A/N: Okayyy, I ended with fluff, but BL just isn't BL to me without without a bit of Lemon. So here we go folks! Set three years ahead, Len is 17 and Oliver is 16. All from Oliver's POV sort of.


Oliver was staring absentmindedly out the window when he felt familiar strong, steady arms encircle him from behind.

"Hi," Oliver said to Len, taking in his scent.

"Hello, Oliver," his boyfriend said back to him.

They'd officially been together for three years, and what a wonderful three years it had been. Oliver couldn't think of life without Len anymore. He was as essential to him as air.

Len brought his lips to Oliver's ear, sending a shiver down Oliver's spinal cord.

"I want you to hear something," Len said.

Len let go of Oliver and took his hand. He led him to their new bedroom. They had moved into it two years ago because it was bigger. They had propped a giant white upright grand piano in the corner of the huge room. It was right by the small window and exuded an air of inspiration that helped them write songs.

"I found an old song on my IPad. I think I was trying to write it the day you moved here. I've named it 'Pink Rose'," Len said as he sat on the piano bench and Oliver sat cross-legged on his bed that was positioned opposite it.

Oliver listened as the beautiful words of love spilled out of his lover's mouth.

He grew more and more taken as he heard Len singing about his love. His voice swelled with passion and Oliver couldn't help but feel touched.

"I will protect you all…" Len sang as the song ended.

His finger's remained on the piano as he looked down at them with a nostalgic expression on his face. The light from the propped up window shone on his face with a warm glow and a slight breeze came through and ruffled his hair which was in its ever present ponytail.

Oliver thought he was the luckiest person in the world to have Len.

Len got up and sat down beside Oliver on the bed.

Oliver hugged Len and put his head on his chest, "I really liked it. It was beautiful."

"I wrote it for you. I meant every word," Len said putting his arms around the younger boy.

Oliver blushed. The song was about such beautiful and pure love.

"When I first began to write it, I felt that I didn't have any passion for it. I felt like I didn't really understand love at all. Meeting you and falling in love with you…it has been the best thing that's ever happened to me," Len said pressing his lips into Oliver's hair, "Thank you, for everything."

Oliver tilted his head up and their lips met with loving kiss.

Oliver heard the melody of 'Pink Rose' run through his head and thought maybe it was the same for Len. Their kiss deepened and grew more passionate.

Oliver was a little surprised when Len licked his lips, asking for permission to enter. Oliver opened his mouth slightly and Len slipped his tongue inside.

Their kiss got more heated and Len pushed Oliver gently down on the bed.

He broke the kiss and both boys were panting and slightly disheveled for a few moments.

Len lowered himself on Oliver and made a trail of gentle kisses down Oliver's neck causing him to utter a soft moan.

"Len…" he gasped as he felt his boyfriend's fingers brush his skin underneath his shirt.

Len looked into Oliver's amber orbs with blue eyes filled with so much warmth that Oliver thought he might die of happiness.

"Oliver…I love you…" Len whispered a little huskily.

Oliver put his arms around Len, "I love you too."

Oliver felt Len's hand make its way up Oliver's shirt and he gasped a little as fingers started to tweak his nipple.

Meanwhile Len buried him in loving kisses.

Oliver let out a moan as Len adjusted his position causing Oliver's erection to brush against Len's.

"Oh…" he gasped as Len increased the pressure on him.

With his fingers a little shaky from the anticipation, Oliver surprised Len by beginning to unbutton Len's shirt.

"Oliver…" Len said.

"I love you, Len, and I trust you," Oliver assured him.

As Oliver took off Len's shirt, Len unbuttoned Oliver's pants and slid his hand down, making Oliver feel unimaginable pleasure.

Meanwhile Oliver took his own shirt off and began to work on Len's belt. Len took it off himself, both of their anticipation and need growing.

Soon both boys were in boxers. Len slid his hand down Oliver's underwear emanating a gasp from him.

Len worked Oliver's hot length making him pant and gasp for breath.

Oliver looked into Len's eyes and hoped he could convey his want.

Len stuck out two fingers and Oliver took them in his mouth. Len emitted a gasp as Oliver's tongue ran between the adages.

Len pulled both their boxers down all the way and disposed of them by tossing them over the side of the bed.

He positioned his fingers at Oliver's entrance.

"Wait," Oliver said. He took off his eye bandages revealing a silvery-blue eye underneath. It was dark now, and besides, he wanted to see Len with both eyes.

Len smiled lovingly at the boy and bent down to envelope him in a kiss.

He broke the kiss and whispered in Oliver's ear, "Are you ready?"

Oliver nodded and whispered, "Yes."

Len inserted a finger into Oliver's entrance, causing him to cry out in an adorable way.

Len moved slowly at first then picked up pace. He entered his second finger, scissoring Oliver and causing him to yelp.

Suddenly Oliver felt an immense pleasure as Len hit a certain spot.

"Len…" Oliver moaned. He was covered in perspiration and his face felt hot and flushed.

He bent down and gave Oliver a gentle kiss on his soft lips.

"Len, I love you. Please… please make love to me," Oliver said arousing Len further.

"I love you too, Oliver," Len whispered as he carefully positioned his manhood at Oliver's entrance.

Slowly Len pushed himself in causing himself to yelp and Oliver to scream out in pleasure.

They were already panting by the time Len was in fully.

"Tell me when to move," Len whispered.

After several moments, Oliver said, "Now."

Len started to move slowly in and out of Len. He hoped he wasn't hurting the boy. Seeing Oliver moan in pleasure pushed away his doubts and he quickened his pace.

Both boys moved their bodies rhythmically to a beat that only they could hear.

To Len and Oliver, this act of passion was proved their love for each other. It joined them together in a paradise with just the two of them.

"Ah!" Oliver yelped, "I'm going to…"

Len felt it too: the rising bout of final ecstasy that they had finally achieved in each other.

Both boys yelled out as they released simultaneously in a beautiful moment of utter heaven.

Len pulled himself out and tiredly lay beside his lover.

They were both immensely tired, but very, very happy.

Len gathered Oliver in his arms and Oliver snuggled in his boyfriend's chest.

They shared one last kiss, gentler then the others.

Hugging Oliver, Len whispered quietly so that only Oliver could ever hear his words, "I love you."

Oliver felt tears of joy collect at the corner of his eyes and he too replied in a whisper, "I love you."

The young lovers lay in the bed interlocked in each other's arms, experiencing feelings of utter bliss.

They would be in love with each other forever and they knew it.

A/N: ahhh! The story is over! This is the first story written by me ever to be finished. Yay for historical firsts! Speaking of firsts, this was also my first Lemon. Was it any good? Too cheesy? I thought it was pretty good… I wanted to make their love come alive ya know! Anyways, I hoped you as a read have enjoyed this fanfic of the new V3 Oliver and Len, who are in my opinion an ADORABLE couple :3 Have a nice day!