A/N: This plot attacked my brain earlier today, so, ta-da!, I started writing it on my phone. No surprise there…
Anyways… This plot doth take place in the 1600's, midst the Salem Witch Trials. Inspired by episode 39, Infinite Realms.
Daniel Fenton Nightingale ran into the open, a sword in hand. It let off a menacing, crimson red glow. Knives and daggers, all glowing an eerie red, were strapped all over his body. He called them "Blood Blades", swords and knives with the metal of the blades infused with the infamous ghost remedy, Blood Blossoms.
His older sister, Jasmine, stood behind him with a Fenton Ghost Containment Box in hand. Her pretty, feminine face, which many boys drooled over, was set into the picture of determination. She was in stance, waiting for Daniel and Tucker to weaken the ghosts so that she could suck them in.
His best friend, Tucker Foley, stood faithfully by his side with a bow in his hand. A quiver full of glowing red arrows hung on the boy's back, and one was notched on the bow already.
Daniel's father, the famous hunter John Fenton Nightingale, was at home in bed with a dangerous flu, so when a large group of ghosts invaded the small town of Amity, he had no choice but to stay home and let his children and their best friend take care of the job. It wasn't as if they weren't capable. No, they were born to be hunters. Ten times better than any hunter Amity, Massachusetts, had ever seen before. No, he was upset about it because, well, 1) they were his children, but mostly, 2) he wanted to simply get a chance at fighting the ghosts, and he was extremely jealous. Though he'd never admit to the latter.
Daniel was strong, sly, and experienced with swords and hand-to-hand fighting, taking care of the major threats. Tucker was quick and skilled with the bow, serving as backup for Daniel and making sure the creature at hand didn't succeed in playing dirty. Jasmine stood in the sidelines, using the small, compact box, constructed by an enslaved sorcerer, in her hands to suck up the ghosts.
So there they were, ready to defeat the ghosts. Despite Amity's reputation for magical beings and ghost invasions, they had never been up against so many ghosts at once. Dozens of the red-eyed beasts surrounded the trio, grinning evilly and preparing to shoot their ecto-blasts.
But then… everything went wrong. So, so wrong. Because all Daniel could remember after that was the blinding flash of green before darkness filled his vision.
That was the day Daniel Fenton Nightingale, ruthless hunter of all magical beings, became magical himself.
A/N: I know that ghosts aren't really considered "magical" most of the time, but in this story, I'm gonna go ahead and call ghosts magical along with witches, sorcerers, werewolves, vampires, all that fluffy stuff. :D
Just saying, when they speak, I won't do all that complicated 1600's speech like in the episode. I'll die. XD