Hello all. Few things you need to know: 1. This is set in the Half Blood Prince as you will see but continues throught Deathly Hallows hopefully. 2. I tried not to go too OOC but this is FanFiction afterall and it's also a Dramione so it is inevitable. 3. This is only my second Harry Potter Fanfic but you all seemed to enjoy my first, so I thought over Christmas break I'd write another. 4. You will see familar scenes incorporated with my own. Some chapters may have more than others. I believe that's all for now. Enjoy Chapter 1.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

"Don't you see it was an initiation, a ceremony." Harry blurted.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Stop it, Harry. I know where you're going with this."

"He's one of them." Harry bluntly stated.

"One of who?" Ron uttered confused.

Harry said nothing in return so Hermione turned toward Ron and clearly stated, "Harry is under the impression that Draco Malfoy is now a Death Eater."

Ron scoffed. "You're barking. Why would You Know Who want a bloke like Malfoy?"

"Then what was he doing in Borgin and Burke's? Browsing for furniture?" Harry was sure he was right.

The three were once again on their way to start another year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Over the summer while in London, they had seen Draco and Narcissa Malfoy looking awfully suspicious and so of course the three took it upon themselves to investigate. What they saw was rather curious. The pair of Malfoy's entered Borgin and Burke's furniture shop amongst many others dressed in black. Draco seemed to take curious interest in a cabinet.

Harry now seemed to think that what they had witnessed an initiation, but not just any initiation. He believed that Draco Malfoy now possessed the Dark Mark. Harry was determined to find out if he was right and he would take any measure to discover the truth.


On the other end of the train, in the Slytherin carriage, Draco Malfoy was standing in his all black suit seeming rather pre-occupied when everything went black.

"What was that?" Draco demanded.

Pansy, a girl with dark hair and a nose curled up like a pig stood up. "It was nothing. Probably just a first year messing around. Come on Draco. We'll be arriving at Hogwarts soon." She seemed desperate to have Draco by her side.

Draco took a seat across from Pansy and Blaise Zabini. "Hogwarts, what a pathetic excuse for a school."

Pansy was flabbergasted. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Just means I have better things to do than waste my time in charms class." He looked out the window. Blaise scoffed. "What's wrong, Blaise?" His dark friend just shook his head. "We'll see who laughing in the end." He tried to close his eyes and imagine a different world, one in which he was happy.


Hermione sat there in the Great Hall worriedly while she watched Ron sit there and chow down his pudding. She started smacking him with a book. "Will you stop eating? Your best friend is missing!"

"Oi! He's right behind you." Ron said, afraid of being hit again.

"He's covered in blood again. Why is it he's always covered in blood?" Ginny openly stated as Harry came towards them.

Hermione smiled the faintest of smiles for she could see that Ginny looked at Harry differently than she did.

They listened to Dumbledore give his opening speech and they all gasped when he announced Snape as their new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. The Slytherins however, cheered. Hermione looked over to the table and noticed something odd. She stared intently at Draco Malfoy who seemed to not be listening at all. He had his head propped up on his hand and he seemed to be staring off into the distance.


The next day in Potions class, Harry and Ron walked in late not much to Hermione's surprise. The two had never been very punctual. But instead of worrying where they had been, she noticed Lavender Brown looking longingly at Ron. Then as she looked past the girl she once again took notice of Draco Malfoy. He seemed to have the same look plastered upon his face as he did in the Great Hall the previous night. She noted that he seemed lost.

When Professor Slughorn asked the class to identify the potions in front of them, she eagerly raised her hand.

"Yes, Miss?" Professor Slughorn asked.

"Granger, sir." She walked up to the table hesitantly. "That one there is Veritiserum. It's a truth serum. And this one here is Amortentia, the most powerful love potion in the world. It's rumored to smell like whatever attracts the certain person. For example, I smell parchment and freshly mowed grass and spearmint toothpaste." She walked away flustered.

Slughorn went on to say how it was awfully dangerous and then when Katie Bell asked what the last vile contained he explained that it was "Liquid Luck."

Hermione again noticed Draco. His expression changed finally towards the potion Slughorn was explaining and Hermione wondered what Draco could possibly need it for.

Once Harry had been given the vile of Liquid Luck for making the potion correctly, they left the class.

"That was bloody brilliant Harry." Ron gloated.

"Thanks." Harry smiled, very modestly like always.

"You were even better than Hermione."

Harry had expected Hermione to snap at Ron for this comment but it seemed as though she wasn't even paying attention. "Hermione, are you alright?"

"Have either of you noticed that Malfoy hasn't really been himself lately?" She inquired.

"Well he hasn't insulted us if that's what you mean. Are you complaining?" Ron huffed.

"No it's not that. I mean you are correct. He hasn't seemed to bother us except on the train but I've been watching him and it seems as though he isn't even here like he's sad. He even looks different if you ask me. He looks sick in fact."

Ron's jealously sparked. "Been paying close attention to Malfoy, eh?"

Much to Hermione's luck, Harry caught on. "Do you mean to say you agree with what I'm saying about him being," he lowered his voice, "a Death Eater?"

They entered the Gryffindor common room. "I'm just saying I think we should look further into him."

Ron scoffed at this. "You two are mad."


Draco roamed the corridors until he got the spot he desired. He closed his eyes and before him appeared a door that had not been there before; The Room of Requirement. He roamed around the room tossing a green apple in his right hand. Suddenly he stopped. He pulled a large curtain down to reveal a cabinet much like the one he saw in Borgin and Burke's. He ran a trembling hand over the cabinet.


"I had to admit I thought I was going to miss that last one." Ron was sitting on the couch of the Gryffindor common room, bragging about making the Gryffindor Quidditch team as Keeper. Harry and Hermione sat on the floor below him, ignoring his chatter. "Hope McLaggen's not taking it too hard. He's kind of got a thing for you, Hermione."

She was irritated at the fact that Ron wasn't irritated at McLaggen but she carried on. "He's vile." She looked over at Harry who was, as usual, reading his potions book. "Harry,"

But before she could yell at him for keeping his potions book, he interrupted her, "I think I have a plan."

Hermione and Ron both looked at him, confused. Hermione had some idea what he was speaking of. "You mean for Malfoy."

"Yes." He climbed up on the couch, as did Hermione, and looked around to see if anyone was in the room. Luckily, everyone had already gone off to bed.

Ron was impatient. "Well what is it?"

Harry took a deep breath and stared into the fire, "I don't think either of you are going to like it." They both looked at him longingly. He stood and placed his forearm on the mantle, leaning his head on his hand. "I think we need an inside view of what's happening with him and I'm not talking about Polyjuice potion. We need someone he can open up to and tell all his secrets to, someone who's on our side and who can tell us everything he says and does." He hesitated, but the looks on his best friend's faces told him to continue. "Hermione, I think you should seduce Draco Malfoy."

Thanks for reading.