The sequel is up! It's called "Give and Take." I hope you guys check it out, but hey if not, thanks for reading this one anyway.

I want to take this opportunity to give you all a big, huge thank you for all the support. It has been a long and fun journey writing this story and I'm honored so many have come on it with me. Many of you stuck with it from the beginning, an extra big virtual cookie for you. It really does mean a lot to get all the kind feedback I received. So, again, thank you all so much. You're all awesome. Readers new and old, there from the beginning or just somewhere along the way, thank you.

If you want, go check out the sequel now and see where the journey goes next. Satisfaction guaranteed ;) kidding, I can't guarantee that, but I sure will try. I do, however, promise a drama filled ride with good times and bad, lots of family and team moments… all that good stuff. Maybe some stuff readers have been waiting for…

And now, I officially mark this story complete. Catch you on the next ride!