a/n: this is clearly a lot shorter than my normal chapters, but i just wanted to write a quick epilogue to wrap this up. i think i'm done with blainchelcest for awhile, mostly because i'm working on some huge projects right now, but i do have more stuff in general coming. also, i've been uploading oneshots and drabbles to my tumblr a lot lately that haven't gotten posted here, so if you want to read them just go to either my tumblr (ashleykidwell) or the blainchel tumblr (blainchelraineanderberry)! kthx i love you all 3

She couldn't help the smile that fell across her face as she sat on the steps-her steps, she called them-waiting for Blaine. It had been nearly four years since their parents crossed them out of their lives, Blaine now applying for graduate school while Rachel prepared for graduation from NYADA and auditioning for various musicals in the area. It had taken a long time for Rachel to adjust to her new life, her new world where her parents didn't acknowledge her existence. They had moved out of the area soon after Rachel moved in with Mike and Blaine, only causing more tears to fall the day she went back to their house to discover them missing.

When graduation came, Mike, Blaine, Kurt and her packed their bags for New York and never once looked back. Rachel had had to tell Kurt the truth about her and Blaine-after all, with the four of them living together and the rest all knowing, it only seemed fair. Kurt had, understandably, freaked out at her, called both of them all the names she was sure everyone else on the planet would think if their secret leaked out. But after a few long and uncomfortable months, he came around, their home becoming safe and comfortable once more.

Now Kurt was finishing his senior year at Parsons and interning for a designer Rachel had never heard of, Mike going with Rachel on auditions for dancing, both content to keep Rachel and Blaine's secret for them.

"Rachel!" she heard, her head snapping up to see him running across Times Square, darting though the tourists that littered the area as he bounded up the giant red steps before crashing into where she was situated at the top. "Rachel, I got in!"

"NYU?" she asked, her eyes widening-it was his first choice for graduate school, close enough to their apartment that he wouldn't have to worry about being late to classes because of backups on the subway. He nodded eagerly, and she leaned over to kiss him, her heart filling with pride. The fact that they could do this, even now, still made her feel incredibly happy. Blaine made her incredibly happy, from his cheesy dates to his ability to make her smile anytime she felt down. "I'm so proud," she whispered, his grin practically glued to his face.

"Now all we have to do is see if you can get into that show and both our futures are secure," he told her, reaching for her tea and taking a sip without asking.

"Yes, well, I should hear within a couple weeks," she responded, leaning her head on his shoulder and stowing her hand away in his pocket to keep her hand warm, the March air cold and windy. "If I get the part, will you come see me?"

"Every night," he promised, kissing the top of her head. She knew he'd keep his word, that he'd come every single performance, sitting in the front row. "You're going to be a star Rach, I know it."

"As long as I have you watching, I'm content," she said, his arm wrapping itself around her to pull her in even closer as they fell quiet, watching the world pass by in front of them.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered after a minute, and she just grinned into his shoulder before he took her face in his hands, staring deep into her eyes, intense and scary and good all at once. "Marry me."

"What?" Rachel choked out, sure she had misheard him, but as he reached into his opposite pocket and pulled out a box, her heart beat racing three times its normal rate, she knew he wasn't kidding.

"I love you, Rachel, and I lived without you for three years and that's something neither of us ever want again. So marry me."

She stared at him for a minute, trying to let her brain catch up with the scene playing out in front of her before practically screaming a loud "Yes!", her arms wrapping around him as she kissed him forcefully, his laughter ringing out as people around them stared.

It took her a couple minutes to calm down, but when she finally managed to, he slid the ring on her left finger-it was small, just a simple silver band and small diamond, but it was from Blaine and it meant forever, and Rachel didn't need anything else.