Mount Justice
June 1, 2012
19:45 p.m.
M'gann was completely aware Martian health was similar to Human's. She was aware that sneezing meant allergies, how throwing up could mean a number of things, and that their children entered the world the same way- from the space between their mother's legs.
Coughing. However, was different. Coughing on Earth meant a sore throat. Coughing on Mars meant one thing. One completely opposite thing.
A baby.
Now for most Martian women, pregnancy could mean a beautiful wonderful experience. The joyous gift of motherhood.
If you were a 17 year old Martian superhero on a covert team for the Justice League, an unplanned pregnancy was the last thing anyone, including yourself, would ever want.
Not to mention that the baby's daddy has daddy issues himself.
So that's how M'gann found herself, sitting on the floor behind her locked bathroom door, a tiny white stick in her hand, praying she caught the Earth known diease called a cold.
Though as the second line on the test appeared, she knew praying for a different outcome would be pointless.
"Oh dear H'monmeer. If this doesn't give Uncle J'onn a heart attack- nothing will!" She whispered softly, clutching the positive Earth pregnancy test tightly in her green palms.
Oh God- her Uncle! What if he took away the baby and sent her back to Mars? He didn't even know she'd gotten herself a boyfriend! Let alone gotten pregnant! What if her and Conner never got to meet their baby?
M'gann gulped. The only reaction that could be worse then J'onn's was Conner's. Deep down she hoped and prayed he'd be happy- at least happy enough to stay.
"Well... Might as well tell him. Just hope we're alone." M'gann sniffles, stuffing the test in her skirt pocket. She got up, brushed herself off, then left the bathroom looking for her Kryptonian boyfriend.
She found him on the couch, staring up at the blank screen. She watched for a moment, debting whether no was a good time to tell him, and if she should say it out loud or telepathically.
She settled for out loud.
She made her way towards him, standing infront of the tv, her arms crossed loosely over her abdomen- the same abdomen concealing and protecting the life that they'd created together.
"Hey Meg. Everything okay?" Conner asked, his hypnotic ice blue eyes showing worry.
"How long have we been dating?" M'gann asked. Conner thought for a moment. "Um... A little more then eight months. Is everything okay? You've seemed kind of off the past day or so?" Conner questioned.
"I'm pregnant." she told him. Plain and simple. Conner jaw dropped slightly, as he blinked twice. Then he muttered one simple word.
"Crap is right Conner." M'gann sighed.
Conner stared at her in disbelief. She couldn't be- could she? Was she really pregnant? Of course, she wouldn't lie to him. At least, not about THAT!
As far as they both knew she was currently carrying his baby. Oh God- baby! A screaming pooping baby.
In the words of Robin, this was so not asterous!
"Conner? Say something? Good, bad- I don't care." M'gann murmured softly. So soft infact, that if weren't for his superhearing, he wouldn't have heard her at all.
"Your Uncle and Batman are going to skin us alive, then use us as expamples for the rest of the team on what not to do when you're alone." he said.
M'gann's eyes went wide, remembering Batman. If J'onn didn't kill them- he most definitely would!
"Oh we're so screwed!" She gasped. "Now's a good time as ever to tell Wally you're not single. And are probably aren't going to be for a while." Conner said, trying so desperately to lighten the mood.
"I don't think we should tell people. Superhero or not. Let's just keep this between you and me." M'gann said.
"Are you nuts! What if something happens while we're on a mission!" He yelped.
"Trust me Conner, the only time this baby will come out is when it's ready. Hell- it's safer in me then out here! As long as I'm still breathing, it's still breathing. Being part Kryptonian does give the baby it's advantages." M'gann said, reassuring him.
That's when it hit him.
"M'gann. We made a new species. Holy crap if the bad guys don't take it the good guys will!" he muttered. M'gann smiled, sitting next to him on the couch, resting her head on his shoulder.
"Are you sure you're happy?" She asked quietly. Conner nodded, wrapping an arm around her waist. "So how long until are sleepless nights are a thing of the past?" He asked.
"Well, Martians don't show signs of pregnancy until the seventh Earth week. I've been in denial about it for six days so that'd make me about eight. Forty weeks total. Thirty-two weeks left, so... Seven months. Give or take a week." She said, doing the math.
"January of 2013." Conner replied. "Huh?" M'gann asked, slightly confused. "Did the math. The baby's due sometime in January of 2013. We have until then to prepare." He answered.
"Wanna see the baby? I think there's an ultra sound machine in the infirmary." M'gann suggested. Conner smiled, getting up.
The two made their way to the infirmary. Conner struck up a mental conversation with the mother of his unborn child.
'So, what do you want? A girl or boy?' he asked.
'I want a healthy, non Martian looking baby.' she replied.
'Awe? You don't want a baby that looks like you?' Conner teased.
'Conner, Martians aren't exactly the cutest babies. Trust me, if a newborn Martian doesn't scare you- nothing probably will. Except for Wally naked.'
'Thank you for that wonderful image!' he snarled, causing her to giggle as they entered the infirmary.
Luckilly they were the only ones there in the cave. Red Tornado was on monitor duty for Green Arrow, seeing as he had another "hot date" with Black Canary.
Everyone else was at home.
M'gann laid down on the cot, lifting up her shirt, while Conner squirted the blue jell onto her currently flat stomach. He grabbed the wand, flipping the machine one, then waiting a moment as it hummed to life.
He sat the wand in the blob of jell, moving it around, both their eyes never leaving the screen. M'gann let a gasp, being the first to see it.