Author's Note: The idea behind this fanfiction came to me from watching the drama Proposal Daisatsukan awhile back. Since my fanfiction is very time oriented, I'm going to just say that Haruhi began her time at Ouran as a first year in 2007. Mind you all, that I'm going to try to keep to the Japanese school terms, so things will be working a bit differently than over here in America (where I live). Also, this is my first Ouran fanfiction, so I'm sorry if I'm a bit off.
Disclaimer: I don't own like anything.
Summer: June 25th, 2011
Kaoru frowned as he hung up his phone again, "It's no use Hunny-sempai... he's not picking up." Hunny frowned and looked up at Mori, "I guess that we're going to have to begin the ceremony without him if he doesn't show up soon." Kyoya walked over to the three men in formal attire, "He's too stuborn to miss something like this. Besides... with him coming, you never know what might happen." Kyoya pushed his glasses up his nose. Hunny nodded, "I think that Tamaki would become really depressed if he doesn't show..." Mori looked at the gate that was infront of the church they all were standing infront of, "He's here." All of the men looked at a very exhausted Hikaru. Kaoru walked over to his twin and placed an arm around his shoulder, "What made you so exhausted? Did you run all the way here?" Hikaru's head went down in defeat. Kyoya snickered and turned his back on all of them, "Well, they're waiting for us. Luckily you got here now... we can proceed ontime."
Hunny rushed over to Hikaru, "Hika-chan... are you going to be alright?" Hikaru nodded, "Yes Hunny-sempai..." Hikaru forced himself to smile. Hunny looked at him worried, but none-the-less smiled towards him, "If things get too crazy... you can always object." Kaoru looked at his twin, "Are you sure that it's going to be ok? I know that this is killing you inwardly." Hikaru frowned, "But there's nothing else that I can do... it's not like I can change anything." Kaoru let go of Hikaru, "I'm going ahead, you should clean up some of that sweat from running all the way here. And... you're definitely going to explain to me later today why you ran." Kaoru walked inside the small church. Hikaru watched as he walked in and he sat down on a small bench outside.
He looked up into the bright blue sky. It's beautiful out... with such gorgeous weather... I must be the only person feeling like this. Hikaru continued to think to himself as he wiped his sweat away with a handkerchief. They all know that there's nothing that I can do now... I missed my chance...
Hikaru stood up and walked into the church. He immediately walked to his spot. Music began to play and he ended up proceeding to walk down the aisle. He made it to his location and once there, he looked towards the back of the church. Haruhi began to walk down the aisle. She was stunning in her white, long, mermaid-styled wedding gown. Hikaru couldn't help but take in her beauty. He watched her every move and a huge sting hit his heart. She's so pretty... It's hard to believe that she's getting married to Tono today... I never imagined that this day would actually come... If only... if only I could do it all over...
Tamaki lifted the bridal veil from Haruhi's face and the both of them gazed into each other's eyes. Hikaru bit his lip to make sure that he didn't destroy anything. He looked down at the ground, then went back to looking at Haruhi. Kaoru glanced to his side to notice the conflicting emotions of his brother. It was extremely hard for Hikaru to survive this... especially since he was a groomsmen.
When the priest asked if anyone objected to their marriage, all of the groomsmen looked at Hikaru. Hikaru looked at Haruhi. She was staring into Tamaki's eyes. She looks happy... I... I can't...
"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
Hikaru's heart seeped and he didn't want to watch, but ended up watching the kiss of the newly married couple. Several people applauded. Hikaru forced himself to applaud. Everyone then began to exit the church. Hikaru and Kaoru were the last ones in the church. Kaoru placed his hand onto Hikaru's shoulder, "You've really matured these past few years..." Hikaru turned and hugged his brother, "Kaoru... I couldn't destroy her happiness... I couldn't do that to Tono either..." Kaoru rubbed his brother's back, "I know Hikaru... I know..." They stayed like that for a few minutes then Kaoru forced Hikaru to look into his eyes, "You have to stay strong Hikaru. It's reception time." The twins left arm in arm with each other and joined everyone else at the reception. Once inside, festivities were taking place and Hikaru found his way to the bartender. He sat down, "Long Island." The bartender glanced at him and began to make his beverage. Once the bartender handed the drink to him he made a small comment, "A bit of a strong drink for the start of the celebration... don't you think?" Hikaru downed the beverage and frowned, "Another!"
An announcer grabbed the microphone to mention the next event to take place in the reception, "And now, a slideshow put together by the groom's best man, Kyoya." All of the former host club members eyed Kyoya, surprised that he placed together a slideshow without them knowing. Kaoru walked over to his brother and dragged him over to the table that he, Hunny, and Mori were sitting at. Hikaru sat down and began to watch the slideshow. The slideshow was rather boring at first, seeing a bunch of baby Tamaki pictures. Yet, Hikaru found it quite enjoyable seeing baby Haruhi pictures. But the back of his mind kept reminding him that Haruhi is now taken. The photos went through the years, then suddenly, photos from the Host Club days began to appear. Several photos of outrageous costumes of theirs and such appeared. The entire Host Club being featured photo after photo. Hikaru was feeling worse and worse as the photos flickered by. It wasn't until one photo really caught his eye though.
Hunny was making commentary about each photo at the table, but it wasn't until this specific photo that Hikaru listened, "Ah~ I remember this! This is when we first had Haru-chan dress up as a girl~! We all wanted to help out that couple in time of the Christmas Party~!" Hikaru fully remembered that day well. Ah... I wish that I could go back to that time...
After that one thought, everything froze around him. Hikaru continued to stare at the photo on screen. It was a photo of the whole club at the end of the Christmas Party. Hikaru heard some footprints behind him and a voice began to speak, "I know what you're thinking." Hikaru immediately turned around and noticed a man, who looked to be in his late fifties wearing a suit and a fedora hat, "You're thinking that if only you could go back to that moment. You're thinking that perhaps you could change the current situation." Hikaru looked at the man confused, "What the heck? What makes you think-" Before he could finish his statement the man spoke again, "In all my years observing weddings and receptions, never once have I seen someone look so remorseful! I've never seen someone with so much regret plastered on their face." Hikaru looked down then spoke up, "There's nothing that I can do about it old man!" The man frowned, "I'm not an old man... I'm actually a fairy that lives in this church. I do believe that I have seen you here before." Hikaru frowned, "I don't get what you're saying." The man spoke, "I have currently stopped time to talk to you. There is a chance that the gate of miracles will open up to you. You only need to ask." Hikaru tilted his head to the side in confusion, "I don't get what you're saying..." The man continued, "I am here to give you a second chance... if you so desire it."
Hikaru looked at the man in disbelief, "How is that even possible?" The man gestured towards the photo, "When was this taken?" Hikaru observed the photo, "This was taken in my first year of high school... December to be exact... that was 2007... Even though it was so long ago, it feels just like yesterday to me... Back at that time... I didn't know how much Haruhi meant to me..." The man took a bite of a hamburger and then spoke up, "If you had the chance to go back to that time... would you take it?" Hikaru nodded, "I would do anything to go back..." The man smirked, "You have one chance to make it all happen... you really need to make a difference to change things... do you think that you can do it?" Hikaru nodded, "I can! If I have a chance to change the outcome of Haruhi and Tono getting together, then I'll take it!" The man smirked, "What makes you think that you can do anything at that time?" Hikaru was a bit annoyed but answered the man, "Haruhi didn't know us all that well yet... I think that she found Tono to be a huge annoyance..." The man nodded, "Ask... and it shall be given." Hikaru looked at the man, "Please." With a snap of the man's fingers, Hikaru was surrounded by a bright light.
The next thing that he noticed, he was wearing extremely revealing clothing and holding his twin brother's chin. "Don't say that, Hikaru...! I wanted it too...!" Hikaru stood there dumbfounded looking into his brother's eyes. This can't be real... am I really back?