A/N: Dear Peoples, I just want to say that this is my first fanfiction so I don't know exactly how it'll turn out :/ Hopefully it will be good and I'll get a lotta love…. Either way I hope you enjoy and don't judge me too much! First fic remember! (btw the bold means that the person is speaking in English)

Chapter One: Meeting the New Kid

"Len! Len! Len!" came the voice of an ecstatic Rin Kagamine.

"Yes, Rin?" Len said looking up from his IPad where he was composing his latest song.

"Did you hear? There's gonna be a new Vocaloid in our family!" exclaimed Rin.

Len's mouth dipped into a smirk, "Is she a girl?" asked the playboy.

"No! He's a boy from Britain named Oliver, and guess what, he's 13! Just a year younger than us, Len!" Rin chirped happily.

Len lost his interest, "And?"

"Well, you don't really have anyone your age in the family, so I thought you'd like a friend," Rin said a little annoyed that her twin brother wasn't as excited as she'd hoped he'd be.

"That is true. I was getting kinda lonely being around girls and old men all day. Plus, my masculine pride was taking serious hits from being dressed in dresses and getting called 'shota.' Honestly, a fourteen year old isn't supposed to be considered 'shota' anymore," the blue-eyed blonde said looking a bit thoughtful.

"Who're you calling old?" Kaito Shion asked coming in from the kitchen with an ice cream cone in hand.

"Eating ice cream doesn't make you any more youthful," Len commented the same time as Rin who exclaimed "Kaito-nii!"

"Kaito and I are in the prime of our youth," Gakupo Kamui said, putting an arm around his blue-haired lover.

Rolling his eyes, Len went to the kitchen to get a banana, putting down his half composed song. It was about love, but for some reason he just couldn't put passion into it.

"Rin-chan, would you like to go shopping with me? We should have a welcoming feast for our new family member," Miku Hatsune said coming down the stairs.

"Sure!" said Rin. Secretly she was happy to be able to spare a few moments alone with new girlfriend.

Putting on their coats, the two girls left, saying their goodbyes.

"Hey, where are Luka-nee and Meiko-nee?" Len asked, pealing his banana.

"Uh, they're a bit… busy right now," Kaito answered cautiously while leaning against Gakupo.

Len rolled his eyes, "You can say the word sex in front of me, you know. Do you not remember Spice!?"

"Yes, yes, Len. We all know that you're a big boy, excuse us for trying to be decent," Gakupo said sarcastically.

Len blushed a little from embarrassment. "Well, I guess I'll leave you two to get 'busy' then," he said recovering with a smirk.

He climbed the stairs as the older men blushed a little. Halfway up the staircase he heard the sound of the couch groaning as the two started to—

Len opened the door to his room and went inside.

He wrote a lot of love songs, but Len was the only one without a significant other. Sometimes when the family went out in public, the others all clinging to each other, Len felt like a spotlight had been thrown on his isolation. It annoyed Len like crazy, but he just masked his true feelings by acting like a player instead. He'd practically forgotten to watch out for other peoples' feelings by now when he led someone on. Sometimes Len wished could go back to being pure.

But he couldn't. Not after that…

Finally giving up on the song, Len put his IPad away and just lay on his bed thinking.

He was very curious as to what the new guy would be like. Rin hadn't told him his name.

He was from Britain so he would probably be a native English speaker.

Len's ponytail was getting in the way of comfort as he laid his head on the pillow so he took it out.

Len wondered how tall he would be. And what his hair and eye color would be like. Would he be nice? Mean? Loud like Rin? Passive like Luka? Assertive such as Meiko?

Len let his mind wander on the topic of the boy. His thoughts were all confidential after all.

"Is he cute?" he asked aloud at one point.

"Is who cute?" Rin asked.

Len practically jumped out of his skin, "Rin!" he exclaimed turning toward her voice. Somehow she had got up to the balcony outside of his room and had soundlessly picked the lock. She was now in his room inclining her head toward him with a questioning look on her face.

"Is who cute?" his curious little sister asked again.

"No one. Never mind what I said," Len said blushing furiously.

Rin smirked, "Don't tell me you're actually hooked on one person for once!"

"Of course not! It's too cliché to like only one person. Plus, that doesn't even make sense in context. If I knew them why would I be wondering if their cute?" Len said.

"Aw, come on, Len. Spill it!" Rin insisted.

Sighing, Len attempted to changed the subject, "When's the newbie coming?" he asked.

"Oh I know! You were wondering about the new kid. Don't worry Len, if you're actually nice to him, he might just like you. You could be like Gakupo-nii and Kaito-nii!" Rin blabbered happily.

"Don't jump to conclusions, Rin," Len said exasperated, "Just tell me when he's coming."

Rin checked the clock on the wall, "In like two hours."

"Two hours? Why'd you tell just ten minutes ago?"

"Ooh, did Len want to get all dressed up and pretty for the new boy?" Rin mocked.

"O-of course not! I was just surprised, that's all," Len stammered.

"Rin, Len, you kids in there?" Meiko said knocking and opening the door, "Get into your official Vocaloid clothes. Be ready to greet the new kid."

She left before Len could ask her what his name would be.

"Well, I'll just leave you to get all dressed up," Rin said prancing out of Len's room.

Sighing once more, Len went to his closet. He slipped on his Vocaloid outfit and finger-combed his hair, tying it up in a ponytail again.

He went downstairs where all his family members were gathered in their uniforms.

Just he entered the living room, the door bell rang. Being the only one up, he decided to go and get it.

He opened the door to reveal a boy a little younger than Len.

For a moment, Len was rendered speechless because of the person in front of him.

He was cute to say in the least.

Len gathered himself and put on a cool smile. Opening the door a little more he said, "Come in."

The boy on the other side of the door blushed a little, much to Len's secret satisfaction, and entered.

Len put his hand in his pockets and led the kid into the living room while yelling, "The new kid's here!"

He moved aside as the others got up from their seats and crowded around the boy.

Rin was first to confront him so she asked, "What's your name?"

"Oliver," the boy said with a British accent. He smiled a little shyly causing Len's heart to stutter.

Oliver was a few inches shorter than Len, about Rin's height. His blonde hair was a little lighter than Len's and he had bright amber eyes that shone. He was wearing a sailor hat with a matching cape. His right eye was in a bandage. He wasn't wearing shoes and his right foot and left knee were in bandages as well. In his hand he had a bird cage with an American Goldfinch.

The bird chirped causing Rin to exclaim, "Birdie!"

She gently took the cage from Oliver and examined it.

"Well, Oliver, welcome to our family," Meiko said brightly.

Blushing more, Oliver smiled wide, "Thank you!"

"Where should we put him?" Gakupo asked.

"Hmm, Len is the only one with a room to himself. Why not with him?" Miku suggested.

"Good idea! Len help Oliver with his bags," Meiko said making it final before Len could say anything.

He kept quiet, but Len was secretly glad to be sharing a room with the cute new boy.

Len grabbed a few of Oliver's suitcases and said, "This way."

The climbed the stairs and Len opened the door to his room with his foot. He was glad that he was the organized type unlike his twin sister.

All the rooms in the Vocaloid mansion were alike, although some were bigger than others. Two twin beds on opposite sides of the room. A window above both. A veranda in the middle. Each bedroom was connected to two walk-in closets and a 'his and her' bathroom. Closets to the left and bathroom to the right of the room.

"That closet is empty and you can sleep in that bed," Len said pointing the places out.

Nodding, Oliver went to put his things in it. Setting Oliver's suitcase by his bed, Len sat down on his own bed.

The truth was, now that he was alone with Oliver, Len didn't know what to say or do.

This had never happened before. He always knew exactly how to act. It was part of his charm as a player.

"Do you speak Japanese?" Len blurted.

Oliver popped his head full of light blonde flipped up waves out of the closet, "Yes I do, but it is not very good," he said in Japanese.

Oliver finished settling in and sat in his bed, opposite Len.

"Um, may I ask what your name is?" Oliver asked.

Len just realized he hadn't introduced himself, "Oh, sorry. My name's Len Kagamine."

"Nice to meet you," Oliver said smiling. Len's heart jumped.

In an effort to maintain his cool image he blurted out, "Have you thought of your image yet?"

Oliver inclined his head to his left, "I did a little on the plane. I was thinking cute young boy. I heard females really like that type of guy."

"So you basically want to be a 'shota'?" Len asked, his tone a bit hostile.

Oliver jumped a little, "Yes, I guess."

Len snickered, "Good luck with that. The world knows I'm the number one 'shota'."

What am I doing, Len thought. This isn't exactly a warm welcoming.

Oliver looked a little disappointed, "Oh… I don't know if I can really pull off anything else."

Len cursed himself. He was not making a good impression.

Somehow he could not put down the arrogant snob act, "Yeah, I can see. Noobs are always like that."

Oliver just looked at the floor sadly.

Len mentally slapped himself.

"Len! Oliver! It's time for dinner!" Rin yelled, opening the door without knocking.

Len scowled, "Rin, you have to knock when you enter."

"I know, I know. I wouldn't want to interrupt anything important." She said winking at him.

Len blushed and scoffed to cover it up.

The twins went downstairs, Oliver in tow.

Once in the dining room, they saw the meal that Miku and Rin had cooked up.

Meiko said the front with Luka to her right and Kaito to her left. To Kaito's left was Gakupo. To Luka's left was Miku. Rin sat beside Miku at the round table and Len sat beside her. Oliver took the empty side between Gakupo and Len.

On the table was an assortment of sushi and other Japanese cuisine. Oliver looked at it all curiously.

"Have you ever eaten Japanese food before?" Luka asked.

"A few times, but it wasn't really authentic," Oliver answered.

Miku smiled, "Well I hope you enjoy it."

Everyone put their hands together and closed their eyes, "Thanks for the food."

Len opened one of his eyes to see Oliver a bit slow on the uptake. It was cute how he sort of stumbled through it. Len mentally chuckled.

They started eating and Len noticed Oliver have trouble holding the chopsticks. He gave the boy a nudge and gestured at how he was holding them.

Oliver adjusted his chopsticks and nodded, murmuring a 'thank you' in English.

And just because Len had been nice, he had to cover it up with a another scoff.

The male Kagamine was starting to really hate having to act so mean to the new boy. Why couldn't he stop?

"We haven't all introduced ourselves to Oliver yet," Luka suddenly pointed out.

Meiko smiled, "My name's Maiko Sakine," she said.

"I'm Luka Megurine," said the pink-haired woman.

"Hi, I'm Miku Hatsune," Miku introduced herself.

"I'm Rin Kagamine. As you can probably already tell, I'm Len's twin sis," Rin said cheerfully.

"I'm Gakupo Kamui," Gakupo said.

"My name is Kaito Shion," Kaito finished off.

"Nice to meet you, all," Oliver said.

The rest of the meal went by with casual chatter.

After dinner, Luka and Meiko cleaned up. Gakupo and Kaito went out to go for a walk and Miku and Rin went on the computer in the office.

Len decided to go up to his room and was happy when an awkward Oliver followed.

Len went into his closet and changed into a clean white t-shirt and blue shorts. He sat on his bed and played Angry Birds on his IPod as Oliver took a shower and changed.

Oliver came out and sat on his bed. He wrapped the first set of bandages on his right foot and ankle, tying it off in a bow. He wrapped the second set around his left knee.

Len looked curiously. Before Oliver could tie the third set of bandages on his right eye, Len caught a glimpse of it. It was a silvery-blue color that seemed a bit transcluscent.

Without thinking, Len asked, "Why do you need those bandages?"

"My right eye is very sensitive to the light so I tie it up. Master suggested that I tie my ankle and knee just to go with the 'look'," he answered.

"You don't need to tie it at night, then?" Len asked thoughtfully.

Oliver blushed a cute shade of pink, "Well, no, but I prefer to. It just feels more comforting that way."

Len nodded. On the inside he was actually melting of cuteness. Oliver was shy! How adorable.

Oliver unpacked while Len pretended to be doing things on his Ipod. At a certain point he put it away and took out his Ipad. He felt a song coming on.

In no time at all he had written a song about love at first sight; it was a duet.

He read over the lyrics again. With a start he realized he had included phrases like 'your soft fair hair' and 'the cute way you blush.' He'd even said something about 'the single amber window to your soul.'

What was more, the second person's part was….well… It included phrases like 'I reach up to you and plant a kiss on your lips' and 'your blue orbs twinkle with your feelings for me mingled with worry. No need for concern because I reciprocate them.'

Len was about to delete everything but he hesitated. Instead he hid the document on a secret file and password protected it. The password was 'Oliver.'

Finally Meiko came upstairs and said it was time they go to bed since tomorrow was a Monday.

Both boys brushed their teeth and clambered into their beds. Len turned out the light.

In the dark Oliver said, "Good night, Len."

Len blushed, "Yeah, good night," he said in Japanese. He made a note to himself to remember to say good night next time.