Disclaimer: Own. Nothing.

Neko: *under bed, sleeping*

Kanda: What the hell?! She's been gone for so long and she's sleeping?! Well fu-

Allen: Calm down, Bakanda. She's had a tough couple of years. Let her sleep.

Kanda: Whatever.

Please enjoy this short chapter. Reading your reviews and seeing how many people love my stories really makes me happy. Thank you all for everything.

Sobbing could be heard all throughout the small cabin. Snow white hair bobbed up and down as shoulders shuddered. Once vibrant, happy silver orbs were now dulled with despair. The distraught man sat curled up in the corner of the living room.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He kept saying over and over again as the man sobbed. An old, heavy book lay forgotten in front of him.

"I had to do it. I just had to. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me." Red smeared across the floor, furniture was unturned and broken. A vase had shattered, it's porcelain littering the wooden floor.

"It's my fault. All my fault. If you hadn't found me…Chased after me…None of this would have happened. I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me. Please have mercy on me in the afterlife. Don't become an akuma. If you even can, that is. I'm so sorry. I loved you. I really did. But you had to die. There was no other way out. I hope you understood that."

Sobbing once again filled the disheveled living room.

"It all happened so fast! I couldn't stop myself! But it was your own fault too! You shouldn't have been chasing after me! If you hadn't chased me! If you hadn't found me none of this would have happened! You would still be alive!"

Thunder rolled in the background as rain pounded on the roof.

"Kanda. Why did you have to leave me? You said you would protect me. And now look what happened! What I did…It can never be forgiven. I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. All my fault!"

Darkness had long since claimed the small house. Only bright flashes from the outside world lit up the man's face. Dull grey eyes were red and blood shot. His white hair in a tangled mess. Pale white hands slowly reached out to the book in front of him. Thick red liquid was smeared along it's cover, black hair sticking to it.

"After everything we've been through. I never imagined it would end like this. Why? Why did you have to chase after me?! We were doing so good! I loved you! I thought you loved me too. But I guess I was wrong. I'm so sorry."

The sound of a door opened as the man's sobs increased.

"Jeeze, it's pouring out. Stupid weather couldn't have waited until I got back." A man walked through the doorway, bags hanging from his arms. Closing the door behind him, he looked around the house for his lover.

"What the hell happened here?! Moyashi?! Where are you?!"

"Yuu!" The white-haired male popped up and ran toward his lover. He launched himself into the man's arms, not caring about the groceries hanging from them.

"Moyashi, what happened? Did someone break in or something?!" Kanda was not happy to even have that thought. How dare someone try and hurt his moyashi!

Allen mumbled something that Kanda couldn't quite catch.

"Say that again?" Allen lifted his head from his lover's shoulder, sniffling.

"There was a spider. His name was George and I thought he loved me. He'd been here ever since I moved in. I never had the heart to move him outside. I even made sure he ate well and brought him dead insects and stuff. But suddenly he started chasing me and wouldn't stop. He about to bite me! I couldn't let him hurt the kids! So I used a book and squished him.

I don't understand why he wanted to bite me! We were friends! I can't believe I had to kill him! I'm so sorry, George! It's all my fault!" Once again, the white-haired man cried into his lovers shoulder.

Meanwhile, Kanda just stared at the once pristine living room.

"A spider. The living room is wrecked because a spider chased you. Are you serious?"

"Yes! He was my friend! I didn't want to hurt him! But he cornered me! I had no choice but to kill him!" Kanda gave a heavy sigh.

"Relax, Moyashi. It was just a spider. There will be others, I'm sure."

"But none like George! He's been with me since the beginning!"

"Calm down. I can't believe you wrecked the house because of a stupid spider. Guess I can't ever leav-"

Suddenly, the samurai was lying on his back holding his cheek. Stunned, he looked at his lover.

"How dare you! George and I were friends! I can't believe you could be so heartless! I hate you, Bakanda! Have fun sleeping on the couch, you dirty, no good, spider-hater!" And with that said, Allen went to their room, slamming the door behind him.

Poor Kanda was left staring at the wall, a small black spot slowly scurrying up to a corner.


Kanda: That was horrible. Truly horrible.

Allen: Kanda! Be nice! I thought it was cute.

Neko: *Sigh* You don't have to be nice. I know it wasn't good, but it's what I felt like writing. I hope some people liked it. Thank you for reading everyone *Rolls over under the bed*