. He heard his father sigh.
"You never change, do you son? Grumpy as ever."
"Hn," he replied, his eyebrow twitching in annoyance.
"… Come to my office immediately. There are matters that have to be discussed. It's regarding the new model. Marketing team is having trouble with it…"
"Hn. I thought Kagura was supposed to be that model."
"Yes… but it seems that they want someone else … More successful celebrity than Kagura. I heard that she is currently in America… I am sure you won't like the name though…" said Inutaisho carefully.
"What is her name, father?" asked Sesshomaru, curious.
"… Rin, Sesshomaru. Rin Yamamoto." There was uneasiness in his voice
Instantly: "I won't work with her. Kagura is fine. But I do not like anyone with her name," Sesshomaru's displeasure was obvious in his tone.
"Son… board of directors have already decided on the matter," Inutaisho said. Sesshomaru was deeply vexed. That idiotic, imbeciles have to ruin my day. I hope they jump off from cliff… like lemmings. They jump to decrease their population… yes? Then those imbeciles can jump off to decrease their… idiotic, incompetent… Forget this. Sesshomaru pinched his nose to relieve ache that was coming from his head. It felt like someone pounding hammer against his temples. He took a deep breath and said,
"I will be there." And he promptly hung up. Then the elevator dinged, indicating they had arrived at the parking lot. He immediately noticed his Lamborghini Reventon, hopped in, and sped out of the parking lot.
Sesshomaru was in extremely bad mood, and it only escalated as time went by. He pressed the accelerator extra harder, wondering if high speed would relieve some of his stress. He looked at passing cars and grading them as he drove. That BMW… crappy. What is that? Forget the dogs, beware of the owner? Hn. Indeed. Too many idiots these days… Ferrari Enzo? Now that car is sexy. What the fuck? Distracted, Sesshomaru drove through the red light, and he accidently bumped into the Ferrari. Sesshomaru bumped his head on the steering wheel, and felt the glass next to him crack. Thank Kami that it was a missile proof. Now let's see who the fuck this psycho is. They must have a death wish. I shall personally sue them. My poor baby. I will get you fixed soon. Sesshomaru got out of the car and saw a beautiful woman in her early twenties getting out of the car. With heels on, she looked about 5'7. Her beautiful shining cinnamon (probably dyed) hair shined against the morning sun. Her lips were red, reminding him of cherries; they looked soft and so… kissable. Her figure was of a super model's. She looked absolutely gorgeous. Impulsively, Sesshomaru wanted to ravish her. The woman's soft brown eyes captivated him the most. She looked so innocent, and oh so fragile. Right now, they had a hint of anger, and eyes that said shit does happen.
"Are you okay? Oh my Kami," exclaimed, the woman, worried.
"I am fine," assured Sesshomaru. Looking at her, he decided to forgive her.
"Sir, is there anything I can do for you? Anything?" questioned the woman. There is something you can do alright… thought Sesshomaru, as he scanned her body. Looking at the car once again, he realized this was all his fault and he mentally shook his head, and just said,
"Please drive more safely from now on. That's all I want from you. And about that…" he pointed at the now, extremely dented car, cringed and continued. "I shall call service. And… are you alright?" he asked, concerned.
She huffed, "I'm fine. I hope we don't run into each other again. And please… careful with driving." She walked away to her car. He turned and began walking away.
As she saw him getting into a taxi, the woman just smiled and said,
"Sesshomaru Taisho."
Sesshomaru got out of taxi, and entered Taisho Group. He took great pride in the business. Headquarters was designed by none other than himself. It was truly a masterpiece, it was. The whole building was built with tinted missile-proof glass, standing sixty-four stories tall; it was one of the tallest skyscrapers in Japan. But there was one building in Japan that could compete against Taisho Group's headquarters, and that was Yamamoto Group. Yamamoto Group was like Taisho, one of the major corporations around the world. Yet, Sesshomaru never considered Yamamoto Group as their rivals for they tended to focused on people rather than products like as his did. Sesshomaru entered the building to be greeted by employees.
"Good morning, Sesshomaru-sama!" greeted woman at the front counter with giggle. And of course, he replied to the greeting with his usual "Hn." Once he got up on sixty-second floor, he was greeted by another woman, Yura. His… old acquaintance. With her usual flirty look, she swung her head, making her hair fall all over the place, composed herself and greeted him with her rapidly batting eyes.
"Hellooooo, Sesshomaru dear," Yura cooed, now incredibly close to his body, her long, red painted nails clawing him on his silver Armani suit. "You look… utterly delicious today," she purred. Sesshomaru mentally cringed his nose with disgust. What the hell did I see in her? I need some coffee.
Sesshomaru raised his hand and said, "Enough" and then walked passed by her like nothing had happened. Yura sighed. Shrugged her shoulders, while looking dreamy, licking her red, lipstick-painted lips and said
"His silver hair always looked so… I wonder what conditioner he uses."
"I'm afraid I can't do that, sir."
Inutaisho was staring down the window in his sixty-second floor office. Sesshomaru was going to like this. But here is the world-wide star that his shareholders want as the main model, and she is declining his offer. What can possibly be wrong? He suddenly heard the door opening, and was greeted by, "Father." Inutaisho turned, and greeted Sesshomaru.
"Ah, son. You are here. Meet Ms. Yamamoto." Sesshomaru saw a woman standing up, as she turned his eyes went wide in shock. The woman smiled sweetly.
"Nice to see you again… Mr. Taisho. It must be fate."