I've had this idea for awhile and since I'm experiencing writers block with my other two stories I decided to spend some time on this story until inspiration strikes again.

Have you ever wondered what would have happened if the Winx lost the battle with Baltor at the end of season 3? This is my take on what would have happened. This story will start of being rated T. It might change to M later, but we'll see what happens. The tone of this story will be very somber. Baltor coming to power has changed the Winx Club and Specialists lives significantly so some characters will be OOC.

Read and let me know what you think.


The Reign of Baltor

Chapter One

Staring out at the starry night sky, Bloom sighed heavily to herself. In just a few minutes her husband would call to her asking her to come to bed. She cringed at the thought of it. She had thought that in time she would adjust to the marriage. It had been a year now and still she detested him with every fiber of her being.

"Bloom dear…" He called to her from inside the bedroom. This was the nightly routine. She would stay out on the terrace as late as possible hoping that by the time she returned to the room her husband would be fast asleep. Some nights he didn't call for her, he would just let her stand out on the terrace and brood, other nights, like tonight he would call to her telling her to come to bed.

She didn't respond but continued searching the night sky, looking at the many different constellations of stars. She reflected back on the old stories Stella used to tell her. She told her all the constellations told a story. Being the fairy of the sun and moon she was well versed in the old myths regarding the constellations. Bloom had told her the stories she had heard on earth regarding the stars, but Stella said their stories were inaccurate.

There were nights when they would sit out on the lawn at Alfea and study the night sky and Stella would tell her the old myths. Unfortunately, those days were now long gone.

"Bloom," Her husband called to her again, the warm loving tone he had used only a few minutes earlier now gone.

Tearing her eyes away from the sky she turned to face the gold eyed sandy blond man that stood before her. "Yes Baltor?" She said looking up at him.

"Didn't you hear me call you?" He asked through gritted teeth. He'd hardly had much patience for her and her defiance the past couple of weeks.

She saw he was already dressed for bed in loose fitting white cotton pants. His feet and chest were bare. "I was just about to come inside." She lied. She'd hoped that if she didn't answer he would just leave her be.

Rubbing his temple in irritation he simply waved his hand telling her to come inside. Choosing not to argue, Bloom obeyed his order and followed him through the terrace door. Seeing as she was still dressed in the gown she had worn that day, Bloom excused herself to the bathroom where she stripped down and began to draw a bath. By the time she finished up she was sure Baltor would have fallen asleep.

Once the tub was full she climbed in and laid back and tried to relax. If only we had won the battle .She thought to herself thinking of the final battle between the Winx Club and Baltor. This was a thought that had crossed her mind hundreds of time over the past year. He had been too strong. She couldn't remember exactly what happened, but only remembered waking up in Baltor's hideout. It was then he had made the deal with her. With his powers he would return Sparks to its former splendor and she would become his queen, and he wouldn't harm her friends or Sky. She didn't see any other choice. So she made the deal, and had regretted it every day since.

Death would have been a better option for all of them, seeing how their lives had turned out since. From the little bit of information she was able to get out of Baltor she knew that he had Tecna and Timmy held hostage. They were working on some sort of project for him. Baltor was careful not to tell her about the details of the project or to discuss with others around her. Flora had been taken by Baltor's head guard, Cáel. Bloom didn't know all of the details on how it happened, and Baltor refused to tell her anything.

She knew Layla and Stella had returned to their home planets and were now trying to protect them against Baltor, who was slowly gaining power. She wasn't sure about what happened with Musa or Riven, but she knew Helia was being held prisoner. Brandon had returned to Eraklyon, but Sky's whereabouts were unknown. He was nowhere to be found. Bloom began to blink back tears. She wanted to believe that where ever Sky was, he was okay, but she was worried. Anything could have happened to him.

She decided she had wallowed enough in her misery and pulled the plug on the bath and wrapped herself in towel before getting out of the bathtub. After slipping on a night gown comprised of lace and silk and dragging a brush through her wet hair, she exited the bathroom surprised to see that Baltor was indeed still awake and by the way he was sitting on the bedspread, she assumed he was waiting for her.

"We need to talk." His expression was grave and his tone serious.

"About what?" She said standing in her place refusing to join him on the bed.

"Come sit with me Bloom." He said patting the spot next to him on the bed.

She stood in her place for a few seconds weighing her options. Then finally after seeing there was no way around it, ignoring his command would only anger him, and she was too tired to fight him tonight. So she joined him on the bed, but still kept a good enough distance from him.

He pulled her close bringing her head to his chest, ignoring her protests. She would hiss and fight but he knew she couldn't over power him. He ran his fingers through her damp hair, and then began to speak again. "We've been married a year now." He said as he continued to run his fingers through her long curly red hair. "It's time we produce an heir."

At those words Bloom pushed Baltor away giving him an incredulous look. "No." She said firmly. Although she had suffered through it countless times, even still the thought of his hands on her made her stomach churn. But to have a child he sired growing in her belly? The thought of it made her sick.

"Nonsense," He said taking her by her wrists and bringing her closer. "What will your people think of you as a queen if you do not produce an heir?" He said cupping her face in his hands.

"You had this in mind all along." Bloom's eyes lit up as she pieced the pieces of the puzzle together. "It wasn't ruling Sparks and having full control of the dragon fire, you wanted an heir!" She said beginning to claw at his hands in an attempt to free herself.

"Now Bloom," Baltor said pulling her arms down to her sides. "Every king must have an heir. It's your duty as queen."

"I told you I won't." She shot back angrily still trying to break the hold Baltor had on her.

"Have you forgotten our deal?"

"I never agreed to have your child."

"You agreed to do as I wish and I promised not to hurt your friends, well at least not without provocation." He said as an afterthought.

Bloom gave up trying to fight him and laid back on the bed. He was right, that had been the deal, but she had never imagined he would have this mind. Looking up in his grey eyes she simply nodded.

Pushing her hair back from her face, Baltor leaned in covering her mouth with his tangling his hands in her curly red hair. Not responding in any way to the kiss Bloom only counted the minutes waiting for the entire ordeal to be over with.

Her thoughts drifted back to Sky. She had no clue where he was, but she hoped where ever he was he had some sort of plan to save her.

Do you like the premise for the story? Is the tone too gloomy and depressing? Review and let me know what you think!