Poison- Scorpius and Rose

"I just know I missed question twelve, Scorp. I should have studied harder!" Rose told Scorpius as they walked to their next class.
"Rosie, we all know your going to score the highest in the class. Would you please stop worrying?" Scorpius told her.

Suddenly Rose stopped. "Scorpius, look up."

He did. Above them was a sprig of some sort of green plant.

"Is that…" "Mistletoe." Rose finished for him.

"Um." He said, suddenly uncomfortable.

"You know, mistletoe is stupid. Did you know it was poisonous? In fact, it's used in a lot of bad potions. And where did the ides come from that you had to snog under it? Who wants to snog underneath a poisonous plant? I don't. I most certainly do not. Do you? That's a stupid question, of course you don't…" Rose was rambling, just like she did whenever she was nervous.

"Rose?" Scorpius interrupted her.

"Y-yes, Scorp."


And then he kissed her, a quick peck on the lips, before continuing down the hall.

Just that little peck made Rose's entire body tingle.

"Oh, well I suppose I'm glad that's over." She muttered as she began to follow him.

I wonder where else there's mistletoe around the school. A rebellious thought slipped into Rose's mind, but she quickly pushed it down.

Stupid, poisonous, evil, vile, thought-planting mistletoe.

Eh, not my best.

Merry Christmas (or Hannakuh or Kwanzaa or whatever you celebrate!)!