Haro bewdiful readers of ze world/universe! :D T'is I - Senbei and holy Mavis I died cranking up this 4032 word chappy - That's right, excl. A/Ns :D Ahh I feel kind of proud of myself yet slightly guilty since I came up with this MUST-DO next project LuNa fanfic...and just felt as if I had to complete this ASAP. Fear not though, I have managed to do this without feeling like killing myself - I had some fun with this! X3 Mmkays my dearies, I hope you enjoy and PLEASE for the love of some random person, REVIEW! Also, a big thank you to Amanda for giving me the corrections! *huggles* And thank you Cup Ramen for being my editor/idea-buddy!

Reply to reviews:

Mimii: Thanks again and I hope you enjoy this!

Disclaimer: Me no own Fairy Tail

Awkward seconds ticked by, an uncomfortable silence hanging in the air and Natsu gulped in fear. The fact that Erza's eyes were locked onto the pair as if they were terrorists caught red-handed made it that much more worse. The redhead had speedily decided to force away her expression of pure shock and horror, instead settling on one that made Gray feel like shitting his pants.

"Natsu, Lucy…what is the meaning of this?" Her eyes narrowed as she carefully structured her question.

"That is…err…" Gray gave his frienemy a pitiful glance before looking away.

"Yes?" Oh god, why did the amazon woman have to raise her brow and say it with that seriously deadly tone of hers at the same time? Her gaze hardened when she received no reply.

"If you two don't tell me what is happening right now-"

"W-we can explain!" Lucy defended, feeling slightly unconvincing when she realised they had remained in their embarrassing position. Terry smirked arrogantly, running a hand through his hair when Lucy struggled to come up with an answer. She looked up to face Natsu, only to curse under her breath when she found that his attention was elsewhere. Brilliant. It was the perfect scenario.

Terry made his way to the front of the mob, plastering an angelic and troubled expression on his face when he practically flung himself in front of his two teachers.

"Miss Heart! Mr Dragneel!" Little sparkles came from his eyes and Lucy cringed, immediately knowing that shit was going to happen. Natsu raised a brow.

"Huh? Since when did you call me Mr D-"

"You two were making so much noise in there; I didn't know whether or not I should've opened the door!" Fuck. Lucy saw Gray and Erza's eyeballs practically roll out from their sockets.

"What are you talking about?" Erza's death glare zeroed-in on the male Goldilocks but was promptly stopped in her tracks when Natsu decided to reply. Lucy hoped he had enough sense to deny-

"Huh? How could you hear us in there? I mean, you guys were making such a racket outside."

Her world stopped or was it just that the whole classroom had gone completely silent? So many thoughts were running through her head at the same time that she didn't know what to do anymore. The implications of his words, all this pent-up stress…Her chocolate orbs immediately went to Natsu whose eyes roamed around the room. Should she have been angry at him? Pissed off like there was no tomorrow? Panic-stricken? Confused? Sad? Happy? It was all a blur.

"What the hell happened to this place?" Natsu wrinkled his nose in disgust and it was then she realised the chaos that blanketed the shambolic area that they had once referred to as the classroom. She opened her mouth to speak; no words leaving her so instead; Lucy opted to clench her shaking fists, running her nails through the carpet in the process. 'Pissed off like there was no tomorrow' it was. Her bangs conveniently shadowed her eyes, hiding the tears that had sprung to them. For some reason, they were just there and she couldn't get rid of them no matter how hard she tried.

"Lucy, what the hell is this man Goldilocks talking about?" Gray sounded slightly nervous.

"Lucy, are you alright?" Erza's voice was laced with concern.

"Oh man! And Marina is coming today!" Natsu complained. "Luce, what are we gonna do?"

Her heart thumped wildly against her ribs, her palms began to sweat, her breathing rate increased tenfold…as their words swirled through her head, echoing from within the endless nihility that could be known as the current state of her mind. She'd been in countless life and death situations before where hope and trust were the only things pulling her through…yet why did this feel so much worse?

"Luce?" Natsu's complaining stilled when he noticed her shaking form. Her shoulders trembled in what appeared to be repressed frustration and stress. "What's wrong?" He reached for her but his hand was quickly slapped away. Lucy lifted her head to face him, mashing her teeth together as tears made their way down her cheeks. She had officially cracked under the pressure.

"Don't touch me." She hissed before shoving him off her and getting to her feet. Taking the silence as her cue to continue, she shot Natsu a look of complete resentment and blame.

"I told you…" Lucy began in the lowest of voices, further shocking her teammates. Natsu stared straight at her, eyes wide in shock.

"H-huh? I don't get you. Can't we talk-"

Her orbs that were almost full of spite bore holes through his and after releasing the bite on her bottom lip; she uttered her next words. "The 'talk' we had earlier was the last one. Was this what you meant by 'we can wait'? Was this what you meant by 'I don't care'?" She motioned towards the wrecked room, her voice quickly escalating in volume. "Natsu, I told you we had responsibilities. Are you satisfied now? Have you gotten what you want? Can't you consider the consequences of your actions?"

"I…"His guilt-ridden gaze followed her as she paced to the front of the room. He had no idea of what to say – Each and every word that fell from her mouth was the pure truth.

"Miss Heart, are you alright?" Terry said in false concern, feeling fear creep into his skin when she glared daggers at him. How she despised this devil spawn – Lucy felt her rage intensify when she scanned his hateful features – A curly nest of light blonde hair, those damned eyes that reeked of deceit and vice, his trembling bottom lip that reminded her of a fail fish pout….She decided that she hated each and every part of him. She wiped the remainder of the tears before taking in a deep breath – The others probably thought she was taking in a breather...how wrong they were.

"Lucy, are you alright? If there's anything that we can do-"

"Oh no, I'm completely fine Erza." Her lips curved into a bone-chilling smile that practically mirrored her mental state – that was, bordering insanity and Erza shut up almost immediately. Lucy took a glance at the devil spawn.

"O-oh, I'm glad to hear that you're fine Miss Heart." He cautiously inched away. That was when the greatest idea made its way to Lucy's head – She had so much bottled-up frustration and no place to express it; who else better than the culprit to take it out on?

Terry lips curved into a nervous smile, attempting to lighten the mood in the worst way possible. "Well, looks like I won't be stuffing you two in a closet anytime soon – Who knows what you'd get up to by yourselves." And he shrugged, completely oblivious to a blushing and livid Lucy.

"TERRY! Go sit in the corner right now!" She practically yelled before narrowing her eyes. "You're going to clean up that mess over there all by yourself and after you're done, you'll be giving me your telephone number – I'm ringing up your parents…Actually, I'll have you ring them and tell them of your horrible behaviour at school." He went rigid.

"W-what?" He heard the rest of the kindergarteners fall into a hushed discussion – this couldn't be happening.

"You heard me."

"B-but no one orders me around and no one ever has to ring their parents!" He stuttered, trying to appear fearless.

Lucy only gave him a pointed look. "Well too bad buddy because you're in a load of crap. NOW GET CLEANING BEFORE I KILL YOU!" Terry let out an indignant squeal before scrambling to the corner, "I-I'll get you for this!" He cried before tripping over his beautiful red seat. Ugh, screw calling him 'man Goldilocks', he reminded her more of an evil Cinderella who would never get a happy ending.

"And as for the rest of you…" She turned to look at the rest of the class.

"Y-yes Miss Heartfilia?"

"I expect every nook and cranny of this place to be sparkling! I want all this to be complete before you go home and if you finish before that, you will all sit in silence at the carpet area until pick-up time!" They all ran off with a squeak and Lucy felt all her energy leave her. Small laughs left her and she chuckled uncontrollably to herself as she sunk to her knees.

"Lucy, I'm seriously worried about you." Gray commented when Erza placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I-I'm fine. Just…just…" Lucy tried to get her bearings but her knees threatened to give way. She didn't want to face any of them because she felt so darn broken. She'd snapped and now she felt like crap. She felt like dumping herself into an empty well and just eating tubs and tubs of ice-cream there by herself while laughing and sinking into depression at the same time. Hell, she just wanted to be out of here. She cursed silently, knowing that the waterworks had started again – this time, out of necessity and stress rather than earlier when she didn't know what the hell to even feel. Urgh. This was the worst. She was dreading the fact that Erza, Gray and Natsu of all people would see her in this horrible state. Oh well, it would happen sooner or later – She turned to face them, hoping that her bangs would cover it up for even a second.

"Luce?" She looked to the side, letting out a shaky sigh and that was when Natsu sensed it. She was breaking. Before anyone could see her in all of her crying glory, he pushed through Gray and Erza and wrapped his arms around her in a secure embrace.

"I won't look." He whispered, affectionately placing his chin on the top of her head when she buried her face into his chest and began to cry. Gray gawked and Erza was evidently shocked. The ice-mage kept his eyes on the couple before whispering into Erza's ear.

"Is this what they call a couple's moment?" She swiftly replied by ramming her elbow into his ribs.

"We're leaving." She proceeded to drag Gray to a nearby table that was precisely 2 metres away – It left them with perfect view of the two.

"S-so cruel and I thought you said we were leaving?" He gasped for air, slightly bemused when Erza shrugged.

"I think this is as close as we can get to a real-life 'soap-opera' moment."


"I don't know you – I'm going to help scrape off that crap from the ceiling." Gray looked back to sneak a glance at the redhead only to find her staring at Natsu and Lucy in intrigue. She assumed that they hadn't registered the fact that she and Gray had left to give them some privacy – they were probably too absorbed in the moment.

"Young love." She breathed, causing Gray's face to contort in horror – He was not getting involved in any of this so he decided the carefully inch away from the scene.

"You…you can just stay there."

"Natsu, I'm sorry. I'm being such a lady jerk and you're still helping me." Lucy hiccupped, pressing her cheek against his chest.

He uncharacteristically hummed as he absentmindedly ran his fingers through her silky locks. "Hmm. I'm sorry too – It was kinda my fault anyway." He'd undone her bun moments earlier after deciding that their scuffle in the closet had taken its toll.

Lucy continued, heaving a sigh. "Ugh. I'm so moody. I think I'm beginning to hate myself."

"That's not true."

"Yes it is. I've been blaming you for…stuff…Well, sometimes, you were just being an idiot…but still…" She paused for a second, shaking her head in defeat. "Urgh, I don't know. This week has just been weird. I've been weird, you've been weird. …Do I sound weird saying all this?" She looked up to face him.


"Wait, you're being weird again." Her face scrunched up as she scrutinised his confused expression.


"I said you're being weird. Why are you so calm…? What happened to the dense, action-loving, stupid Natsu?" She examined him further, noticing that his arms were still around her, one of his hands on the side of her face. "Actually, why are you being so…sensitive?" She tried to hide her blush by looking to the side.

He stared at her before raising a brow. "I dunno, because of you?"

Well, she certainly wasn't expecting that. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Natsu looked into the air as her face flushed a bright red. "I-"

"Lucy, Natsu – Gray and I are leaving now. The master wants you at the guild tomorrow." Erza motioned for Gray to follow but not before giving Natsu and Lucy an awkward stare.


"You…you won't be needing any counselling after this, correct?" The pair in turn, looked at her in confusion.


"The master was curious."


"I take that as a 'no'." They nodded awkwardly, waving as Erza and Gray exited the door.

Lucy's chestnut orbs scanned the sparkling classroom in shock. What was happening? Actually, how on Earthland was it possible? Natsu gaped alongside her.

"Jesus. I think they're cleaning fairies in disguise." She nodded silently for the 10th time that day. The class had been dismissed and Terry had been indefinitely grounded barely an hour ago but hell, they just couldn't help but to gape at the spotless room.

"But Monique hasn't arrived yet." Natsu added before taking a seat. Lucy followed in his actions, sitting opposite him.

"I guess we just have to wait it out."



"So…" Lucy began with a chin on her palm, leaving the sentence unfinished when she had nothing to say. He looked at her with interest before deciding to add in a comment.

"You cried today." And Lucy didn't even bother to hide her embarrassment this time. Instead, her chocolate orbs zeroed-in on him as a pink-tint became visible on her cheeks. She leaned over the table, her face mere inches away from his. Natsu let himself be surprised - by both her words and actions.

"I know."

"…Oh…" The determination in her voice had him taken aback and Natsu couldn't help but to take note of all her features when she gave him a faint smile.

"But, I don't regret it. Sometimes, things just happen on their own – whether we like it or not and I couldn't stop the tears so thank you for uhm, you know…"She trailed off when referring to their hug, suddenly deciding to lean back only to be stopped when he grabbed her by the wrist.


"Is that what you really think?" The look he gave her was stony and determined – a look that she only recalled him having when he got serious during a battle. After a short pause she slowly nodded.

"Yes." Lucy waited for him to answer, having the inkling that he'd speak once he was satisfied after he'd closed the distance between their faces. Their foreheads touched. This felt foreign. This made her feel like making a mad-dash back to her apartment. But she didn't. They were staring directly at one another and something in his eyes made her stay rooted to her spot.

"Then," She gulped when he whispered in the smallest volume possible, the tone of his voice a mix between desperation and angst - It was something she couldn't quite discern but it made her heart ache just slightly.

"Yes?" She breathed, eyes pensively meeting his soft gaze.

"You wouldn't blame me for doing this right?"

Her eyes widened in shock when she felt his lips press against hers. His hand gently caressed her cheek and before she had fully registered what was happening, her lids had automatically fallen shut. She kissed him back. Lucy was left in a daze when it ended and somehow, she was staring at him. She saw but she didn't see. Her mind was buffeted by a million questions but at that moment, she didn't care.

"That was your fault, you know." He added quietly, resting his forehead against hers.

"And how is that the case?" Lucy had to force the words out of her mouth because really, she didn't feel like saying anything at all. Her mind was in a jumble and all she could think about was how nice and right it felt to kiss him. She heard him take in a deep breath.

"It's your fault that I really, really, really, really, really…"

Lucy decided to speak when his words faded out into silence.

"My fault that you really?"

"Like you." She had to remind herself to breathe – did she hear that right? 'Well, he just kissed you for starters'. She heard a voice deadpan. Lucy let a smile play on her lips.



"Whyyy Bonjour my dearies! I am Monique!" An oversized woman sang as she bustled through the entrance. She readjusted her red-winged glasses before placing her crocodile-skinned handbag down.

"Je suis désolé pour my lateness! I wass held up by some urgenttt business, oui?" Monique cranked out some broken French as she ran a finger on the surface of a nearby cabinet. She squinted as she inspected her gloved hand. "Mon dieu! Zer is not a speck of dust ici!"

"Uhm yes, we just did some spring cleaning today…" Lucy squeaked, slightly surprised by the sudden intrusion of privacy.

"Ooh la la! Have I seen you two from somevhere before?" They eyed her cautiously from top to bottom.

"Oui ou non? C'est simple! Now, my answer dearies! I must leave soon for my flight iz in an hour!"

"No…I don't think so." An agitated Natsu replied.

"Ahh I see! Must be my failing memory! Tsk tsk tsk!" She shook her head, leaving for the door.

"Now, now! Ve shall not stall! Out of the salle de classe ve go!" She ushered the pair outside before locking the door.

"I have ze keys so zer is nozinque to worry about! Now, I shall report to my beautifulll cousin? Yez, you two are doing very well!"

"Okay?" They watched as the woman took a glance at her watch.

"Ahh! I must goo, oui? Au revoir my dears!" She left a dust track when she ran to catch a taxi.

"Uhmm…wow. I think that went well?" Natsu nodded, still majorly peeved off. He started to mutter something under his breath, catching Lucy's attention. She tilted her head to the side as if to inspect him.

"Hm? What's wrong?"

"I didn't hear you." He pouted with crossed arms.

"Hear what?"

"Your…your reply." Woops. How could she forget? She flushed red after the realisation and mentally punched herself – as much as she'd like to say 'I like you too' back, she couldn't. Why? Because a fat muffin had destroyed the mood and she now found it too embarrassing to say anything at the moment. What a killjoy. Then again, running off without replying wouldn't exactly turn out very well so she decided to play along.

"My reply to what?"

"Oh my god. Don't tell me that…" She heard Natsu deadpan, looking like he had devolved into a depressed primate. Lucy sighed.

"I won't know what to say back if you don't ask me anything in the first place."


She sneaked a sideways glance at him. "So?"

"Uhm, what I mean to ask is err..." He scratched the back of his neck, looking as if his next few words would make him die of embarrassment. Lucy felt slightly guilty for making him spill his guts again but couldn't help but wonder how exactly he would say it.

"Errr that is, I…Oh for the love of you – I love you. Now say it back or else I'll threaten you!" Huh? What was this? Why was he threatening to threaten her if she didn't say it back?

"Uhm…" She raised a brow when he tapped his foot impatiently.

"Say it." Natsu ordered, looking slightly angry and expectant.

"I…" She looked to the ground. This was too embarrassing and not to mention, extremely awkward. She took in a deep breath. 'Okay Lucy, you're professing your undying love to that rock over there - Yes, that ugly looking rock that coincidentally looks like a hardened piece of dog crap and good god, it is a piece of crap! Ugh, society nowadays - people should seriously pick-up after them-' Her thoughts were interrupted by another voice that sounded slightly like her guardian angel. 'Woman, just say it already.' Oops.

"Are you going to say it or-" That was when she decided to spill her guts.

"I love you, I love you, I love you!" She blurted out and he immediately stilled.

"I love you so much I'm sleep-deprived because you've been on my mind the whole week and I can't stop thinking about you. I felt like dying when you asked if we were best-friends, I was happy when you hugged me –I…." She broke off her half-shouting, suddenly going quiet.

"I really, really, really love you." Lucy tilted her head up so as to look at him.

"Great, I sound like an obsessive stalker thanks to yo-mmph!" Natsu silenced her with a short kiss and when it ended, he affectionately grazed the back of his hand across her cheek.

"You're…mine." And of course, she had to give him a good smack on the head.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"Stop sounding like a possessive freak, we're heading back." She lectured as she took him by the hand. He was left to stare at her in wonder.

"Uhm, I'm sor-"

"And plus, if anything, you belong to me." She huffed and Natsu did a double-take. Well who knew she was the possessive type?

"Whatever you say."

-The next day at the A.S.S Kindergarten-

"Miss Heart! We're all going to miss you!" Ben wailed, clinging onto her as if his life depended on it – Obviously the group that had left with Mrs Wright the day before hadn't witnessed her outburst.

"Oh please, it's not like she's dying or anything – get over it cry-baby." Alice rolled her eyes even though she felt the same way.

"That's not nice Alice-chan!" Alice shrugged.

"I'm just saying the truth Emily."

Shou sighed as he watched his friends banter. "Guys! Stop arguing! I want to join too!"

Argh. As expected of kids. Lucy smiled as she watched them interact – thank god Terry had decided to not come today. She was pulled out of her thoughts when they tugged at her apron.

"But, but, but! Miss Heart, Mr Pink-haired alien! Are you going to visit?" Lucy's eyes darted to Natsu and they both shared a worried glance.

"M-maybe." Jesus, as much as they were going to miss the good kiddies, they felt like running for the hills after their last shift.

-At the guild-

"Hey Natsu…" Lucy reached for the doorknob of the Fairy Tail building.


"I wonder how they'll react. That and I kind of miss the kids already." She confessed, opening the door.

"Me too." He grinned and with that she opened the double doors.

They felt a surge of happiness overcome them, hell; they felt like stripping and doing the canny-can on stage! THEY WERE FREE! No more evil devil spawn to take care of-

"And then they kissed…again…I swear, you'd think that she'd be embarrassed after saying 'I love you' over 3 times!"

Natsu and Lucy's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when they spotted a familiar nest of blond hair at the bar. It couldn't be right?

"Oh, hello Miss Heart! Pinky!" Terry smirked as he swirled his cup of juice.

"What the fuck?"

"Now, now, no language you two!" Mirajane beamed from the counter and somehow, it all clicked. Erza, Gray, Makarov and the rest of the guild watched as Lucy and Natsu were being restrained by Elfman from pummelling Terry's face in.

"Are you sure they didn't need those counselling sessions?" Makarov shot Erza a worried look.

"Who knows."

PLEASE REVIEW! Personally, I think this was too cheesy and un-original for my liking and my interest has drifted to my soon-to-be-written fanfic - SHAMELESS SELF-PROMOTION: Yes. It is another LuNa but is MAJORLY different - It's like taking a normal person and chucking them into a basement for a week, deporting them to the North Pole, handing them over to the mental asylum and asking them for ideas for a love story. Yeah, it's that different :D Anyhow, in that fanfic, it's set in the same Fairy Tail world etc but Natsu and Lucy kind of meet each other in a different way! Look forward to it and PLEASE REVIEW THIS STORY! It really helps with motivating the Senbei! :D Thank you to all readers, reviewers, favouriters and alerters - your support is awesome and I LOVE YOU GUYS because you make me feel so awesome! X3 Shall get starting on the new fanfic or just a oneshot!