Stan Marsh, your average nice jock, had known the Broflovski brothers his whole life. The oldest brother had been his super best friend ever since he met him. Their families had been close, so it was normal that they had such a close relationship. A relationship to which his dad liked to refer to as 'funny'.
The Broflovski family were well known in the little mountain town South Park. They were the only Jewish family around. Gerald Broflosvki was a silent and wise men, he worked as a lawyer. His wife Sheila Broflovski was a big woman with red hair, and a high voice. She was strict with raising her children. She wanted them to be strong in this time they were living in. Both parents loved their boys with their hole heart.
Kyle, the oldest son, had always been nice and smart. In Stan's eyes there wasn't any person as perfect as Kyle. Kyle had always been smaller than the other boys, even now at age of eighteen was he one of the smallest. But people shouldn't be fouled by Kyle's slender feminine body, bright red curly locks that made his skin look even more pale than it already was or his big emerald green eyes that sparkled when he smiled. Because when Kyle opened his mouth your whole idea of cute and little would shatter.
Kyle told always exactly what he thought, and would do everything in his reach to fight for his family and friends. Kyle was a person that fought for justice and always believed the best in people. Next to that was Kyle a really emotional boy, always thinking about others before himself. Always listening to his mother, get good grades, don't drink, use drugs, smoke or kiss with some random person and have sex before marriage. Kyle was a angel sent to earth.
The younger brother was different, no one ever think the two of them would be brothers. Well they weren't related by blood. At a young age was he adopted into the happy Jewish family. People would always think that Stan was his brother when the three of them were together.
At fourteen looked Ike pretty much like Stan, he was tall and muscle. With raven black hair hanging in his face. The only difference between Stan and Ike was the color of their eyes. Stan had sea blue eyes but Ike had beautiful mysteriously grey eyes. Even when people thought Kyle and Ike where brothers, they would assume that Kyle was the younger one. Stan and Ike were at least a head bigger than Kyle.
Ike was also really talented. He was one of the best ice hockey players in South Park, popular with almost everyone and was so smart that people considered him as a genius. There were always people around him and was considered the leader of the popular kids his age. Ike was rebellious against his parents, teachers and other adults. Ike always got what he wanted and would do everything to make it his. The only person Ike really listed to was his older brother. If Kyle told Ike to jump off a cliff than would search for the closest one without asking any questions.
Maybe had that been one the first sign's that Ike's love for his brother was much more than family love. And maybe if Stan had seen the sign's on time he could have stopped it all. The first time Stan actually noticed something should have been around the time he and Kyle were twelve.
Stan had been sleeping over for the second night at the Broflovski's. They were watching a movie marathon the whole night. Kyle and he were sitting on the small cough close to each other. When Ike suddenly sat between them. "I can't sleep Kyle, can I stay here with you and Stan?" Kyle had looked at Stan before nodding and returning his attention to the movie. Ike smirked at Stan and snuggled closer to his older brother. And when Kyle asked for the popcorn Ike would get it for him even before Stan could reach it.
Since then Stan started to notice more and more things. Whenever he came over and Ike would open the door the younger boy would tell him that Kyle wasn't home. But if he asked Kyle the next day why he hadn't been home than Kyle would say he had been. And when he went to Kyle's bedroom Ike would always be there. Always clinging to his smaller older brother, catching him in his big body. Whenever he talked to his super best friend Ike would interfere, asking questions about his homework. Even though everybody knew that Ike was to smart to not be able to answer the questions, everybody expect Kyle.
Whenever Ike was around Kyle people would stay away, as if something in the back of their head told them that it would cost their lives if they came to close. Ike was like the darkness slowly devouring the light known as Kyle. Even Kenny who could get along with everyone, frowned his eyebrows. And would whisper to Stan "Stay away from Ike he is…not who everybody thinks he is." Together would they watch Kyle smiling at his younger brother, not noticing the glint in the eyes of the raven.
In Kyle's eyes his younger brother was the most adorable and sweetest kid on earth. Kyle was really proud of Ike. He would praise him for his good grades and treated the younger one on ice cream when he won a game with the ice hockey club. Kyle always made sure that he would be there if his younger brother needed him in some way or the other.
Stan knew that soon everything would start to change, that he would lose his super best friend. Kyle was like an angel that would fall down from his cloud into the arms of a demon. And the demon would try everything to make that angel his.
A/N: So what do you people think? Normally I'm not into incest, but when the idea came to my mind I thought it was kind of…inspiriting? It's going to be a short story, I think around three chapters maybe even shorter.