May 1995

Alex packed up the last bit of clothes from her closet and started to look around at her nearly empty room. She had spent the last two years of her life in the Beta Gamma house and she couldn't believe that the time had passed so quickly. When she was a freshman, she had decided to pledge a sorority so she could have a life outside of Olivia, but ever since the two of them were reunited she had lived two separate lives: her life as a sorority girl and her life as Olivia's girlfriend. The only girls in her sorority that Alex got along with were the girls she met in her dorm the first semester of her freshman year. She tried to get to know the other girls, but they weren't very accepting of Olivia. Her sisters wanted Alex with someone like them instead of a girl who listened to alternative music and wore ripped jeans. Once she overheard one of them say Olivia wasn't good enough for her, Alex decided to keep her distance from everyone other than the girls she had pledged with. She occasionally went to parties and sorority functions but Alex spent most of her time in New York with Olivia. She and Olivia became so much closer after they began accepting each other for who they really were and who they were going to become instead of trying to make each other stay the same as they were in high school.

As Alex took another look around her room, it dawned on her that her undergraduate years had officially come to an end and this would probably be the last time she'd set foot on the Princeton campus for quite a while. Alex had grown to love Princeton and the friends she had made during her three years there. She would have gone a fourth year, but she decided to graduate early so she could be with Olivia. A few months ago, the two of them had decided to get an apartment together in New York while Olivia finished school. They were thrilled when they found out Abbie had gotten into law school at NYU, the same school that Serena was going to for her undergraduate career. The four of them were going to be reunited in the big city and Alex and Olivia saw it as the perfect opportunity. They had asked Abbie if she wanted to move in with them, but she had insisted on living in her own apartment with Serena. She said the two of them needed their space and so did Alex and Olivia, but the two of them convinced her to sign a lease for a two-bedroom apartment with them. Alex and Olivia would have one room and Abbie and Serena would have the other. Once the apartment was officially theirs, Abbie felt as if she had made the right decision, but Serena was still against it. She knew it was a horrible idea to live with the Cabenmichael girls and it wouldn't be long before the three of them ganged up on her just like they did in high school.

All three of the Cabenmichael girls were excited about their living arrangement even if their parents had no idea what they had planned. They were now 21 years old and they had reached a new phase in their lives. Abbie was starting her first year of law school, Alex was starting her very first job while she worked on law school applications, and Olivia was managing her time between the music store, her radio show, and Alex. When Alex was an undergraduate, she never had time alone with Olivia. She had to worry about her meddling sorority sisters and Olivia's roommates. Their sex life had begun to suffer and they had begun to settle for quickly (and often sloppily) fingering each other on borrowed time instead of being able to take the time to make love to each other the way they did when they were in high school.

The more Alex fell in love with Olivia the harder she found it to keep her hands off of her. Her level of sexual frustration increased more each day and every time she daydreamed she thought of something new she wanted to try with Olivia. She had talked to Abbie and Serena about it and the two of them gave her tips for what toys to buy and what positions work the best. Olivia was embarrassed at the thought of using a strap-on but Alex insisted she had nothing to be embarrassed about. Her plan was to go to a sex shop with Olivia so they could pick something out together. Alex told her it would be another way for them to bond as a couple, but Olivia still wasn't ready.

She had one more hour until she was supposed to meet her parents and Jared at a nearby restaurant to celebrate her graduation and Olivia still hadn't shown up to help her take the boxes to the U-haul that was outside of her sorority house.

"This is it," she thought. "I'm finally moving in with Olivia."

She was so lost in thought that she didn't notice someone had entered the room until she felt two arms wrapped around her waist from behind. Olivia then started to kiss her cheek and whisper into her ear.

"Your girlfriend doesn't have to know about this," Olivia whispered.

"I'd never cheat on her," Alex said, turning around so she could kiss Olivia. She felt herself melt into Olivia's embrace. It was the first time they had been alone all day and Alex wanted to take advantage of what little time they had together. Olivia had been on her best behavior the whole time she was with Alex's parents even though they questioned her about everything that was happening in her life. She was not the Olivia Benson that they used to know and they felt as if she was nowhere near good enough for their daughter. Alex didn't care if she wasn't the same girl she had known in high school; Olivia's new look and new persona turned her on even more. As much as Alex wanted Olivia to show up in her ripped jeans and bare midriff tank top with a flannel shirt tied around her waist, Olivia insisted on dressing more appropriately for her girlfriend's graduation. She borrowed one of Alex's dresses and a pair of heels. Her facial piercings were still in for fear that they'd close up if she took them out, but her make-up was subtle her hair was tucked behind her ears instead of hanging in front of her face like it usually was.

"Sorry I'm late," Olivia said in between kisses.

"My parents?"

"Yeah," Olivia told her. "They kept asking me about my show and what I want to do in the future."

"It doesn't matter," Alex insisted. She moved up the hem of Olivia's dress, but Olivia pushed her hand away.

"As much as I want to, we can't," Olivia said disappointedly. "Your parents and Jared are waiting downstairs so we can move your boxes. I told them we could take care of this, but they insisted. Actually, your parents insisted. Jared just glared at them."

"I was hoping for a quickie."

"A quickie?" Olivia asked. "Since when do you want a quickie?"

"Since that's all I ever get," Alex said frustrated.

"Not for long," Olivia told her, her lips capturing Alex's. "In two days, we'll have our place with our room and our bed."

"I love that sound of that," Alex admitted. "Our bed. I can't wait to christen it."

"Is that all you think about?" Olivia asked, her lips now gently kissing Alex's neck.

"Yes," Alex said, trying not to get too turned on by what Olivia was doing to her. "Have you seen my girlfriend?"

"Have you seen mine?" Olivia asked. "She's even hotter."

"Mine is," Alex said playfully.



"When are we going to stop being so cheesy?" Olivia asked. "I thought it would stop when we were out of high school, but here we are."

"I don't think it'll ever stop," Alex said. "And I don't want it to."

Alex was starting to unzip the back of Olivia's dress when 12-year-old Jared Cabot began pounding on the door.

"Open the fucking door!" he shouted.

"Kids these days," Alex said, shaking her head.

"We didn't start using that word until high school," Olivia told her. "Jared just thinks he's a man now because he's starting junior high. I can't wait until his voice starts to change."

"And we get to make fun of him for being squeaky?" Alex asked excitedly. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for that."

"Bitches!" Jared shouted. "Open the damn door!"

Alex rolled her eyes as she opened the door for her little brother. "What, Jared? What do you want?"

"Dad says to get your ass downstairs so we can start loading the damn boxes."

"Dad wouldn't say the words 'ass' or 'damn' to you, Jared," Alex pointed out. "What did he really say?"

"Go to hell, Alex," Jared said, frustrated.

"I doubt he said that either," Alex told him.

"Shut up, Alex," Jared said and left the room.

Once Jared was gone, Alex closed the door and pushed Olivia against the wall. "Two more days and I get to fuck you any time and any way I want. We'll never have to hold back," she whispered into Olivia's ear. Hearing those words come out of her girlfriend's mouth made Olivia weak in the knees.

"I love you," was all Olivia managed to say. Alex started to smirk when she realized she had Olivia right where she wanted her.

"Come on," she said, leading Olivia by the hand. "If I'm alone with you for another second, I can't be held accountable for my actions."