This is an idea that's been floating in my head for months, literally months. Charlie (My OC) is in it, but it's very Reid centric after you get past the first couple chapters. It'll be good. This is also my second fanfiction (Not counting my oneshot) Please enjoy and no flames, constructive critisism is nice. Also It will become more Reid centric after the first few chapters. Charlie is technically setting the scene for him. She is his trainer and there will be no romance between the two.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Criminal Minds or any of their characters, I do however own Charlie Moscoe and her family.

"She never made it off the table."

"I didn't get a chance to say good bye."

He trusted her, he trusted him, but they lied. They lied and lied and lied again! How could he even attempt to trust them again? If lying were to be described as a physical action it would definitely be shown as ripping one's heart into pieces. He couldn't count how many times he was on the verge of using again. It was a thought that was almost always in his brain. No matter how many times he thought he would do it, he saw how disappointed his team would be, how disappointed Emily would be. He would never do it. Although he could admit he was close, there was only one time. Spencer had just left JJ's and had walked to the subway when he saw a runner. He could immediately tell that he worked for him so he knew that that man would have Dilaudid. He actually bought a vial. Only one. At home while he was about to use it he realized he had no needles. He was actually saved by forgetting something. After that he hid the vial in his medicine cabinet and never looked at it again.

The early days at work were getting to him. Or maybe it was the lack of trust he had in JJ, Hotch and Emily. Every time he saw them his heart hurt just that much more, he could hear the word betrayal whispering through his mind like he was crazy and he hated it. He hated it with more anger than he could ever comprehend having. The anger was so unavoidable, the only people he could trust were Morgan and Rossi, and even Rossi seemed like he knew she was alive. Couldn't he have at least shared his theories that she was alive with Reid? Of course not! Nobody cares how he feels, how he falls apart easily, how trust is something so very rarely earned with him. The team just doesn't get him, doesn't understand him. Why might you ask? Maybe because he's such a screw up, or a drug addict or just plain annoying!

Reid's thoughts had been in turmoil for a week since Emily's return, when suddenly they started to focus on forgetting. Just giving up and forgetting every little problem that had been plaguing him. All the headaches, the sickness, the betrayal, the lack of trust, the horrors in his past just everything! There was never any way to forget without help, he did have an eidetic memory after all. So now sitting on the edge of his bed with the unused vial of Dilaudid he bought weeks ago and a new un-opened needle he had gotten that day he was finally ready to forget, finally ready to just give up.

The day had been hell. There was no other way to describe it. Morgan, as always, had been worrying about him. He'd been asking if he was okay all day and of course Reid had answered with, yes I'm fine. Hotch and JJ had asked him how he was too. Reid felt they didn't have a right to ask him how he was. They didn't have a right to know anything about him. He couldn't trust them anymore. There was only one good part about that day and it was the short phone call he had gotten. Charlie had been checking in on him more often.

After he had gotten back to the BAU after another week off from being sick, and poisoned, the two had gotten close. Charlie and Reid would talk on the phone almost every day. It was like best friends at first sight. They told each other everything except, even though she would understand, Reid didn't tell her about his addiction. He still had a little trouble with trust and he especially didn't want to broadcast the fact that he, a genius with an IQ of 187, was addicted to drugs, drugs that were in close relation to Heroin which was what Charlie had an addiction to.

Charlie had called earlier that day while he was at work. She had been checking up on him because even she could tell, from over the phone, that there was something off about him. He had told her about Emily's miraculous return and she helped him out by taking his side. Then she realized he was on a slippery slope that he could Fall down any second so she called him, a lot. She tried to make him talk his problems out but the more he did the more frustrated he got and the more frustrated he got the more he craved. She had called him that day to tell him that she was going to be in Virginia sometime in the next couple of days and she would love to get coffee with him. He had gotten a bright spot in his day from that, until Hotch.

Hotch had tried to talk to him, to see if he could help out. That in turn just made Reid's angry hate bubble up to the forefront of his mind. It just wouldn't go away. Intellectually Reid knew he was getting upset over something incredibly trivial and stupid. Intellectually he knew that they were only trying to protect Emily and the team. Intellectually he knew all this, but he didn't give a damn. He really wanted to forget everything after that little talk with Hotch. He wanted to, so god damn bad, that he left work early. He practically cried in relief when he walked out of the small drug store he would get needles from. When he got home he turned off all the lights, drew all the curtains and locked the door. He was not to be interrupted.

He decided he deserved this. He could do whatever he wanted. The team obviously wouldn't care because they didn't even trust him. He had already put the belt on his arm to help cut circulation. He already had the needle opened up and he already had the Dilaudid inside it. He lined it up perfectly to his vein with the skills he acquired after months of prior use. Just as he was about to put the needle into his arm he heard it, the three little noises that shattered his drug craving world around him. Three little knocks at his door. Then three more when he still hadn't answered. Then an annoyed voice that told him they were going to break down the door and kick his skinny white ass if he didn't open the door. Slowly and somewhat numbly he undid the belt from around his arm; he put the needle with Dilaudid in it down on his bedside table. He didn't even bother to remove the liquid inside; he had full intentions of using it later once he got rid of the unwelcomed visitor at his door. He quickly walked to the door; his face twisted into a scowl, and unlocked the deadbolt and chain.

"What?" He all but snarled as he ripped open the door.

"Is that really how you treat all your guests?" Came the familiar lilting voice that held the hope of saving Reid from using again.

"What are you doing here?" He asked as she pushed her way inside.

"I told you I was coming to DC didn't I? Technically I'm here on business, but that business involves you, if you'd like..." She said turning to look him full on.

"...What?" He asked for the second time, almost completely forgetting about the drugs in his room.

"I'm here to offer you an undercover position, Dr. Reid." And just like that Charlie saved Spencer from himself without even meaning to.


"You heard me didn't you? A job, a J.O.B, is there anybody even upstairs today?" She said pointing at his head and flopping down on his sofa.

"Why?" He managed to get out, his thoughts had decided to turmoil again.

"Because you're a freaking genius, and my team really needs that. With all your strategic thinking and amazing poker skills we'll be able to get this job done in no time." She told him sitting up as he sat down across from her on the coffee table.

"I... uh..." Spencer stuttered, trying to find more words to say.

"Are you okay? Cause to me you look like you're determined to get a... fix." She said taking in his dishevelled appearance and the sleeve that was rolled up past his sleeve.

"Give me your arm." Reid's eyes snapped open and was about to tug his arm away when she grabbed it and pulled his arm toward her.

"Are these... are these track marks?"

"I... yes." He mumbled quietly, his eyes downcast, "But I haven't used in like 5 years, I could tell you the exact amount of years and months but at the moment I'm too lazy. Which is shocking because I'm practically never lazy and..."

"Shut up Spencer." She told him, still examining his arm, "You were going to use tonight weren't you?" He didn't respond he just looked down toward the floor.

"What... why... how? You're... you're supposed to be smart! How did you get addicted to drugs?" She exclaimed.

"I... uh... it's a long story and..." He trailed off, not exactly sure what to say.

"Tell me, and trust me when I say this won't change the way I think of you, just like my addiction doesn't change the way you think of me. I can relate to this Spence! You should trust me, please." The sincerity in her eyes was amazing. He could see the truth and the complete trust she had in him. So why shouldn't he trust her?

"It, it all started with an unsub named Tobias Hankle..."