Rachel straightened her hair, the long brown strands falling to her lower back. She applied her makeup and stood up surveying her outfit in the full length mirror. The dress was a lot shorter than she would usually wear and the shoes were a lot higher, but then again it was her best friends 25th birthday and there was no way she was dressing down for the event.
Her bedroom door clicked and her two best friends stepped inside. Quinn walked in first, her short blonde hair straightened into a sleek bob and her lips cherry red. The white dress had a plunging neckline and stopped above the knee. Her shoes were red with a small heel. Always classy, Quinn was the one Rachel would go to if she had to be dressed for a job interview or a family dinner.
"Rachel, you look amazing" Quinn said, smiling as she stepped aside making room for the birthday girl. Santana walked in and nodded and Rachel gasped at her outfit. The red dress was like a second skin on the Latina. Her black stilettoes made her tower over the other two girls even more and her makeup was simple, just a basic smoky eye.
"You really do look stunning Mango' Santana said smiling at the other brunette. Rachel groaned grabbing her clutch and slipping some bangles onto her wrist.
"Santana how many times do I have to tell you not to call me that foolish nickname? It doesn't even make sense." Rachel pushed the girls out of her room and switched the light off as she went past. Santana and Quinn giggled.
"Of course it makes sense mango. Your last name is Berry, that's a fruit- a mango is a fruit and it's mine and Quinn's favourite so you should feel loved were saying you're our favourite. Besides it's my birthday I get to call you whatever I want." Santana smiled her evil smirk and watched as Rachel bent over to get something from the bottom shelf of their television cabinet.
"Happy Birthday Santana!" Rachel said standing up and handing a small present to Santana. Quinn walked over and linked arms with Rachel and the two girls smiled as Santana opened her present. Santana opened the small jewellery box only to find a chain with a locket on the end. A small S was engraved on the top. She carefully pulled the locket open and smiled at a picture of her, Rachel and Quinn that was on the inside.
"We have one too. We thought it would be cute things for us all too have." Quinn said and Rachel nodded moving to put the necklace onto Santana's neck. Santana wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled at the two girls she cared more for than anyone else. They had gone through a lot of things together over the years.
Growing up in small town Lima, Ohio, Rachel had been considered the show choir geek. She was pretty intense and all though nearly every single male member of the student body and some of the more perverted members of the faculty found her totally bangable she had no friends. Quinn and Santana were the complete opposite- Quinn was the head cheerleader, Santana was her second in charge. The greatest part of their day was making Rachel's life a living hell- drawing embarrassing pictures on the wall of the change rooms, calling her derogatory nicknames and throwing slushies in her face at any given opportunity.
However the three girls were bought together with the arrival of Finn Hudson. He came to their high school in their senior year. Not only did he make quarter back for the football team, effectively becoming the most popular guy in the school he was also the male lead in the high school glee club, effectively hanging with the biggest geeks or gleeks as they were more commonly known.
He played the three girls to no end. He dated Quinn, the head of the celibacy club and all round daddy's little angel, had sex with Santana, who was at the time the school slut and unbeknownst to most people was seeing Rachel on the side.
It wasn't until Quinn got pregnant that the secrets came out. Quinn found out that Finn had been sleeping with Santana and Rachel came forward and said that he had been sleeping with her as well. They were all heartbroken, and drawn together by their hatred for the boy who had broken their hearts the three girls found that they were more alike than they knew.
When Quinn's parents kicked her out, she moved in with Rachel, who had forgiven her and Santana almost immediately for the years of torment. Santana after spending nearly every night at the Berry home with her two new best friends moved in to the second guest bedroom. The three of them stood together through some of the hardest things they had ever had to face- the adoption of Quinn's baby girl, the death of one of Rachel's dads, and the divorce of Santana's parents.
Santana was drawn out of her thoughts and she turned to wrap the delicate Rachel in a bone crushing hug. She felt Quinn wrap her arms around her from behind and she pressed her lips to Rachel's forehead before turning and kissing Quinn too.
"Alright, let's get going. I made dinner reservations for 8:00, for that Spanish restaurant on 63rd street and then I pulled some strings and got us on the list for that new fancy night club on 72nd." Santana smiled, Quinn was one of the most up and coming Public Relations officers in New York and she often name dropped in order to get the girls into the new clubs or restaurants.
"Happy birthday to my best friend Sammy Evans, you're basically the most annoying person I know and your giant lips puzzle me no end, however you're a good bloke and we've practically been brothers since we could walk. So tonight party hard my main man, everything is on the house and the Changster and I hope you get so blind rotten drunk we have to carry you home, or you find a girl and carry her home instead." Puck stepped off the bar as everyone downed the shot he had just passed around.
Noah Puckerman, was a 25 year old night club owner, and you better believe it when he said that came with some perks. The girls, the booze, the honour of owning one of the newest and hottest hang outs for the celebrities in New York City. He eyed his blonde best friend guzzling back a beer and smiled as he thought about their friendship. Puck didn't know his dad, he left when he was about three, Sam's family lived next door and from the day Puck's dad left, Sam's dad was kind of Pucks mentor. Sam became Puck's brother and the two boys were inseparable.
In high school, Sam was the quarterback and resident good boy, Puck was on the football team as well but he was captain of the baseball team and resident heart breaker. In sophomore year Michael Chang came to their school and the dancing, singing, football playing Asian boy fit instantly into their friendship making their group of two into three.
When they finished school, Puck and Mike did a business degree at NYU and after obtaining a rather hefty loan from Mike's dad they opened The Sunrise night club. It was tough to start with, there wasn't much need for a new club, but soon enough the lines were around the corner and the celebrities starting flooding in.
Tonight however was a special night a VIP even Puck had called it. Sam's 25th birthday bash had been announced over the radio three days prior to the big night and the tickets Puck was selling were all gone by that afternoon. Everyone wanted to be in the club that night, reason enough for Puck to think he would find someone attractive to take home that night.