Author's Note: Ugh, I swear I'm cursed with some sort of disease which makes it impossible for me to have a regular updating pattern, I'm so soo sooo sorry about the amount of time it took to get this chapter up and published! A giant thankyou to LegitElizabethWWEFan, WWEStories and OriginalBlayze for their lovely reviews of the previous chapter and support for this story, I feel so bad for letting you guys down with my inability to update in a respectable time frame. I hope you're still with me!

Also, if all of you readers could do me a massive favour and check out my other stories 'I'm Bringing Sexy Back' and the Magic Mike inspired 'Little Slice of Heaven' it would be greatly appreciated, a review would also be extra nice :)

And now, on to chapter 6! I hope you all enjoy it!

Tiffany groaned as she pulled the pale blue comforter up over her head at the sound of the Backstreet Boys blaring from her radio alarm. She did not want to go to school today. Even the sound of her Aunt and Uncle's voices penetrating the thin walls didn't encourage her to get up, despite the fact that their presence meant her car had finally arrived. Her relatives were held up yesterday, so she had to wait even longer for her prized possession to be delivered. Reluctantly, Tiffany dragged herself from the warmth of her bed, wishing that she could suddenly develop a highly contagious disease and be forced to stay bed-ridden for the rest of her life. Or until Justin Gabriel forgot all about her. Justin Gabriel aka the deadly gang member who just happened to not only be her neighbour but also her chemistry partner. And of course, Tiffany had been stupid enough to slap him in a momentarily lapse of judgement. "Maybe it is true what people say about 'dumb blondes'," Tiffany thought angrily as she slipped out of her pyjamas and into a tight baby blue tank and cut-off denim shorts, tying her long, and unfortunately, blonde hair into a messy bun knotted on top of her head. Grabbing her white, fluffy, knitted cardigan from the wardrobe she finally exited the security and safety of her room.

"Oh Tiff!" Joanne exclaimed, "how are you darling?" she questioned in her usual over-the-top way. Tiffany's aunt was definitely one of a kind, always dressed to the nines in some form of animal print and red lipstick. Sometimes Tiffany didn't know how her mum was related to her sister. Her uncle looked on in amusement as he shook his head at his wife's ways. "It was so horrible what that Richard did to you guys. What did I tell you Kate? Never trust a man who always wears a suit," she continued, "that's why I married Gregory," her aunt said fondly, looking at her husband who was dressed in a plaid shirt and dark wash jeans. The relationship between her aunt and uncle was one that Tiffany would never understand, how could someone as high maintenance as her aunt be with someone as chilled out as her uncle?

Tiffany's mood was lightened by her aunt's antics, she always seemed to have that effect on people. Grabbing her car keys that were sitting on the faded bench top, Tiffany said her goodbyes to her family, including an air-kiss to Joanne, before exiting her new home. She hoped that her early departure would result in the avoidance of her neighbour. After all, a lifestyle of killing people must be a tiring one, Tiffany mused. She knew she would be forced to see him in their one hour chemistry class, and that was all she wanted to deal with. The bare minimum. Unfortunately for Tiffany, she couldn't be so lucky.

Standing around inspecting the shiny, apple red vintage Mustang convertible was just the group Tiffany was hoping to avoid. The shaved head and tattooed arms of Randy Orton. The long dreadlocks and intimidating presence of Tyler Reks. The stereotypical 'gangster' image of Jayson Paul. And then there was Justin Gabriel, the guy who looked like Heaven but was the definition of Hell. Tiffany couldn't help but admire his obvious good looks, if only he was one of the private school boys she was used to, instead of being a member of one of the area's most notorious gangs.

The sight of the group was enough for Tiffany to freeze in her position on the concrete steps leading down to the car park. Justin by himself was bad enough to deal with, but when his arrogance was fuelled by the male desire to impress their friends, Tiffany knew that she would have trouble avoiding his unwanted attention. She noticed Jayson nudge her neighbour, before Justin turned around and stared at Tiffany, his eyes boring into hers. He waved his arm in a sweeping gesture at the car, as if inviting her to walk down towards her prized possession. Tiffany swallowed deeply, before nervously walking towards the group, after all, she couldn't stand frozen on the steps for the whole day.

Avoiding eye contact with the group, Tiffany finally reached her car which the boys had been inspecting in admiration. "Nice car you've got here Princess," Justin said, a cocky smile on his face, "be a real shame if anything ever happened to it," he added, which caused Tiffany to snap her head up, staring up at Justin, her mouth open in shock.

"You wouldn't…" she said timidly. Her car was a 16th birthday present from her father. Although he was now out of her life, it was a reminder of the happier times that the two of them had shared.

"Well sweet-cheeks, you better think twice before slapping me again," Justin said aggressively, "as I'm sure your bimbo friends have told you, I'm a bad person. It'd be in your best interest to not make me angry." Tiffany looked down at the asphalt of the car park, somehow, she knew that Justin meant every word that he had just said. "So," he continued, "how about a ride to school," Justin said in a way which was more of a demand than a question.

Tiffany groaned inwardly, why did she have to slap the stupid, annoying, perfect face of Justin Gabriel? If she had been smart, she would've done everything she could have to steer clear of her neighbour and chemistry partner once Layla told her that he was a gang member. Instead, she let her emotions get the best of her. And now, she was subject to the every whim and desire of the boy she wanted to avoid, for she wouldn't dare to say 'no' to a member of the Los Diablos.

Author's Note: Firstly, I'd like to apologise about the length of this chapter. I know it's on the shorter side, but it just felt like the natural spot to end the chapter. Secondly, what did everyone think? I hope it was worth the wait! Feel free to leave your comments, opinions, likes/dislikes in a review, constructive criticism is highly appreciated! :)