

Peter looked around, and saw nothing but water. The back of his eyes were burning, and he let out a howl that matched the screaming wind around him. His tears were nothing more than the raindrops that hit the freezing water below. He screamed again, a wail of horrible despair and grief, but that was also drowned out by the storm. He picked up speed. He was flying faster than he had ever flown before, trying to put as much distance between him and his feelings as possible. Far ahead of him, he could see a dark shape that he assumed was land, but the rain and his tears blinded him.

He shot upward in a furious rage. He went higher and higher until he was just below the clouds. He looked down and saw the dark water about 60 feet below him. Lightning illuminated the space around him; thunder crashed. Suddenly, he felt a searing pain hit his back, and run through his body. In that split second of consciousness, he realized what had happened, was scared, and then thought, 'No, let me die. I'd rather die than live without her.' He felt his body fall back, down, down to the raging ocean as he slipped into unconsciousness.

. . . . .

Back on his home island, a tiny body was lying as cold and stiff as the frost covered ground beneath her.

A/N: Hey everyone! this is my first fan fic on this site. i'm super excited to finally post this, which i've been working on for a really long time. please take the time to review. i'll post the first (actual chapter) soon! :)

Disclaimer: unfortunatly, i do not own peter pan *sobs*