Written by: sukura123 Enjoy!

Chapter Twenty-Two: Those Who Fight Further

Krystal P.O.V.

The red dragon robot thing wouldn't let up. We attacked with everything and then some. Apparently, it was going to take a whole lot more to get this punk to die.

"Follow my lead!" Lightning shouted as she charged toward the dragon. She finally staggered him and somehow lifted him up in the air with pure non effort. Fang and Snow joined her up there beating him up.

Hope and I continued casting Blizzaga and Thundara spells. The dragon looked like it was slightly weakening, but we still had a bit longer to go. Without warning, it decided to pull a flip on us as we were all lifted in the air and fell hard onto our backs. We got back on our feet.

"We have to get it to stagger again, and then throw all our powerful attacks and magic on it." I ordered. "That might finish it off."

"Might." Lightning murmured mocking me.

I rolled my eyes. Jeez is this how she was all the time?

The dragon fired a bunch of fire balls at us as it stood still and kept moving from side to side. I blocked the attacks with my staff and casting Shell on everyone.

"Much appreciated." Fang said. She definitely got in more physical attacks than everyone else here. She was awesome.

Eventually, we all got it to stagger again, and Lightning pulled some pink crystal from inside her chest.

"Odin." She summoned as she tossed the crystal in the air. She jumped up and sliced it with her gun blade making a beautiful pink flowery symbol rush out from the inside. I stared in awe, and Hope did too wondering what it was.

A huge golden and white robot with a cape figure rose up from the center. Lighting looked like she trusted it to grab her and bring her down safely, which it did. As she brought out her weapon, he did to which was a very large sword and shield.

"Cut us a path!" She yelled. Odin followed her every command and he looked so cool doing it. I wish I could have a summon too.

I regained my focus on the battle as Lightning and Snow tossed the dragon into the air again. I turned my staff into my trusty samurai swords and went up there too. We all did, desperately trying to end the battle.

After several minutes of action packed fighting and Odin turning into a horse to help Lightning do some serious damage, it was over. The dragon got mad cause we kicked its ass and flew off somewhere.

"Aw yeah!" Snow exclaimed all happy and stuff. Hope and I were trying to catch our breath. Fang and Lightning were standing straight looking cool, as if they haven't even broken a sweat.

Afterwards, we decided to take a break somewhere nearby. Snow got us all a soda, when we need water. Oh well. We'll be at Hope's house soon.

He offered the last one to Hope but he didn't want it. He seemed to be angry or frustrated at something.

Lightning and Fang were on one side and I was with them. I barley heard Snow and Hope talking.

"Hey." I said as I approached Lighting. "Any sign of Raven on your side?" I asked, hoping for something.

"Nope. She'll come around." Fang said giving me a reassuring smile.

I nodded and thought I heard yelling close by. It was Hope and Snow.

"It's not the same thing!" Hope yelled as a bright golden energy wave circled him. It was so powerful, it sent blew us back a few feet and Snow over the balcony, but he was hanging on the edge with one hand.

Hope looked so angry as he went toward Snow and pulled out a knife. I quickly ran over there before he tried to kill Snow. Everyone except Light and Fang failed to notice the flying helicopter above us. They were trying to take it down.

I tackled Hope to the ground and got the knife from his hand and threw it somewhere else. "What the hell is wrong with—" I was cut off by a powerful explosion throwing everyone including Fang and Light off the balcony.

Snow caught Hope and Lightning, Fang and I had to fend for ourselves. We went through a few glass windows and each of us hit a pile of wooden crates and passed out.

I don't know how long I was out; I opened my eyes and looked up at the sky. Have we've been discovered. Great.

I slowly pulled myself together and stood up. Dang, my body was sore and my foot was throbbing again. Sadly, I used most if not all my magic during that dragon fight. I ignored it and went to wake up Lightning and Fang, as Snow was tending to Hope, who almost murdered him.

Lightning and Fang woke up and I helped them both onto their feet.

"Thanks." Lighting and Fang said.

"No problem guys." I smiled.

"That was some fall, at least we're alive." Fang said looking up. She found the knife Hope had and placed it in one of her side pockets for safe keeping.

Snow was ready to go but he looked as injured as the rest us. He led the way carrying an unconscious Hope on his back. He barely took a step and he grumbled in pain. He crouched down holding his side.

Hope was lifted off his back by Fang, "Don't you worry, I got Mr. Trouble maker here." She joked as she placed him on her back.

I helped Snow up as Lightning went to make sure it was safe to move, and we had to move quickly. I found the strength to support Snow, even though he tried to keep most of his off me.

I saw Lightning stumble a few times as Fang went to try and help her, but Lightning refused, but Fang made it clear that she wasn't going anywhere without help. So Lightning dealt with it.

Fang was struggling herself, but we all pressed on. Trying to make it somewhere safe and far away. We walked, scaled building ladders and finally made it to another area, it was deserted which was a good thing.

We were still following Lighting and Fang, when Snow nearly collapsed on me. He just landed next to my feet. He was in agony and needed medical treatment bad. Yet, he still continued to push onward.

I helped him get back on his feet and he leaned against a wall.

"Guys, we've got do something, or else we're all screwed!" I cried. I was worried about what would happen if we got caught. We weren't in the best condition to fight.

"We know Krsytal." Lighting said in a calm tone. I walked around thinking of something to do. Odin couldn't help us. He couldn't carry all of us, could he?

The wind picked up and I had to roll out of the way as that freakin red dragon appeared AGAIN! Snow tried to block one its attacks but was thrown back to the wall. He passed out on us. Hope hadn't stirred yet, he was placed beside Snow and Lighting, Fang and I were left to take care of this monster.