This story is being written by two pen names: Sukura123, who will be writing as the character Krystal, and BluEyedLightning, who will be writing as Raven. We take turns writing each chapter, beginning with Krystal.

Disclaimer: We do not own any part of Final Fantasy 13. This is mainly for entertainment purposes only.

Friday, finally. Nursing class couldn't be more of a bore. It was time to visit my best friend, Raven. As I was walking, I began to reminisce. It still amazes me how we've gotten this far, when she looked like she would punch my lights out back then. How did we ever become friends? Well, we had karate classes together, and I was the new kid, 16 at the time. During lessons I noticed how she was incredibly strong and had been doing this longer than I have. None of our classmates would want to face her, including the boys. It was like she had ease with everything. I made sure I didn't volunteer to fight her, let alone fight at all. The reason I was in karate class was because my mom suggested I do it since I was "weak." I believed it, but I wanted to prove her wrong. So one day I had volunteered to fight this kid named Jason. He was around six feet tall and his arms were as thick as sausages. I was scared but determined to beat him. Filled with adrenaline, before he could even land a hit on me, I kicked him as hard as I could, and he landed on the ground. I heard cheers around me and I immediately felt shy. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Raven. She gave me a look of approval, and I smiled. We became friends right after that day.

As I neared Raven's house, I noticed that her parents weren't home, which meant we had the house to ourselves for the evening. I knocked on the front door and Raven answered a minute later. I walked in just like I owned the place and sat down on a nearby chair and crossed my legs like I usually do.

"Hey Raven, sup?" I asked while glancing around her living room. I could tell she had the area set up for total videogame night.

"Nothing but the ceiling Krystal," she replied dully, and I chuckled. "Do you want anything to snack on?"

"Hmm, how about a grape faygo pop and a bag on funyuns please." I said.

She nodded and left to the kitchen to get our snacks and pops. I went toward her big screen TV and saw that she had the newest Tekken game. Even though I didn't really know a thing about it, I had played it once a while back. Luckily, I brought a game of my own we could play afterwards.

I sat down in the middle of living room on the plush carpet. Raven came and sat a few feet away and put our snacks in the middle.

"Thanks" I smiled at her. "I see you have Tekken out, let's play. I bet I could kick your ass," I joked. Yeah, I was being a bit cocky, and not to mention my skills in this game are really rusty, but it doesn't mean I wouldn't try.

Raven gave me a challenging smirk and responded, "Bring. It. On!" She loaded up the PS3 and handed me controller. I picked a the character, alisa, because I loved her boots. Raven picked some macho guy. And so our game began.