Hey guys! Okay, so last chapter for this story and as soon as it's uploaded, I'll get started on my new chapter for a new story.

My only thoughts are though is what story I'll be doing because I have a lot in mind. It also sucks because I had all of my ideas in this notes app on my phone, then my mom took my phone, but then I got a new one so I can't get the notes back -_-

Whatever, though. I think I got this!

Okay, now like I said, this will be a major time skip in my chapters, with a little bit of narrating from the boys about how things are. Well thanks for listening and continue onto the story.

Kendall's POV

The year continued smoothly after that, and James graduated in the spring, along with Hanna and Sebastian. Logan, Carlos and I were all younger than they were, Logan being the youngest and me being the oldest, so I would be graduating next and then Logan and Carlos would follow.

The year went by quicker than we imagined, and soon enough it was ending. Prom followed, and I invited Logan to go, since only juniors and seniors could go, unless you were invited by an upper classmen.

Call it cliché, but we all got matching tuxes for that day, and it was an amazing and beautiful night. We left before they announced prom king and queen, because we really didn't care. We went out to a lake and we stargazed. We didn't do anything else that night, we just stargazed, but it was more romantic since Logan and I were in a separate car than James and Carlos, or Hanna and Sebastian.

Like I said, we didn't "do" anything that night, but it was a passionate make out in the backseat. Logan and I had taken off our shirts, Logan said the car was too "hot" and the radio played slow songs.

Logan and I spent the night at my house, while James and Carlos stayed in one of my guest bedrooms.

I'm sure Hanna and Sebastian went home, too. We didn't hear from those two for a while afterwards, until James was preparing to enter a college. He didn't get in on any scholarships, and the college he was going to was close by, so he stayed with his parents.

Said he was much more comfortable that way. But, Sebastian and Hanna went to college. It was pretty lonely the next year, just Logan, Carlos and I, but we made it through most of the year. It was sometime in February when most of the events started popping up in our life.


I sighed as I sat down at our usual lunch table and picked at my food. Carlos nor Logan were here just yet, so I was allowed some free time to ponder my thoughts.

Next week was Valentine's day, and I didn't want to get Logan something ordinary, like chocolate or roses. I really wanted to buy him something better than that.

Carlos slid across from me and began stuffing his cheeks when he stopped and noticed me picking at my food.

"Arf blffh rmfhh?" I frowned as his muffled talking, and he swallowed before asking me again.

"Are you okay?" I sighed and set down my spork to look at Carlos. I stifled laughter when I saw he had a pudding mustache. I wiped it off before sitting back down and looking at my hands.

"I don't know what to give Logan for Valentines day." Carlos shrugged.


"I want something more unique than flowers or chocolate." Carlos nibbled his bottom lip in thought.

"OH! I know, why don't you do the same thing Spongebob did for Patrick?!" I chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"I'm not going to blow up a huge chocolate balloon, buddy."

"Phewy." Carlos pouted. I chuckled, but delved more into that thought as Logan came over and sat down beside me. He pecked my cheek and blushed before he turned to his food.

"So, um, Carlos what are you doing next Friday?" I chuckled and returned to eating my food. I know what Logan was up to, he's been trying to get at me this whole week to see if I'll accidentally spill a clue about his Valentine's day present. Logan's so excited nowadays, furthering himself away from that awful negative personality he had. He gets so excited over simple things, even something like homework. It's so dorky.

But also so much more loveable.

The hearts are basically popping from my head as I stare dreamily at Logan. God, I love him so much. I hate the fact this is my last year in high school with him, that I'll be the next one for college while these two have to wait a bit longer.

I study Logan for a moment, tracing his jawbone, his cheekbone, up to the crook of his nose, his dimples, the way his eyes shined. I leaned close and placed a small kiss on his neck, making him shiver and blush dark as he turned to look at me.

"What was that for?" he asked quietly. I shrugged and leaned across his lap.

"I just love you is all." I smiled up at him and he giggled, before he returned to eating his lunch.


The next period for me would be gym, and I hurried into the locker rooms to change before I was late again. I tried to go into the bathroom, but the door was locked.

I jiggled the door handle, and shook it, but I knew it was no use, I would probably break it before I got close to opening the door. I sighed and walked into the locker room quietly, taking my gym clothes from my bag. I walked to the back and turned away from everyone before I even felt the panic rise in my chest.

The scares covered my entire back from my…so called "incident." I rubbed my chest, remembering the word that idiotic father had carved there out of disgusting hatred and I shivered. I quickly changed into my shorts and I began to slowly peel my shirt off, looking around to make sure no one was watching me. I froze when the gym teacher yelled at the boys to get out of the locker room.

I scrambled for my shirt, but it fell off the bench and landed underneath it, so I quickly scrambled for it, diving under the bench and pressing my chest to the cold floor as I grabbed my shirt.

"You alright there, son?" goosebumps ran up my back and I quickly slipped my shirt on before facing the worried looking gym teacher.

"Fine, just fine." I walked past him quickly and let out a shaky exhale.

That was a close one there, Knight.


I looked around my homeroom as girls were doodling hearts all over everything. Tomorrow is Valentines day and I was just hoping my idea for Logan would go smoothly. Anything could happen tomorrow night, and the sick feeling in my gut wont go away. I sighed and picked up my binder as the bell rang and I left for my next class.

I stopped at a water fountain and took a sip before I straightened back up and frowned, looking at the poster in front of me. It was a poster advertising for the school. You could buy flowers and send them to people, but you had to go to the front office for it.

I quickly checked my wallet and hurried to the front office; next period was nothing but study hall and the teacher rarely cared if we were even there or not. I walked into the office briskly and went up to the front desk.

"Hello, where can you sign up for the Valentine's roses?" The woman eyed me before handing me a pen and a slip of paper.

"Just fill out everything and give it back to me when you're done." Then she returned to typing up something. I looked down at the paper.

_ (Senders first and last name)

_ (Recievers first and last name)

_ (homeroom teacher)

I quickly filled that part out and looked down at the rose color choices.

White (love)
Red (relationship)
Pink (crush)
Yellow (friendship)
Artificial rainbow color (Random.)

I chuckled and reached to grab a second paper from the desk as I filled out one for Carlos, buying him some simple yellow roses and then I ordered a huge white bouquet for Logan. I handed the woman my papers, and she attached them, along with my money to it and set it in a pile. I sighed, because I just spent fifty dollars on my best friend and my boyfriend, but I couldn't help but feel giddy the rest of the school day, and the entire night was spent fidgeting about it.

I walked into homeroom the next day, and I eyed the door the entire time, being as silent as possible to Carlos and Logan. Logan frowned and proceeded to poke me with his pencil a few times.

"You okay?" I nodded and smiled when the door opened and several people carrying baskets of roses walked in. Some people only got one rose, but a few got small bouquets. I smiled as Carlos blushed a dark red when he got mine, and I looked around for Logans, but the roses were all gone. I started to panic, where were Logans?! Did they run out of roses?! Did they not get my order?!

I turned to Logan and he was sort of frowning, but he put on a small smile for me.

"Logan, I-" but he punched me playfully, and awkwardly.

"its okay, don't worry about it." But he turned back to the board and was silent.


I pinched the bridge of my nose in anger as the door opened and the people returned.

"Sorry, we forgot one more." They brought a huge decorated white bouquet into the room and set it in front of Logan, who blushed darker than Carlos. A few people in the class snickered, but Logan looked at me, and looked down in shame.

"I-I'm sorry I acted like that." He whispered. I hugged him close, and let go after the teacher coughed at me.

"It's okay, I would've been pissed,too." Logan smiled and buried his noses in the pretty roses as the teacher droned on. The day went by quicker after that, and Logan had bought me some of his own roses instead ordering from the school. He handed them to me when we got to his locker after seventh period, and we walked out hand in hand, holding our flowers as we headed out to our car.

"So, any more surprises I should be ready for tonight?" Logan blushed dark and I smiled.

"Yep. But, I'm not telling." Logan's smiling face curled into a pout as he sunk in his seat. I chuckled and pecked his cheek as I left the school parking lot, drove out of town a bit and Logan eyed the highway as I drove over into the next town. It was dark by the time we got there, and Logan was yawning as I turned on the GPS in my car to navigate my way through town.

"Kendalll….Where are we going?" Logan asked as he slumped over the dashboard. I chuckled at my boyfriend and ruffled his hair in an attempt to wake him up.

"Hey, I said I wasn't telling…"I said as we pulled up in front of a carnival. Logan sat up, all boredom gone as his brown eyes took in the carnival.

"Oh, Kendall, you're so sweet!" he cried as he launched himself on me. I hugged him back and we climbed out before he grabbed my arm and held onto me as we walked into the carnival area. I felt that sick feeling in my stomach again as I rubbed the small box in my pocket. I had been hanging onto it all week, afraid of losing it. I eyed all of the high schoolers that were here, several people I knew as simple friends. Carlos and James gave me a thumbs up from behind one of the booths as Logan was busy being occupied with the rides. I turned to Logan and smiled, before giving him some money.

"Here, wil you go buy some popcorn? I'm sort of hungry." Logan smiled and took the money.

"can I buy some cotton candy,too?!" he asked excitedly. I chuckled and kissed him gently.

"Of course baby doll, now go." He skipped away happily and I motioned to Carlos and James, who pushed all of the high schoolers loitering around. They held up the signs and I smiled. I took so much time to plan this, and I'm just hoping everything goes perfect. I turned as Logan came back. He was holding a small bag of popcorn and had a heart shaped cotton candy on a stick.

"hey, Kendall, look at this candy-…" he stopped and nearly dropped the food as he stared at the sings, reading each one carefully as tears began filling his eyes. I smile sweetly and take the food so he cant drop it as James and Carlos wave and hold their signs up a bit higher.


Logan began sobbing gently and I pulled him into a hug before lowering myself to one knee and presenting the small box that held the ring I spent so much time observing and making sure it was perfect. I held it up and Logan put a hand over his mouth, before nodding quickly.

"Yes! God, yes!" He cried. I slid the ring on his finger and hugged him, letting him grip me and sob happily into my shoulder. I held his face close and kissed him passionately as we twirled around, Logan laughed as I set him down and James came over to hug us.

"Man, you wouldn't believe the trouble he went through for you." James said as he playfully punched Logan. Logan blushed and cried out in surprise as Carlos tackled him in a flying hug that sent both of them to the ground. James laughed and picked Carlos up from the ground, setting him on his two feet before I bent down to help Logan up.

I hugged Logan from behind before I began munching on my popcorn and turned to James and Carlos.

"so, are you guys staying here with us at this carnival?" James rubbed his cold hands together and looked at Carlos, before pulling him close.

"Nah, I've got my own plans, but you two lovebirds have fun." I chuckled at James's words and watched him and Carlos wave goodbye to everyone and climb in their own car and take off, before I turned back to Logan and pressed my nose into the back of his neck and kissed.

"What ride do you want to get on first, my love?"

Carlos's POV

I was really nervous when James told me he was planning on taking me to his parent's cabin he had out in the woods.

I knew his parents were well off, but seriously, a cabin in the woods? It felt too good to be true. James pulled up to the cabin and smiled at me before he climbed out and grabbed our bags from the back. Now, I know James enough by now to trust him that he doesn't have anything bad planned in mind.

Well, I do.

I want to give myself to James, show him how much I love him. Im not scared anymore.

Okay, lie, I am scared but I've researched it and everything, and embarrassingly enough, I even talked to my dad about it and he sat me down and had a conversation.

Then left and came back after work with some stuff he said I would need. Even more embarrassing. I gave a heavy inhale and let it out shakily before climbing out and shutting the door behind me. I followed James up the pebble driveway and he opened the door for me to see a beautiful furnished living room and a hallway leading off to a bedroom and a bathroom, and another room. On the opposite side of me, was the rest of the living room and a kitchen.

I was amazed, and felt my heartbeat quicken as James slowly shut the door behind me and walked over to turn on the tv and start a fire. He smiled up at me.

"Do you like it?"

I quickly nodded and James beamed.

"My mom and dad honey mooned here, and decided to buy the place. I came out here a few days ago and cleaned it up for us, so hopefully we wont have anything go wrong tonight." He smiled and stood when the fire came to life and he tugged the grating around it so it wouldn't pop and go everywhere, before he walked closer to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I sank into his welcome and warm body I've grown so accustomed to feeling against my own.

My heartbeat picked up and I came close to hyperventilating, but I quickly calmed myself down and hugged James back as he began to kissed my neck gently. I shivered in pleasure as he brought us to the couch and laid me down on it, before he gripped my wrists gently and lifted my shirt up and off my head.

I giggled and then moaned gently as he nipped at my body, coming up to suck my neck and kiss me gently. He let go of my wrists and I dug my fingers into his hair and pulled him close with an intimate kiss, before James pulled away gently and sat us up, yanking a blanket around us both. We cuddled together for a while and watched TV, before James began yawning.

I gave a heavy sigh, because I knew what was coming next, and my stomach was curdling in excitement and fear. I didn't want James to reject me, and at the same time I didn't want him to get scared.

I stood and the blanket slid off of me as I pulled on James's arm gently and started leading him back to the bedroom. James followed me with a sleepy smile on his face as I pushed him gently inside and we crawled onto the bed. I eyed the bag I had set by one of the nightstands before I crawled onto the bed with James. I straddled his waist gently and put my arms beside his head, bending my body over to press our foreheads together. He smiled up at me with half lidded eyes and kissed me sweetly. I tugged on his shirt slowly and he allowed me to take it off, and drop it beside the bed. I ran my hands down his beautiful broad chest, then down to his abs, then I let my fingers tickle lightly over his hip bones, before I reached the hem of his jeans, but he grabbed my hands and looked at me with alert in his eyes.

Damn it.

"Carlos, what are you doing?" he asked me quietly. I felt the fear from earlier take over the excitement and I gently curled away, feeling tears welling up behind my eyes. I started to rub at them gently and sniffling as James stared at me with hard, worried eyes.

"I-I-I wa-wanted t-to s-show you how much I loved you ,James." I stuttered gently, crying as James finally realized where I was going with this and he sat up, crawling close to hug me and lift my wet face. He kissed my wet cheeks before cupping my face and looking me deeply in the eyes.

"Carlos, you don't have to do that if you aren't ready, I mean, I'm probably too scared that I would hurt you anyways. I don't want to hurt or scare you, and I do love you, but I don't want you to rush this." I collapsed into his chest and let out loud sniffles.

"I'm fine though! James-"

"Carlos, please don't argue with me about this, lets just-" But I grabbed his shoulders and looked him dead in the eyes.

"I spent so much time working up the courage to do this for you! I talked to my dad about this! I even researched this! Cant you just be happy I'm trying to show you how much I love you?! I AM ready for this James, okay?! I've never trusted anyone more than I trust you and-and- and my heart will burst out of my chest unless I show you how I feel! I want to express our love and you wont let me!"

I began crying, not because I was sad, no I was frustrated. I was ready for this, I was. We've been dating two years, and James has always been there for me, even when it was already hard to see each other since James was attending college now. He was older I get that, we had our parents make sure everything was okay with the age limits and they even wrote up and signed a note just in case, that James and I were allowed to date.(1)

I let some tears run down my face as James pulled me away gently and looked me in the eyes. He wiped my cheek with his thumb and I put one hand over his.

"Carlos…are you really sure about this?" I nodded gently and he kissed me on the head as he rolled me over. My heartbeat started going faster as James dove down and began kissing me deeply. He pulled away for air a moment later and kissed both my cheeks and continued down to my jaw. He kissed the beauty mark on my chin, making me blush before he began suckling gently at my neck. He bit, not harshly though, and then suckled, and when he pulled away I knew I would have a hickey on the dead center of my Adams apple.

I began to breathe quicker as James started going down, and I moaned when his mouth and tongue found my navel. I arched a little into his touch and he chuckled, then his fingers lightly danced over my jeans button. I inhaled deeply, shut my eyes and then opened them as I let out all my fear and worry in a single breath.

"Go ahead, James." I whispered. He smiled and kissed my forehead as he popped open the button of my jeans and the cool air et my legs as he let them travel down my legs and off my body. I was already beginning to feel hot, and it increased a million times as James rubbed my thighs, and then his fingers went and-

"James!" I moaned as he began fondling me. I looked up at him with hot cheeks and found he was blushing, too.

"Sorry," he mumbled," I don't exactly know…" He trailed off as he stood up and slipped his own jeans off. I smiled as he sat back down and straddled me. I ran my fingers up his sides and kissed him.

"N-no youre doing fine..." I whispered. James nodded and went back down, letting his wet tongue trail over my body. I gasped when his mouth found my center of attention and he began mouthing and suckling at the fabric of my underwear.

"J-Jamie…" I moaned, gripping his hair gently. James sat back up and smiled, before he gently pinched my underwear hem.

"C-can i?" I nodded and blushed, looking away as he slowly yanked them off and dropped them, then leaned back on his haunches to stare at me. I blushed.

"D-don't look at me…" I whispered, beginning to cover myself up. James immediately grabbed my hands and yanked them apart, before his fingers slid up my legs.

"God, Carlos…you're so beautiful…" I watched tears fall from his eyes and I began crying myself as James began peppering me in kisses, then he sat back and smiled gently.

"Do you have any…?" He stopped and bit his lip in embarrassment, I swallowed hard as my cheeks heated up again and I reached down to my bag on the ground and my hand searched inside before I pulled out a small cylinder of lube and a condom packet. James chuckled.

"You really did prepare for this." I nodded and he kissed me again.

"So smart, look at you." I hid my face in embarrassment as he ripped open the condom packet and then realized he needed to take off his own underwear. We both looked at one another in fear and excitement as he stepped back and pulled his boxers off.

My mind was blown at the sight of James, beautiful and proud in front of me. His body was amazing. I yearned to touch him.

He gently slipped the condom on and I felt butterflies in my stomach as he climbed back on the bed, then lifted my hips and put a pillow under them.

"I…I saw this somewhere…its supposed to be more comfortable." I nodded as James put lube in his hand and I swallowed hard as he lathered himself up and then I felt a little pain as he began to prepare me. I squirmed as James knelt down and began rubbing my thighs in an attempt to help me. The pain began to dull to pleasure and soon enough I was moaning, my body was on fire, and I knew I was ready for my love to take my body.

James kissed me and then pulled one of my legs u[ and over his shoulder. I shook a little at the position, but then adjusted my hips on the pillow, took a deep breath and pulled James close.

"Im ready, James…" I whispered. James pushed in and I let out a small whimper of pain and gripped him gently.

"Carlos?! Oh god-" I shut him up with a kiss and then pulled away to look him in the eye.

"I'm fine…I am, really…just let me adjust, okay?" I let out a small exhale as James sat there, both of bodies on fire and our faces dark red. I moved a little and smiled before pressing our foreheads together. I wiggled my hips and let James I was ready.

"Let me show you how much I love you, Carlos."

"Oh, God-James!"

James's POV


Its all I felt as I watched my lover sleep. He cried for a little afterwards, and I felt guilty, thinking he was upset, but he eventually stopped to small hiccups. He explained those weren't sad tears.

They were filled with joy, because he couldn't have been more happy that we finally became one with our bodies. I smiled as I leaned over and kissed him, running my hand down his beautiful caramel body that I wanted to ravish for days on end in this bed. Carlos mumbled a little in his sleep and I leaned close to kiss him gently and whisper,

"You're mine, and I wont let anyone else have you, Carlos. You'll always be mine. Always."

Logan's POV

Kendall and I just went home after the carnival, and our parents were all at Kendalls went we got there. We showed them the ring that Kendall gave me, and our moms screamed in excitement before my dad hugged Kendall, and then told him that if he hrut me, hed kick Kendalls ass.

It was hilarious to see Kendall step a bit away from his future father-in-law and laugh awkwardly as everyone else was laughing in hysterics.

We fell asleep in the same bed, Kendall wrapped around me and holding me tight, and I fiddled with my ring all night before I turned in Kendalls arms and buried my face in his shoulder and fell asleep. I was excited that Kendall and I had come this far in only two years, and I knew it that was all the time he needed to prove to me that one, I was beautiful, two, he did care about me deeply, and three, that he loved me like no other, then I'm sure I'll be his forever.

I pecked Kendall on the cheek before I let my eyes slip close and I fell asleep.


James's POV

The days, and should I say nights, went by faster than I imagined and soon enough, I found myself ready to propose to Carlos on his prom that would be coming soon. I was excited and jittery and with a roll of my eyes I relaxed and told myself I wasn't a girl.

Then the jitters came back and I realized this is what Kendall mustve felt like when he was planning to ask Logan to marry him.

I yawned as I sat up, in Carlos's bed of course, and I was about to stumble downstairs when I realized I was naked. I blushed before yanking on some clothes and heading down into the Garcia's living room. I was surprised when I saw my parents sitting with Carlos's dad (Carlos was of course, eating waffles and watching Spongebob in front of the TV like a small child would do) and didn't see me until my mother piped up.

"Good morning, James." I smiled at my mom and bent down to kiss her cheek when Carlos tacked me in a hug. I groaned when we hit the floor and Carlos blushed as he looked at me. I chuckled and then stood, hugging Carlos to my body and giving him a noogie.

"So what are you guys doing over here?" I asked as I sat down on the floor besides Carlos.

"You weren't in your bed, so we were just coming to check if you were here."

"Oh, trust me I knew he was here." Mr. Garcia chuckled. I eyed him for a moment and he winked at me as my mom blushed and my dad coughed in an awkward manner.

"thank you Antonio, for that brief update on what our sons are doing behind locked doors." I turned red and looked at my parents in shock.

"You two knew?!" My mom stood.

"coffee, anyone?" she left the room in a flash and my dad chuckled, before turning to me.

"Yes, James, we knew…for a while now."

"When?! And Carlos, how are you not embarrassed by this?!" I cried. He shrugged.

"I got over that when I discussed it with Papi." I facepalmed and Mr. Garcia laughed.

"It was me who told them James. I know parents like to know what their children are doing. As long as you two are being safe about having sex," I blushed darker," and are being careful with it, I think we're all fine with it. Don't you agree?" James looked at his father who was nodding his head to agree with Carlos's dad, and his mom, who was sipping coffee.

"I still wish you two were a bit older when you did start, but…well, young love. I don't see any problem with it, just please don't be idiotic like the other kids these days." I shook my head at them.

"I wont ever do anything stupid with it. Carlos and I would rather keep our lovemaking in the bedroom, and only to ourselves, thank you very much." I said sort of smugly as I turned and laid down beside Carlos. He smiled at me, syrup clinging to his cheek. I smiled and entwined our fingers, kissing each one of his as his father stood up and stretched.

"Alright, I think I need a cup of coffee myself." I kissed Carlos before standing and following his dad into the kitchen. I peeked my head out to make sure Carlos wasn't paying attention as I turned to his dad and said quietly.

Um, Mr. Garcia?" he smiled at me.

"Yes, James? And please, call me Antonio." I let out a little exhale before giving him a genuine smile.

"Antonio…I have…something very important to ask you." He frowned a little and set his coffee down.

"What is it, James?"

"I want your blessing for me to marry Carlos." His eyes went wide and he immediately pulled me into a hug. This whole family is filled with huggers!

"Of course my boy, of course! Goodness me, thank you for asking me, oh God Im so happy for you. When will you ask him?" I smiled brightly.

"His prom day. I know he is planning to invite me and I have a good idea on what to do." Antonio smiled and hugged me again.

"If you need my help, just ask." I patted his shoulder.

"thank you so much for this, sir." He shook his head.

'Don't thank me, thank yourself. Without you, who knows what might have become of my mijo. Now look at him. He's talking. He's smiling. He's doing work and he's confident. And most of all, he's happy once more, because you made it happen, James, so really, I should be thanking you."

Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx

Kendall's POV

I let out a small sigh as Logan leaned on me.

The school year would be ending soon, and I would have to start attending college, and leave my finacee and my best friend behind to join my second best friend in college.

"Im going to miss you." Logan huffs as I jot notes down quickly. I pull him close and peck his cheek while the teachers back is turned. Logan hugs me and lets out a dramatic sniffle.

"ughhh, I'll be so lonely without you!" Carlos pops up behind Logan and pouts.

"what am I!? Chopped liver?" Logan chuckles and pulls Carlos close in a hug then pushes him back gently as the teacher turns towards the class and eyes all three of us in our work group. I chuckle and we quickly return to doing the project we were paired up to do.

"So, guys, are you going to prom this year?" Carlos smiled.

"Of course! Right, Kenny?" Logan turns to me and I nod and kiss his forehead.

"Do you want to use the suits from last year or get some new ones?" Logan wrinkled his nose in thought and I squeezed his cute dimples, making him stick his tongue out at me.

"we can just new some new colors, we don't have to get completely new suits."

"Well, we had blue last year, what color this year?" Logan tapped his chin.

"Why don't we do yellow?" I chuckled and poked him.

"You really are going for a batman themed thing here aren't you." Lightbulb! I smiled at Logan.

"Hey, lets all be superheroes this year! What do you think, Carlos?" he frowned a little and nibbled on his pencil.

"how would that work?" Logan looked at me for explanation.

"We were the suits, just we put our superheroes logos under the button up shirts and when we're taking pictures we open them like Spiderman and superman and all of them do to show off our logos and then when we're actually at prom, we take off the jackets and ties and unbutton our shirts the rest of the way."

"I like it!" Carlos said excitedly, then blushed when half the class looked at him and the teacher glared. He lowered his voice a bit more.

"I like this idea! Lets do it!" he held up his hand for a high five and I chuckled as Logan and I both high fived him and then we returned to our work.

Carlos followed us home in his car (a present from his dad for his seventeenth birthday) as we rode over to my house, where James was heading. We were going to drop our stuff off, fill our parents in on what we were doing and then think up what else can be added to our prom suits. We all knew James really wasn't supposed to be coming, but we think we can sneak him in for this.

But when I pulled up to my driveway, I was shocked to see an unrecognizable car in the driveway. My thoughts raced faster than my thumping heart. It could be anybody inside, and what I feared most was my dad was here as we walked inside quickly.

My fears disappeared when I saw Hanna and her boyfriend Sebastian sitting and chatting with my mom and James, who had just gotten out of class. Hanna smiled at me and stood to run over and begin hugging us, ending with me.

"Kendall! HI, gosh its been a while!" she cried. She stepped back and looked at us all as we closed the door.

"Wow, Hanna this is a surprise." I said slowly.

We sort of lost contact a few eeks back. We used to skype, then we just texted then summed down to simple emailing afterwards. I felt bad for feeling angry at her, because she had always looked tired and complained work and school were getting a bit harder to balance. But, I'm glad to see shes doing better. She blushed and then looked guilty for a moment.

"Im so sorry I stopped talking. Bassy~ and I just got busy." Sebastian smiled from where he was sitting and I noticed he wasn't wearing glasses anymore.

"I hope youre treating her right." Sebastian chuckled as we walked closer and shook hands than I pulled him in for a quick hug.

"I am, if I wasn't id probably kick my own ass." He chuckled and then leaned close and plucked a penny from my ear. I chuckled, because Sebastian is a bit of a dork with a knack for magic tricks. He flirted with Hanna the first day we knew him by making a rose out of a napkin. He put the penny in my hand and chuckled.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I laughed and stuck it in my pocket.

"So, guys, Hanna has something she wants to tell you." My mom smiled. I eyed Hanna, who blushed and Sebastian hugged her close.

"Hanna and I are having a baby." Logans eyes popped out of his head as he eyed Hannas belly. Carlos squealed like a small chuld and James walked over to clap Sebastian on the back.

"How many times did it take?" he joked. Sebastian chuckled.


"Attaboy!" James cried and we all laughed, before Hanna playfully smacked the two. Carlos darted forward to hug Hanna again then stopped and frowned at her belly. Hanna laughed and opened her arms.

"You can still hug me, sweetie, I wont break I promise." Carlos dove in and hugged her tightly, lifting her off the ground.

"So I'm gonna be an uncle?!" he cried in happiness. Hanna laughed and ruffled his hair as he set her back down.

"Yep! All of you!" She smiled and we all hugged before we relaxed and talked for a while. Turns out, shes only a few weeks along, and shes hoping for a girl. Sebastian always wants a girl, but is "willingly to take what they get." We all got a kick out of that, and after a while they left, promising to come back soon. It was dark out by the time we all decided to call it quits for the night, and we left our prom ideas for another day.

I smiled to myself as I laid in my bed that night. I still cant believe this much; Logan and I are getting married, Hanna's pregnant and I'm going to be an uncle, and I know from James already that hes proposing, and then Im about to graduate.

I shut my eyes in bliss and slept peacefully.


Carlos's POV

I wouldn't stop fidgeting as Kendall continued to try and get me ready for prom, and he kept messing up trying to tie my tie right.

As soon as he did, I burst with joy and ran around for a little while to get rid of some of the energy I had.

"Woah!" Logan cried as I darted past him, feeling my heart trying to keep pace with my speed. I chuckled and hopped around in circles; Gosh. I was so excited!

"Is James almost here?! Im so excited! When does prom start again? I hope we get there in time, I-" Kendall clapped a hand over my mouth and laughed as I started to calm down.

"Hehehe, calm down a bit Carlos, okay? James will be here soon, and he has a surprise waiting for you, so just wait, okay?" My eyes widened and I clapped my hands happily.

"Surprise?! What kind of surprise?!" Kendall chuckled and put a finger to his lips as if he holding in a secret as Logan appeared behind him.

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, now would it?" I pouted a little.

"Hey, Carlos, did you remember your Robin shirt under your button up?" Logan asked as he buttoned up his own shirt over his batman logo shirt. Since we both liked batman, we just decided to be batman and robin. But, I let Logan have batman just to be nice. I smiled at him and was about to show off my shirt when a horn honked outside and I darted past everyone, including our family members, and outside. There was a limo waiting outside for us! I squealed at the sight and then watched as some guys hopped out and pulled a huge present out of the limo and set it next to me in the grass.


I looked at it curiously, before I started looking for James.

"wheres Jamie?" I called as everyone cae outside. My dad was holding his video camera and everyone had cameras ready as Kendall and Logan joined us. Logan walked and stood on one side of the huge box and then Kendall stood on the other side. They smiled at me as everyone turned their cameras on.

I was really confused by now.

"Guys, wheres James?"

"Don't worry about James for now, okay he'll be here soon. Here this is for you ,Carlos." Logan patted the present and I felt my insides burst.

"For me?!" I ran over and took the bow off before I hesitated. I eyed everyone again, curious, but the shrugged it away and ripped open the box. I shrieked as James popped out and I jumped back a little when confetti followed, along with balloons in his hand, and Logan and Kendall were the ones popping confetti as James kicked open the front of the box, stepped out, kneeled and held open his hand to show me he had a box with a ring set inside of it.

"Marry me?" He smiled.

And then the waterworks came. I began crying as I nodded and James stood to slip the ring on, kiss me and then pull me into his chest as I bawled happily. He chuckled and took out a handkerchief and wiped my face.

"I knew this might happen, so I came prepared." He chuckled and I sniffled as he cleaned my face gently.

"Aw, theres my beautiful shining husband to be." I smiled as he hugged me and I turned to face the cameras everyone was shining on me and show off my beautiful ring. Logan came up along side us with Kendall and we both sat there showing off our engagement rings, before we each gave our fiancée's a kiss. I sniffled and looked at everyone around us before wiping my eyes again.

"best day ever." James laughed and kissed me.

"And the party hasn't even started yet!" he chuckled. I snuggled into his chest and wondered how this night, no, how this year will end for all of us.

*One year later*

Kendall's POV

I was so proud to watch my Logie and Carlos step off that stage on graduation, and I ran over to them, alongside James, as we congratulated them.

I swept Logan off his feet and carried him bridal style, making him laugh at my extreme PDA with our relationship, but he let it slide this time around since it was a special day, well, more like special week.

At the end of the week we all got married in a double wedding, and I don't think I've ever seen our families cry as much as they did that day. The wedding reception was beautiful and I never did get a chance to see the cake that Logan and Carlos had decided on. I was amazed to see two cakes in fact. One was shaped like a guitar, and that was meant for Logan and I. The second one was a simple three-tier vanilla cake, until you took a look at the other side. It was split down the middle, and the other half was decorated chocolate and both had strawberries on the sides.

The wedding topper for Logan and I's cake was two guitar picks with our names on them, mine in white on a black pick, Logans in black on a white pick and they both looked like suits with bows on them.

Carlos and James's wedding topper was adorable, because it was a statue of two people in suits, white and black, and one looked like Carlos hugging a stuffed puppy and James was hugging him from the behind. I wondered for the rest of the evening how much it cost to manufacture and make it specifically to their liking, but James said not to worry about it.

We all decided to honeymoon at same resort, not to far away from our town. It was up in the mountains, in a cabin resort.

The moment we walked in it was amazing, and I knew the one thing I wanted to do tonight, that was also on Logans mind, but neither of us mentioned it.

Not until we got into our resort that night. Logan was lying in the bed, and though we've seen each other nearly nude-not completely but nearly- we were both blushing dark red.

"You sure baby? We can wait." I whispered in the dimly lit room. It was illuminated with candles and we had a small bowl of chocolate covered strawberries on the nightstand. Cliché I know, but they seem romantic, and they taste good.

"Its fine, Kendall. I'm ready to make love with you." I lifted Logans bare leg, and began kissing up it, letting the tip of my tongue slide up and down gently before I pulled back and blew on the damp trail up his leg. I began kissing up his body, inhaling his scent, ravishing in that taste of his skin, and admiring his beautiful body.

I let my fingers drift across the waistband of his briefs and I looked up at him for permission. He smiled and kissed me gently.

"I'm not scared, Kendall. I trust you." He whispered. I smiled as I took his briefs off and tossed them into one of the open suitcases on the floor. I kissed him deeply as I covered my fingers in lube and delved them into his secret regions.

Logan cringed for a moment and gripped my hand before relaxing.

"I can do this…im fine." He panted. I kissed him gently and rubbed his quaking thighs as I began to prepare him, then I did something to help him take his mind off the pain; I dove down and pressed a kiss to his hard and beautiful erection, then I experimentally began to suck the tip. Logan cried out and gripped the bed sheets as he moaned, sending shivers down my body as I sucked gently.

"Kendall, Kendall o-oh…Kendall!" he cried as I pushed my fingers into his innocent body even further and found his sweet spot that would make him feel good.

Now, most people would consider Logan and I as unclean for being…forced in the past, but that was the past and this is now, and I considered Logan still a virgin to this. I kissed him as I pulled my soaked fingers from his tight caverns and kissed him. I stood up and yanked off my own boxers as Logan handed me the bottle of lube. I covered my own regions in them, blushing as I did, and then I tossed the bottle away as I grabbed his hand. I put my other hand on his stomach as I moved his hand to press flat against my chest, letting him feel the quick beating of my heart.

"That's for you, and only you, Logan. You'll be the only person to ever make e feel this way, the only one to ever take my heart." I whispered. Logans eyes filled with joyful tears as I lifted his legs into the air, spreading them gently.

"are you ready?" I whispered, putting one leg on my shoulder so I could grip Logans hand with one of mine.

"As I'll ever be. I love you." He whispered. I kissed him gently and wiped away his joy filled tears as I pushed in. The heat that combined our already hot bodies was smothering me. I had never felt this way before, and though the scars still litter my body, the hideous word scarred into my chest, Logan ignores it all, all of this uncleanliness as I ravish his beautiful body. He leans forward and hes eventually the one doing the work as he kissed my chest, having sex with me by riding himself onto my erection in my lap.

I lay him back down and finish us both off, picking up the pace towards the end. I knew I wasn't going to last long as my stomach curled into an unfamiliar feeling. I bucked wildly, staring into Logans eyes as I released and screamed his name, driving myself into his beautiful regions that I now markes as mine and mine only.

Logan sobbed in happiness as he himself finished and screamed my name, and we collapsed on each other not to soon afterwards. I took his face and began kissing him, pecking his lips over and over before I did it to his whole body.

"I love you." I would pant after every kiss. Logan held me close as he continued to quietly sob his happy tears and eventually we blew out the candles and cuddled, entangling our legs. I molded my body into Logan's back side as we fiddled with our rings, clinking them together gently.


"Yes, my love?" I whispered, squeezing his hips gently.

'Don't ever leave me…ever." He whispered. I turned his head to look at me.

"I promise." I kissed his sweet lips gently as we collapsed and slept, too worn out afterwards to do anything but sleep.


We returned from our honeymoon soon afterwards, and we all knew school would be starting up soon. James was in his third year this time, Logan and Carlos were just starting and this was my second year. The decision was sort of unspoken among us, but we all agreed on it eventually when we realized we wouldn't be able to stay at our parents homes.

So we all moved into an apartment, It was big enough for all of us, plus an extra room, and the complex was great enough that they allowed pets, which made Carlos so happy when he found a box with two puppies in it, obviously not siblings though, and brought them home.

One was a raggedy looking dog that Carlos finally settled on naming Stella, while the other dog was a type of Husky breed that James named Fox. Their not the only ones that got benefits though, I stumbled across a pet rung pig one day in the newspapers and adopted her without another thought. The previous owner had dubbed her "Yuma" and it stuck with the family.

The dogs and Yuma got along just fine so it all worked out.

Hanna had her baby a lot later than her due date had supposed, and after several weeks of worrying, she went into labor and Sebastian and her were blessed with the birth of their new daughter, Sophia Isabella Cardinson.(2) Sophia was just late, but the doctor said she was very healthy.

We were able to finally meet her, and I have to say, she's absolutely beautiful. She has pitch black hair like her dad and the beautiful cerulean blue eyes that Hanna had graced her with, even though she now only had one eye to show it off.

I don't know where we're all headed to after this, after everything's that's happening. But how hard it was for me to believe three years ago, that my life would change for the better and granted me a new path.

But Logan, Carlos, James, Hanna and myself are living proof that no matter how bad your situation, no matter what your problems are, you can always find salvation, and your life can change for the better. And I think, really, everyone is treated to a happy ending.

And our new beginnings start now.


Crap ending oh well, okay guess I got busy during the day and cant start my new story sadly. But y'all better be happy because it took me 3 cherry 7-ups, a thing of poptarts, a cup of pudding, a coke, and then several rounds of breaks that include dancing to Ievan Polkka and then a couple rounds of screaming and singing "rape me" by Nirvana, plus replaying some Marilyn manson and then ending it off with my whole new BIg Time Rush albums I got for Christmas to get me through this!

Please R&R
