Disclaimer: I don't own HTTYD.

This moment should have been happy for the dragons and Vikings. They should be cheering, laughing and congratulating Hiccup on his job well done.

Instead they were watching him fall to the ground.

Toothless was chasing him, and everyone could tell he was going as fast as he could bu couldn't reach him. Soon they would both hit the ground and actually be dead. Their hero had returned, even for a moment, but now he was taken away again by a fall.

Toothless inched closer and Stoick silently pleaded for him to reach Hiccup. They were coming close to the ground now, so close the Stoick had no idea if Toothless could even pull up in time.

He then realized that Toothless was never going to be able to reach Hiccup. The ground was too close and they were going too fast for him to catch up. The only way to save Hiccup, who was falling head first, was to pull him by his foot and grab him quickly.

He knew that Hiccup would more than likely lose that foot, he would be in pain, but he didn't want him dead. The dragon understood that too, as he did exactly what Stoick was thinking. Many people gasped, and through it all everyone heard Toothless moan, as if it were hurting him more than Hiccup.

They crashed landed somewhere across the island, and Stoick was the first to begin searching. It only took them a few minutes to find the two, but when they did, they found Toothless right next to Hiccup. Stoick wasn't going to separate them.

"Get them both to the boats." He ordered. "We'll tend to Hiccup there, but keep the dragon near."

"But, Stoick" A random Viking said. "Didn't ya see? The dragon did this to yer son."

"He did it to save him. And I think it hurt him more than it did Hiccup."

"I guess so, but what are we goin' to do about the other-"

"Let the other dragons follow us to Berk. They deserve to have a good rest after all this."

The Viking nodded, and spread Stoick's order around. They all worked together to get both Hiccup and Toothless to the boats, not letting the two get more than five feet apart.

No one seemed angry at the dragon for injuring Hiccup, and that was the thing Astrid failed to understand. Everyone had seen him nearly bite Hiccup's leg off, yet no one seemed to be mad. She shook her head as she saw the thing lying by Hiccup, who was being worked on.

"Fishlegs," She said. "Why isn't anyone angry at the Night Fury?"

The boy turned to her; all of the other teens watching the scene unfold in front of them. "You really don't get it, do you?" He said.

"Get what? The thing tried to bite his leg off!"

"No, Astrid. Toothless saved Hiccup. When they were falling Toothless couldn't get to him by trying to catch Hiccup. The only thing he could go was grab his leg and try to make the fall a little softer."

"How do you know that's what the dragon was thinking? How do you know that he didn't just want to be even with Hiccup for taking his tailfin?" Astrid said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Because when Toothless bit Hiccup," Ruffnut said. "Toothless felt more pain."

Astrid blinked a few times, shocked by the answer. All of the teens walked away, confident that they had made their point.

Astrid looked back in forth from Hiccup to Toothless. Hiccup, who the Vikings were now working on, looked visibly in pain, even though he was knocked out. Toothless looked even worse. The dragon's body was tense, as if he wanted to spring on the men who were working on Hiccup. His eyes, which were still shut, were twisted up.

In a way, Toothless looked more hurt than Hiccup, even though there was nothing wrong with him. Astrid bit her lip and went on with loading Vikings on the ship. She felt bad, not only for Hiccup, but for the guilty dragon on the ship next to her.

"Do you think he's gonna lose that leg?" Astrid heard Tuffnut say from behind her.

"I hope not." His sister replied.

"But wouldn't it be the best battle scar!" Snotlout said

"And the worst feeling to walk." Fishlegs said. "Those things hurt."

"I've heard about them." Astrid said, joining a conversation for the first time. "It takes people a long time to get used to a prosthetic."

The teens stared at her for a moment, baffled at the fact that she was actually talking normally with them. Then they all continued their conversation, Astrid actually feeling normal for once.

Back In Berk

"He lost the leg." Stoick said as he walked into Gobber's blacksmith. Gobber, who was working on something looked up.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yeah, apparently Toothless hit his leg when they got to the ground. That pretty much done it."

"Well, I don't think Toothless could have really done much. Poor thing still hasn't woken up."

"He's close to it though, I saw him moving not too long ago. I hate to be the one person that's there when he does though. I have a feeling he's not going to be too happy of the fact that Hiccup has no lower left leg."

"Ah, he'll be fine. Just explain it to him. The thing seems to understand us."

"I suppose so." Stoick said. "Do you think you could make Hiccup a new leg?"

"Well, I expected this. I'm makin' Toothless a new saddle so that way Hiccup can have two, I'll make it where his new leg fits into this one perfectly."

"Thanks Gobber." Stoick said and went into a silence.

"Hiccup will be fine, Stoick. You'll see."

Stoick sighed "I'm just worried about how he'll react to having his leg gone."

"The boy's strong. He'll make it." Gobber said reassuringly. "Plus he's got his best friend the Night Fury if he ever needs him."

Stoick shook his head and told his friend goodbye, walking outside into the new Berk.

A Few Days Later

Toothless groaned at the stiffness of his body. What in the world had he done to feel this bad? He rolled over and opened his eyes to get himself a good look at his new surroundings. He saw wood, a fire, and furniture. He blinked a few times just to make sure what he was seeing was true. He was in a human house!

He sprung up as fast as he could, clearing the haze from his mind. He remembered the fight with the Queen, and Hiccup's fall. Where was Hiccup? Was he okay?

He took a deep breath though his nose, trying to find Hiccup's scent. It was all around him, strong but with metal mixing in with it. He searched the room for the origin of the scent and found it in the bed right in front of him.

He walked up to his human and sniffed him. He jumped at the continuous scent of the metal and bit the covers that were on top of Hiccup. He pulled them back and saw that Hiccup's lower left was gone and in its place a metal leg. (AN: It looks the same as the movie.) He sniffed it a couple of times before moaning.

He had done this. Never in his life had he felt so guilty, not even when the Zippleback was eaten by the Queen.

"Don't feel bad, Toothless." Said the voice of Hiccup's father "You did what you had to."

Toothless shifted his gaze over to Stoick, who had been standing in the doorway. He tilted his head to the side, hoping that Stoick would understand and tell him what he meant.

"I saw what you did when you two were falling, and I'm glad you did it instead of letting Hiccup die." Stoick reached out his hand and patted Toothless on the head, which the dragon had no objection to. "Now come on," the chief said smiling. "I have to show what you missed." Toothless casted a worried glance at Hiccup. "Don't worry; Hiccup will be fine while you're gone."

The dragon reluctantly left Hiccup's side, his curiosity winning over his worry. Stoick opened the door to the house they were in, and revealed a totally different Berk.

Dragon's flew all around the sky, as if Berk was their nest. Some sat on rooftops or walked on the ground, nuzzling and crooning at humans whom they had bonded with. In the middle of the village, was a giant bowl of fish, one that many dragons were crowned around and ate from.

Many humans turned around and smiled at Toothless, congratulating him for a job well done. He walked through the village, with Stoick in tow, and found that everyone was happy he was awake. He turned around and gave Stoick a confused glance.

The man laughed. "Dragon's are welcome here ever since we killed the Queen together. You and Hiccup have been out for a few days now."

Toothless looked around in awe for a few more moments before the scent of fish hit his nose. It was then he realized how hungry he was. He bounded up to the bowl of fish in the middle of the village and ate until his heart's content. Many men laughed at the scene. Soon Toothless was finished and walked back up to the chief's house.

If Hiccup wasn't awake tomorrow, he would come back out. He liked the new Berk.

Toothless walked back in the house and pushed open the large door with his nose. He walked up to Hiccup's bed and sniffed the boy one last time, and heard a slight groan. Toothless pulled back. Was it possible that Hiccup was waking up? Toothless wiggled in excitement.

Hiccup's eyes opened slowly and a groan escaped the boy's lips. "I feel like I've been trampled by a Gronkle." He sat up. "Make that two Gronkles."

Toothless crooned and nudged the boy with his nose.

"Toothless!" Hiccup exclaimed. "What are you doing here buddy?" He said, as Toothless began to lick him. "Did Dad let you sneak in?"

Toothless shook his head, and pointed his head in the direction of the door.

"You want me to go outside?" Hiccup asked, "What's so special about-oh."

Toothless looked back when Hiccup stopped talking and noticed that Hiccup was pulling the covers off his bed as he was talking. He had stopped in the middle of his sentence when he saw that his foot was missing. He took deep breaths as Toothless watched him sympathetically. He nudged Hiccup and brought his arm around his neck.

Hiccup tried to stand up, only to put more pressure on his friend as they walked towards the door.

"Thanks bud." Hiccup said, putting his handle on the door's handle. He opened it, only to be met by the sight that Toothless had seen not too long ago.

"What… is going on?" He asked, finally emerging from his house. Toothless smiled as he looked around him in wonder. "I knew it. I'm dead."

Stoick, who had been coming up to the house, laughed as he got to his son and patted him on his shoulder.

"No, but you gave it your best shot." He said with a smile. "So, what do you think?" He gestured towards Berk. "Toothless here just went back inside from seeing it."

"What happened, Dad? Everything's is-"

"Hey look!" A Viking said. "It's Hiccup and Toothless!"

Many people began to run towards them and a crowd formed itself around the three people as Hiccup continued looked around him in shock.

"Everyone has their own dragon because of you. After you and Toothless passed out we welcomed them into the village. Everything has been going fine."

"Wow… This is amazing!" Hiccup exclaimed.

"Not as amazing as yer designs." Gobber said, pushing through a few Vikings to get to Hiccup. "It took me forever to recreate them."

"Recreate? What do you-"

"Well, I thought you deserved a new saddle for what the both of ya done. And, it fits yer new foot perfectly, which I made fer ya. What do ya think?"

Hiccup shrugged. "I might make a few tweaks."

Everyone laughed.

"Dude! You're alive!" Someone said from behind Hiccup, who Toothless recognized as Tuffnut.

"Yeah… I'm alive." Hiccup said.

"With good timing too." Ruffnut, who was beside her brother, said. "We're all going flying in a minute, you want to come?"

Hiccup turned to Gobber "Is the saddle ready?"

"Oh yeah. It's at the blacksmith."

"I'll get it!" Ruffnut exclaimed, hopping on the Zippleback they had bonded with.

"No, I will!" Tuffnut exclaimed as he followed her.

"I will!"

"No me!"

"How about I get it?" Hiccup said with a smirk on his face. "I need to test this thing out anyways. You ready for some falls, Toothless?"

The dragon rolled his eyes and they all walked off.

Stoick watched them with a large smile. He had a permanent feeling for his son, one that he never thought would go away.


Author's Note: I'm done! I hoped you all liked this, because I loved writing it. Anyways, I am going to be writing other stuff for the next few days and reading a lot.

This chapter was weird to write because I had a huge case of the hiccups while writing them. I thought that was funny.

Thank you to everyone who reviewed, favorited, and added this to their story alerts, I really appreciated it!