A/N: Yes I should be updating my other stories, but in my defense I wrote the begining of this story earlier so it didn't take the time of writing other stories. I just wanted to start posting it. Read and hopefully enjoy!
Inner Sasuke (I decided for the sake of understanding Sasuke that he will have an inner, not Sakura)
Konoha Ninja team: Sakura, Hinata, Kiba, Naruto, Neji, TenTen
Sasuke was walking through the busy streets of Konoha, studying the people that ran by him. None of them were like her; no one else had her ability to forgive.
Ever since his return, where he had came back triumphant since he had killed his brother, Sasuke had gotten a strange feeling in his chest whenever he saw her. Over the past couple years he was away he had constantly thought about her, about how she had treated him. About how she offered to give up everything for him. Everytime she came up, he got this weird warm and tingly feeling in his chest, and it had greatly confused him. Three months after returning, in utter defeat, Sasuke had asked Ino about it.
"Ino?" He called nervously, stepping into the flower shopped Ino's family owned where she was standing behind the counter reading one of those dumb gossip magazines. She glanced up at him and waved him over, smiling as she did so.
"What's wrong, you never talk to me unless you have to." She asked, shifting so she was facing him. He felt slightly guilty about what she said, it was true, but he shook it off. He wasn't here to apologize for ignoring her.
"I…want to ask you about this feeling in my chest I get sometimes." He said quietly, half-hoping she wouldn't hear so he could tell her it was nothing and leave.
"Is it a burning feeling? Because if it is it has nothing to do with my cooking at your welcome home party!" Ino shouted, slamming her fist down on the counter.
Sasuke shook his head, looking down at his hands which were folded in front of him. "N-no. It's more like….warmth…right here." He said, subconsciously placing his hand over his heart.
Ino took a deep breath and asked a dangerous question. "Sasuke, when you said sometimes. Do you notice any kind of pattern?" She watched his actions, carefully studying him.
"Whenever she's around." Sasuke mumbled. "She makes it happen and I want to know what's wrong with me." He answered, head bowed. Ino laughed and Sasuke jerked his head up, looking at her with a shocked expression. "Ino?"
"Sasuke, nothing's wrong with you! You just have feelings for her." After she said that Sasuke had stormed out, slamming the door behind him. Ino was just being ridiculous, he didn't have feelings for Sakura!
End Flashback
He turned his face upwards, looking up at the sky. About a month later, he had begun to consider what Ino had said. Maybe….it wasn't so insane. Maybe-
His thoughts were cut off when Lee came running up to him, jerking him from his thoughts when the bushy browed boy screamed his name. He looked extremely panicked and Sasuke turned to him, confused on what was so urgent that had Lee looking out of breath, which was a rare occurrence. He took several deep breaths, hunched over with his hands on his knees after all the running. "Several Konoha ninjas have been brought back to the village in critical states. They are being taken to the hospital currently." Sasuke stared at him curiously. Sure he had still had some friends in Konoha and anything having to do with the village was of some interest to him, but he didn't understand why Lee had rushed to tell him about this certain event.
"I don't see the urgency of the matter." He stated, his onyx eyes still resting on him.
"The ninjas included Hinata, Kiba, Sakura…." He never got to finish his sentence because right after he mentioned Sakura, Sasuke was gone, swallowed in puff of smoke. What the heck was that? Lee wondered, taking off running towards the hospital.
Sasuke appeared in the hospital lobby and in two long strides was leaning on the reception desk. "Where are the Konoha ninjas being treated?" He demanded, glaring at the poor receptionist.
"I'm sorry sir, but two of the six ninjas are in surgery and the other four are in being examined. None of them are able to see visitors at the moment." Sasuke slammed his fist down on the desk, causing it to shake and all eyes to turn to him.
"I want to know each of their conditions! I need to know how they're doing! I'm a close friend so I have the right to know!" He exclaimed in hopes he would get the information faster, about to slam his fist down again when a hand grabbed his arm and stopped it. He turned to glare at the person only to meet Ino's furious gaze. Sasuke jerked his arm out of her grasp and grumbled something, walking over to the part of the waiting room with the least people and sitting down. Ino apologized to the receptionist, asking for the soonest update on the wounded ninjas before taking a seat beside Sasuke.
"What the hell was that?" She hissed, keeping a calm smile on her face. Sasuke glanced at her and then down at his feet, realizing he had come dangerously close to losing his temper.
"Nothing. Am I not allowed to be concerned for the safety of my friends?" He whispered back, glaring at her. His manly pride was stopping his from apologizing and admitting he had nearly seriously screwed up. Ino glared at him, but he refused to look at her, keeping his gaze trained on the wall across from him. "Let's just wait until we find out what's going on." Damn it! When did I get so stupid! I freaked out over nothing! That was so fucking stupid! Don't have to tell me that. I don't know why you're so worried boy, that girl survived training under Tsunade, she can survive anything. That doesn't mean anything, Tsunade never tried to kill her. Yeah, but she accidentally came close a couple times. And wait, when did I ever say I was talking about Sakura? He argued with himself, trying to figure out what had happened to make him so upset. After minutes of thinking, he found nothing.
After hours of waiting, a nurse finally walked into the lobby and greeted Sasuke and Ino. "Sir, I have the report on the Konoha ninjas. Five of them are in stable condition and are expected to be able to return to their homes within the next two weeks." She said with a smile, but her expression seemed fake to Sasuke.
"Weren't there six ninjas?"