Mount Justice
December 24, 2012
08:15 a.m.

M'gann waddled into the kitchen, a hand placed on the lower part of her stomach. She had a look of discomfort on her face. "Hey M'gann it's Christmas Eve. Excited?" Conner asked, from his spot on the couch.

"Yeah. Thrilled." she sighed. "What's wrong?" he asked, going over to her. "I've been getting these really bad pains." she said. "What like kicking pains?" Conner asked. M'gann shrugged.

"If they don't go away or get better, I'm going to tell Dinah about it." she said. Conner kissed her cheek.

Mount Justice
December 24, 2012
10:36 a.m.

Dinah, who sat in her room reading a novel, was surprised to see M'gann open the door. "Hi M'gann." she said, setting her book down.

"Black Canary? Something's wrong." the heavily pregnant Martian teen said. "Okay. Go lay down in the infermary. I'll be there in a minute." Dinah said, as M'gann left.

M'gann laid on the cot, as Dinah checked her cervix. "Is everything okay?" Conner asked. "Get her to a cot. I'll call J'onn, Wonder Woman, and Batman." She said.

"What! Why?" M'gann asked. "You're 3 and a half centimeters dilated, which means you're in labor. Those pains you're feeling are contractions." Dinah explained.

While she went to call J'onn, Conner helped M'gann to one of the cots across the room. "This is really happening huh?" M'gann said, resting on her side. Conner nodded. "Yeah. Either way, on Christmas the babies will be all anyone will talk about." Conner said.

"Whether they're born tomorrow or not." M'gann giggled. "So are you doing drugs or natural?" Conner asked. "I have no choice but to do natural. Martians have thin blood. One glass of alchol and "Whoo hoo party time!" so I'm suck with natural." M'gann sighed.

Mount Justice
December 24, 2012
14:04 p.m.

M'gann let out a groan of pain. Conner held her hand. She was only five centimeters, so it was still along way to go.

She breathed deeply, then exhaled out her nose, as she experienced a contraction. Artemis and Wally entered the room, concerned looks on their faces.

"You okay?" Wally asked. "Everything hurts. Don't get pregnant. Labor sucks." she sighed. "We'll keep that in mind." Artemis said, smiling. "So how much longer now do you think?" Wally asked.

"Two centimeters in five hours. I'd say they'll be born between 10:30 tonight and 3:00 tomorrow morning. But that's just a guess." M'gann sighed.

"Can you please tell us the other baby's name! Please!" Artemis begged. "Not. Until. I. Shove. It. Out." M'gann growled. Wally huffed. "Not even a hint?" he asked. M'gann grabbed an empty glass from the nightstand and threw it at them.

"Okay! Okay! We'll leave you guys!" Wally cried. M'gann let out a cry of pain, bringing her knees up. She rested her head on her knees. "I hate you, you asshole!" she yelled.

Conner went to rub her back but M'gann shot up. "Don't touch me!" she growled.

(Still) Mount Justice
(Still) December 24, 2012
18:19 p.m.

"Seven centimeters. You're getting close. Not much longer now." Dinah said, as Conner held her hand. "Do you think they'll be born on Christmas?" M'gann asked.
"Depends on when you start pushing. There's also a 50/50 chance that one could be born today and the other one tomorrow." Dinah said.

"Oh wow." Conner said.

"I'll come back to check you in an hour." And with that, Black Canary left them alone.

"Remember when we first met?" M'gann asked. "Yeah. First thing you ever said to me was I like your t-shirt." Conner chuckled. Mgann smiled.

"Conner? Do you think if I wasn't pregnant, we'd even be together?" She asked. Conner frowned. "Honestly, I don't even know. It's like us getting pregnant. Only way to know is to see if it happens." Conner said.

"Conner? I have a question." she asked. "What is it?" He asked.

"Why did you kiss me? Back in Belle Reve?" She asked. Conner sighed. "I thought I told you that?" he asked. M'gann shook her head no. "Never." she said.

"A little bit before the criminals escape plan, Icicle Jr. was still crushing on you. He said that someone who sees the psycho you are, and still loves you anyway. I realized that for me, that was you. Then when I seen you frozen, I kissed you. Believe me when I say it wasn't planned." He said.

"So are we absolutely positive on Hannah and her sibling's name?" She asked. Conner nodded, kissing her forehead. "We agreed on it months ago." he said. "I know. Just making sure." M'gann said.

"My Bioship." she said, after a few minutes. Conner raised his eye brow. "That's where they were conceived. Time line fits." She said.

"Remember the time we were locked in the cave for 12 hours?" Conner asked. "I'm surprised I didn't get pregnant then! God! Can you believe that was a year ago?" M'gann asked.

Conner chuckled, kissing her lips. "How'd I get you?" He asked. "You were cute and took off your shirt." she joked.

20:49 p.m.

Nine centimeters. Just a little while longer, and it'd be all over. Dinah had everything set up, scissors to cut the umbilical cords, blankets and hats to keep the babies warm, towels to clean them, and a scale to weigh the babies.

"Guess what M'gann. 10 centimeters. Just give me a few minutes and it'll be time to push. Conner, if you have to pee, I suggest now would be the time." Dinah said.

Conner quickly ran to the bathroom, right as J'onn came inside.

"Hello M'gann." He said. "Hi Uncle J'onn. It's time to start pushing. It'll all be over soon. Then me and Conner get to hold our babies." She said.

J'onn nodded, wiping the sweat of her brow. "Does the second baby have a name?" M'gann nodded. "It's a surprise. You'll find out at the same time as the others- when the baby's born." she said.

"Uncle J'onn? Are Mom and Daddy still mad at me?" M'gann asked, frowning. J'onn sighed. "I haven't talked to your mother in months, since before school started." J'onn told her.

"J'onn, you need to leave." Dinah said, coming back with Conner. J'onn kissed his neice on the cheek, before leaving.

"Okay. I need you to prop your feet up on this. Now I only want you to push during contractions. We'll start on the next one."

21:43 p.m.

"And three, two, one." Dinah said, as M'gann stopped pushing. It'd been almost an hour, and Baby A still wasn't out. The head and first shoulder was out, but that was it.

"So Conner, baby's heads out. Wanna see?" Dinah asked. "Nope." Conner said, eyes on the ceiling. "Wanna touch it?" She joked. "I think I'll wait till it's all the way out." he said.

"How much longer?" M'gann groaned. "A few more good pushes. Just need to get the shoulders loose and the baby will slide right out." Dinah explained.

It only took two more pushes before M'gann and Conner heard the wails. "It's a boy!" Dinah said, holding him infront of his parents.

The first thing M'gann noticed was the full head of thick black hair, as Dinah laid him on her stomach, cutting the umbilical cord, and cleaning the fluids out of his nose and mouth.

"Time of birth 11:50 p.m." Dinah said, as she handed the baby off to Wonder Woman to get cleaned. "Okay, all it'll take is a few pushes to get the second baby out. The second baby is already crowning okay?" Dinah instructed.

Several pushes later, and M'gann was beat. But Hannah still wasn't out. "M'gann! I need you to push!" Dinah ordered. "I can't! I can't!" Mgann sobbed.

"Yes! You can! Just one more push and it'll all be over! Now push!" Dinah growled. Conner pushed M'gann, folding her in half.

Everything, good and bad, that happened to them in the past eight months, was all worth it when they heard the screams.

"She's here!" Dinah said, holding Hannah up. She looked exactly like her brother, pink skin and black hair.

"Time of birth is 11:58 p.m." Dinah said.

Mount Justice
December 25, 2012
12:04 a.m.

Dinah handed Conner his daughter, while M'gann held their son. "The boy was 20 inches long, and weighs six pounds, three ounces. And the little girl was 19 inches long and weights six pounds." Dinah explained.

"So does the boy have a name?" Dinah asked. "Lucas. Lucas Collin Kent." M'gann smiled.

Her eyes never left Lucas, who was content with sleeping in his mother's arms. Unlike his little sister Hannah, who was gurgling and cooing in their dad's embrace.

"That's adorable. I'm going to tell the others about the babies." Dinah said.

She left the infermary and was greeted by the team, their mentors, and Superman.

"So how'd it go?" Kaldur asked. Robin was happily holding Zatanna's hand, everyone curios and excited.

"Lucas was born at 11:50 and Hannah was born at 11:58." Dinah smiled.

"A boy and a girl?" Artemis cried. "Double the joy, it's a girl and a boy." Robin said, grinning. "C'mon Tanna! Let's go see Megan!" Artemis said, grabbing the magicians arm away from Robin's grip.

When they walked inside the infermary, both babies were asleep, and they had switched parents.

"Guys. They're adorable." Zatanna gushed. "So what's Lucas's middle name?" Artemis asked. "Collin." Conner said. "Awe!" the girls cried. "So what was Lucas's name gonna be if he was a girl?" Zatanna asked. "Violet." M'gann said.

The boys walked ino the room. "Now there's something I never thought I'd see! Supey willingly holding a baby. Granted it's his baby, but still." Wally said, putting his arm around Artemis.

"Haha Baywatch." Artemis chuckled, receiving a kiss to the cheek from her boyfriend. "Awe Conner, he they look like you!" Robin said, looking at Lucas.

"Can I hold one?" Zatanna asked. "Can I too? Please!" Artemis nearly begged. M'gann and Conner smirked, as Artemis received Lucas, and Zatanna cuddled Hannah.

'Love you.' M'gann said telepathically.

'I love you too.' Conner said.

"Now guys, as much as I appreciate you guys being excited, it's midnight. And I'm tired." M'gann said.

Zatanna and Artemis laid the newborns in the two plastic cribs next to M'gann's bed, and then the team left the new parents in peace.

"Scoot." Conner mumbled, kicking off his shoes and climbing into the bed with the mother of his son and daughter.

"So how long until you think they'll drive us completely insane?" M'gann joked, resting her head on his chest. "Eh... Three days. Four tops." Conner said.

Only time would tell.