The Would have been Queen Cain Dethroned
AU set during Pegasus,starting at the scene were Adama is about to fire on Cain for the kidnapping of his officers and announcing her wish to murder them.
The Vipers hovered in formation between the two Battlestar's ready to attack if either of the Commanders gave the order.
"Adama this is your last chance," Rear Admiral Cain pleaded over the radio. "Stand down and I'll drop the charges against you and your bridge crew."
"And why should I believe you," Adama countered.
"Colonel Tigh you are herby ordered to relieve Commander Adama of duty and to stand down your Vipers" Cain gave up trying to reason with Adama.
"Like Frak," Tigh practically shouted down the comms link. "I'm not following orders of some war criminall!"
Just as the Pegasus Viper's were about to attack ,another Mercury-class Battlestar came out of FTL just in front of them, it was quickly followed by two other Battlestars, both the same class as Galactica.
On the Galactica's CIC chaos had erupted as the three Colonial ships appeared.
"This is Zenobia-Actual, Admiral Walter commanding," Admiral Watter said over the communications from his flagship. "We've monitored your situation, stand by."
On the far cleaner and slightly more advanced bridge of the Zenobia Admiral Walter turned to on of his officers, "Get me Rear Admiral Cain on the line" He said while raising the telephone to his face. "Rear Admiral this is Admiral Walter speaking on behalf of the Battlestars Zenobia, Challenger and Logopolis, authenticate immediately."
"This is Pegasus-actual, Rear Admiral Cain commanding, sending over authentication codes, now" Cain said clearly frustrated that someone of a higher rank had showed up.
"Authentication acknowledged, Rear Admiral Cain you are ordered to hand over Chief Tyrol and Lieutenant Agathon to the Galactica, and then send over a copy of your logs for review, is that clear Rear Admiral Cain" Walter said much to the horror of the Pegasus crew and delight of the Galactica's crew.
"Order not acknowledged, Admiral Walter," Cain said trying to express her self-absorbed superiority complex.
"You will follow orders or your ship will be fired upon," Admiral Walter told Cain, he then turned to his communications officer. "Signal the Challenger, Logopolis and Galactica, tell them to target the Pegasus."
On the Pegasus a shrieking alarm activated, Hoshi turned round and looked at the now illegal admiral Cain. "Radiological alarm, all four Battlestars have armed nukes and are targeting us, Cain took a deep breath and gambled.
"You won't fire, not if you want the Galactica officers alive." She said smiling.
"Yes we will, none of us count our kills because of the simple fact that we don't need to, my crew and that of our escorts have won against two hundred Cylon Baseships, with a little help from a Cylon defector, I promise you the Pegasus is severely outgunned." Admiral Walter told her while trying to warn her. "Just against the Galactica you could probably win, but you wouldn't have a ship left, against my ship you'd loose, but against all four of us you don't stand a chance, come on, even a jumped up little girl with connections like you can see that, there's no way you can win, so stand down."
Cain looked around her bridge crew and realised that she was beaten, she leaned down to the centre table before turning to Hoshi, "Signal our surrender and return the Galactica officers and call back our Vipers." She glared up at the DRADIS screens and turned to go to her quarters.
"Commander Adama, I'd like you to supervise the arrest of the marines who assisted Lieutenant Alistair Thorn in his sexual assault of the Cylon prisoner of war on their ship, if they resist you have my permission to shoot to stun, I will be coming over in one hour please have the President onboard, oh and Commander there's no need for your crew to wear dress uniforms if you don't want to, to be honest I'd prefer your crew didn't, it saves time and I don't care much for protocol, I just care about the law, Zenobia out."
So, how do you like it, Admiral Walter's crew will be named later on and there back story will be far opposite the Pegasus' voyage, also see if you can guess who the defector is.