"Hat N' Clogs it's your name" Ichigo stated curiously, still looking in the mirror he ran a hand across the collar,as though his previous anger was just a figment of the watchers imagination. Kisuke watched Ichigo curiously he had expected the strawberry to be mildly upset yell threats and call him a pervert, but it seemed Ichigo was anything but.

"Of Course Kurosaki-kun you didn't expect me to allow someone else's name on my inventions did you" the blonde replied cheerily waving his silly fan.

" and yet you allowed someone else to run their reiastu through it" The teen huffed out looking at the blonde returning to his normal self. Now wasn't that odd now why on earth would the strawberry be alright with his name, Kisuke ( and everyone else present) needed to know. Really the blond was rather miffed at his plan to rile up his former student was blocked, after all Ichigo gave the best reactions, they were oh so honest especially the way the boys pretty chocolate brown eyes they lit up, sparkled and shone.

" Oh, I can override Kuchiki- Taicho's reiasu if you would like Kurosaki-san" informed airily smiling mischievously behind his fan. He could work with this too.

"Really?you wouldn't mind?" hmmn now wasn't that interesting Ichigo hadn't demanded he take it off. Why? Maybe the boy hadn't thought of it, Ichigo was rather straightforward and simple minded he usually just jumped on the first idea that came up or perhaps he just hated feeling Byakuya's reiatsu so much he forgot that the shopkeeper could easily take it off. Well either way Kisuke didn't mind finding out where this was headed this seemed like a lot more fun. Well he wasn't the only one, almost everyone in the room seemed to be looking at the carrot top as though he were a stranger,not that Kurosaki seemed to notice.

"Of course not, just come here I'll take care of it" The Blond beckoned and perhaps it was just a flicker of Kisuke's imagination, but the teen seemed to just bounce over to him. Ichigo's eye just shone with childlike trust. Despite being unwillingly subjected to Kisuke's experiment, he still looked so trusting of the elder. That kind of trust filled Kisuke with both joy and guilt. Well apologies later, fun now. "This will just will just take a minute or so just hold still." Ichigo waited patiently as the elder slipped his hand behind his neck slipped two fingers behind the collar, and pressed his thumb against the reiatsu locked clasp. Ichigo sighed happily as his elder easily but slowly pushed Byakuya's reiatsu out. In that moment Ichigo couldn't help but think the two elder shinigami could not be more different in personality wise. Although both men seemed to have the same problem they never asked. Urahara especially, was it really too hard to just Ichigo if he'd participated in his experiment.

"There you go Kurosaki-kun! all better?" The blond spoke interrupting Ichigo's thoughts.

"Yeah, so much better Thanks!" The strawberry rubbed at his neck looking at Kisuke.

"Now why don't you tell me why do you prefer my reiatsu to Kuchiki-Taichou? Hmmn"

" Cause your you and Byakuya's is who he is" Ichigo answered as though that answered anything. The scientist would accept that for now, but later he would squeeze a more substantial answer out of the teen.

"What the hell does that even mean?" Renji shouted out .

"It means what it means dumb-ass, it's not my fault you don't get it ?"

"Mah, Mah settle down now, I Don't Need Holes in My Walls" Ichigo knew that voice Kisuke voice didn't change but the tone seemed to it was subtle, but Getaboshi always had that 'it' that one thing that made him want to obey, Ichigo quit understand what 'it' was, but he knew it wasn't something he had or would ever gain. The 'it' seemed to only be with those who could dole out threats with cheery smiles on their faces, ones that made people look twice. He couldn't really fake that Kind of thing no there wasn't really much hiding what he had on his mind unless he stayed silent. Ichigo blew out a huff and calmed while, Renji sat down on the stool in the room.

"Alright, now that, that over with why don't you go back to you're modeling Kurosaki-kun and I'll take my leave"The blond spoke waving that silly fan with his overly cheery voice. Now if that didn't piss Ichigo off to no end, bastard acting as though everything went according to plan, Ichigo would have snatched that damn fan from the elders hand , if he thought he could get his hands on it, besides Ichigo wanted to see the blonde eyes. He had a good opportunity so he'd take it.

"Not so fast" Ichigo grabbed a hold of the back of Getaboshi's robes right as he made for the door.

"Did you need something else from me Kurosaki-kun ?"

"Yeah, you something from me, so I decided I'm going to take something from you"

"Ah, now what would that be?" The older male smiled

"This" the substitute shinigami pulled the ex-captain back he reached for the fan with his left but snatching the hat off of the blonds and flash stepping in front of the door hold the hated green striped hat. Now Kisuke hadn't expected Ichigo to make a move like that, but he wasn't going to just let his former 'student' (if you'd called his method of "training' teaching, well he did and that all that matters) get away with it. Kisuke easily righted himself and looked Ichigo in the eyes.

"Very funny Kurosaki-kun, Now Give Me Back My Hat." Kisuke held out his hand spoke with that voice again only this time everyone in the room could feel the promise of pain. As frightening of a man Kisuke could be his steal eye's and the power held behind them didn't scare Ichigo. Well if Ichigo was being honest with himself they did, but they also thrilled him in a way he never felt before. Like the scientist could draw something out of him no one else could. So, as much as Ichigo's body wanted to obey, he would not because Ichigo was nothing but stubborn, it was a family trait after all. If Getaboshi wanted his stupid eye hiding hat well he'd have to work for it.

"No," Ichigo petulantly responded "Well, ah See ya" and the strawberry Flash stepped out the door before anyone could blink.

" Yoruichi, please continue on while I go Strawberry hunting." and in another flash the mad scientist was out the door chasing the teen out the door.

"Oh hell no" Yoruichi was not going to explain to two l young girls why their brother was injured and couldn't keep his promise, besides Ichigo wasn't going to get away from their photo shoot that easy "Well what are you guys standing around for go catch my model before Kisuke does,he's got a promise to keep." and with that order, out the door to the room everyone else went. They only had an hour or so left before dinner. Honestly,Ichigo could really get his priorities sidetracked sometimes.

I updated yeah! I know it has been a long time almost a year, but it was difficult writing this part,I just couldn't get it to formulated right in my head. So next is an all out chase to catch Ichigo. I feel I should explain a few things a bit. One: Ichigo is not 15 in this. He is at least 17. If there is an error in my story that states Ichigo's age somewhere as something other than 17 then tell me I will correct it. Two: Ichigo can Flash Step in his human body because well Ishida can, and Ichigo is part quincy( I know they call it something else in the manga/ anime but I'm making it easy and calling it flash step.) I assume Ichigo's fullbring' powers returned when a) Genjo dies and/or b) when he got his power back. So I'm just going to say he can flash step while in his human body because he is not going to just forget a skill like that. No he can't go as far, but he is speedy so Ichigo is not going to be easy to catch. Please Review, Favor, and Follow. It inspires me to write. I got some love recently for my stories and it really invigorated me to write. Thank You for your support. :- ). To eminadaisuki- you naughty child giving out spoilers in the review for ch. 14. tsk tsk. - I joking with you of course (most of the readers could have probably guessed whose name it was going to be) I'm justso happy you read, kept up with and liked my story. So you get cookies. everyone who has kept up with me through the years gets cookies.