Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon Satoshi Tajiri does and I don't own, The Heart Will Lead You Home the song is owned by their composers Robert and Richard Sherman and Kenny Loggins.

Chapter 4

After Ash and the others had finished their breakfast, Ash told them they were going to be teleported to Sinnoh just like Domino said. Everyone went to gather all their things that they wanted to take with them to Sinnoh while he went to inform the manager of the hotel that they were leaving. By the time Ash had returned, everyone was standing at the entrance to the elevator. Jessie and James had also collected the things that Meowth would have wanted placed among their things.

When everyone was ready, Mewtwo teleported all of them to Lily City, not far south to where the Lily of the Valley Conference was being held. Ash told them to buy anything they forgot to get in Sinnoh before heading North to register with Domino by his side. When they arrived they entered the Pokémon centre and walked over to the counter.

"Hello. How may I help you today?" asked Nurse Joy.

"Hi. I'd like to enter the conference this year." Ash replied and passed her his badge case and Pokédex. She took the case and opened it. "These seem older than the usual badges I see."

"That's because they're five years old." Ash said to her.

"You know this is the last year they're valid?" The nurse quizzed, raising an eyebrow. Ash nodded and watched as she placed his Pokédex into a machine to verify his identity. Her eyes widened when she saw his name on the screen, and she looked at him in shock.

"You….you're Ash Ketchum!" she stuttered.

"Yes. But I haven't used that name in five years. I go by Ashura Satoshi now. And, so I can be properly introduced, I live on Mt Silver." Nurse joy nodded faintly as she returned his Pokédex and badge case. Ash gave her his Pokémon causing her eyes to widen again at the amount. "I would like them all to have a basic check-up." She nodded and gave the bag that the pokéballs were in to Chansey who took them to be examined.

"It might take a while with the amount of Pokémon but we they should be finished by the end of the day" Nurse Joy said happily. "Now. Here's your key to your rooms while you're here." She was stopped by Ash.

"I won't need that. Give it to someone else who'll need it more. I have a small house in Lily city that I'll be staying at during the course of the Conference." Nurse Joy looked at him before nodding and put the key away. She didn't notice Domino smirk and shake her head. "OK, so the Conference will begin in a couple of days so good luck to you." Nurse Joy said with a smile, earning a polite thank you from Ash. When Nurse Joy was done registering Ash for the Conference, he and Domino bid the nurse farewell, and left.

"You know…" Domino turned to Ash, keeping her voice low to avoid being heard by bystanders. "Nurse Joy's probably gonna tell Mr. Goodshow now, so he'll know who you really are." Ash shrugged, nonchalantly. "Does it really matter? Both of them will respect my wishes. As long as they keep quiet until I may have to reveal my past, I don't really care. Besides, I haven't fully changed my name for the last five years, I've just introduced myself in a slightly twisted logic. I'm still the same person I used to be." Ash said to Domino.

Domino looked down 'You may say that, Ash… but we both know that you are way different to how you were before. You're like a darker shadow of your former self. And I know you'll never be truly happy until you can reconnect with your true self.' She thought sadly. Together Domino, and Ash left and went to their accommodation.

True to Domino's words, the Moment that they left, Nurse Joy picked up the phone and called Charles Goodshow. Mr Goodshow was shocked and overjoyed when he heard that Ash had reappeared, but also frowned when he heard that Ash wanted to be known by a different name and place of origin. As he thought of the possible changes that had happened to Ash, Cynthia – the Champion of Sinnoh – walked into his office. "Ah. Cynthia you've arrived at the opportune Moment. I was wondering if you have heard of a trainer called Ashura Satoshi?"

Cynthia stopped and thought before she shook her head. "No. I've never heard about a trainer by that name." Mr Goodshow nodded. "Why do you want to know, Charles?" Cynthia asked curious.

"It would seem that Ash Ketchum will be competing this year in the Conference." Cynthia's eyes widened. "Ash will be here this year? But where has he been for the past five years, and how has he never been found until now?" Cynthia asked.

"He has been going by the name of Ashura Satoshi for the last five years. He's been rather smart by using a name that would allow him to keep his real identity and be completely anonymous to everyone simultaneously. You see, Ash's full name is Ashura Giovanni Satoshi Ketchum. He had always introduced himself as Ash Ketchum, so everyone believes that is his name. So, for the past five years, he has been introducing himself as Ashura Satoshi. He took the saying 'if you want to hide something, hide it in plain sight' literally, and has been himself for five years, under a different way of saying his own name." He said to her, rather impressed, himself, at how Ash had remained hidden for five years in plain sight.

Cynthia was also impressed; she never would have thought that a person who had a completely different name may be only part of Ash's name. She was going to ask a question when the phone rang. Mr Goodshow answered.

"Hello this is Mr Goodshow, President of the Pokémon League. Oh, hello Suzanne! It's good to hear from you… Why yes, of course you and little Delia can stay with me for the Conference. I would love to see my great grandniece again… Yes, there has been a person called Ashura Satoshi entered this year. I got a call from Nurse Joy this morning saying that he just finalized his entry" Cynthia, by now, was listening in on the conversation, intently. "Yes, you're right. Ashura is Ash. But how… Oh I see. Well, yes, he is Ash, as Ash always entered the conferences under his full name. But this year, he's asked to be called Ashura Satoshi from Mt Silver… well I was happy to help. It'll be good to see you again. I'll be there to see you when the boat arrives… Of course I would like to speak to Delia… Hello little Delia, how are you? Well, you are lucky that Mr Ashura was there to help you weren't you? Yes, I love you too. Can you put your mother back on? So I'll see you at the docks today and we can talk more then, OK? See you soon. Bye-bye."

When he hung-up the phone Cynthia gave him a look. "It would seem that Ash decided to visit his mother this year and was spotted by my great niece Suzanne and some of Ash's friends after he saved little Delia from some Team Rocket members who tried to take the Eevee I sent her for her fourth birthday. Thanks to Samuel Oak, some of them have worked out Ash's identity." He said to Cynthia who smiled.

"Ash could never stop himself from helping those in need." Mr Goodshow let out a bellow. "You don't know the half of it. He also seems to be a very powerful Aura Guardian and has a Lucario that can talk!" Cynthia looked at him with shock before she started to think.

"Ash seems to be more impressive every time I hear about him." Mr Goodshow chuckled "If you're thinking about trying to get a date with him, I'm afraid you're a little too late. Nurse Joy also said that he was accompanied by a beautiful blonde haired woman and that they seemed to have been together for a while." Cynthia raised her eyebrow.

"Oh? And how would she know about that?" Mr Goodshow smiled. "Over my many long years, I have learned to always trust the words of Nurse Joy, they always seem to know things like this." Cynthia sighed sadly, which caused Mr Goodshow to laugh inwardly to himself. 'My! You seem to be very popular with the women Ash I hope that whoever you're with is worthy of you.' He thought. "Now… what is it you wanted to talk to me about?" Mr Goodshow asked Cynthia.

"Isn't there a Mansion in Lily City owned by a family called Satoshi?" Mr Goodshow thought for a Moment. "Yes I believe it is. Are you thinking that Ash may own that mansion?"

"It's possible. He was the type of person to want to earn his place in life. So he wouldn't have told his friends if he was from a rich family, because he wanted to earn what he wanted – not have it handed to him because of his wealth." Mr Goodshow nodded agreeing with her. "Well, if that's all, Cynthia, I must go and get ready to see my family." Mr Goodshow left the room. Cynthia then remembered why she came and also left the room to chase down Mr Goodshow.

Meanwhile, Domino felt a cold shiver roll down her back. Noticing her discomfort, Ash cocked his head to the side, and asked "Is something wrong Domino?" Domino looked at him and hugged him, catching him quite off-guard. His shock wore off and he hugged her back getting a happy sigh. He asked her again, to which she answered "It's nothing." Ash didn't look convinced but didn't ask again. As they carried on walking, Domino thought silently to herself. 'I wonder if I'm worthy of Ash?' She pondered. She looked up at her Ash, who was watching the path ahead of them. Briefly, his eyes glanced down at her, and he flashed her a smile. Domino smiled back, feeling as though Ash had sensed her doubts, and he was comforting her worries. She snuggled her cheeks into the crook of his shoulder, and sighed contentedly.

Together, they walked in a comfortable silence. When they arrived at the mansion, Ash noticed it was in very good condition, and he caught a slight glimpse of a few gardeners with their Pokémon who were tending to the grounds. One by one, they walked over to the large iron gates that barred the way, and greeted their young master. Ash walked over to the intercom next to the gate. "Is anyone there? I'd like someone to come open the gates for me and my girlfriend."

"This is Private Property and neither Master Giovanni nor Master Ashura is currently within residence so if you have business with either of them ask somewhere else" said a snooty sounding voice.

"Sounds like someone wants to be fired, huh Domino?" Ash smirked, amusedly. Domino giggled as she heard the man over the intercom splutter. "Master Ashura! I apologize. I shall be there to greet you immediately."

"Good." Ash smirked, giving Domino a cheekily evil look, before placing his mouth mere inches away from the intercom. "And I'll be expecting two more arrivals later." He hissed, menacingly. "Jessie and James, their names are. I'd like them let in upon arrival, OK?"

"Very good sir. I'll be there post-haste."

Domino smiled evilly at Ash's tone. "You can be so evil when you want to be, you know." Ash shrugged "What can I say? Every Satoshi has an… interesting side to them." Domino giggled again and shook her head. Soon, an elderly man dressed like a Butler arrived at the gate and opened it allowing Ash and Domino to enter.

Bowing, he said to the couple "It's so good to finally meet you, Master Ashura. And it is a pleasure to see you again, Miss Domino. If you had informed us you were coming, I would have arranged for someone to come and collect you at the harbour…"

"That would have been unnecessary. We teleported. I'll expect Jessie and James to be well catered for when they arrive." Ash said to the butler who nodded. "There may also be two more people, Suzanne and Delia Hastings. They may come to return a Pokémon of mine they're currently caring for. When they arrive, I want to be notified immediately. And I want them treated as guests here."

"Very good sir. May I ask how long you intend to be staying here?" inquired the Butler.

"I'm competing in the Lily of the Valley conference, so I'll be here until it is completed. I may stay here a little longer, but it all depends on what my plans will be by then." The butler nodded and asked them to follow him.

"The grounds have been very well looked after, sir, and there are many wild habitats behind the mansion, which would be ideal for any Pokémon you may wish to keep here. Will you need four bedrooms made out, sir?" the butler asked, looking back at Ash.

Ash shook his head "No. I'll need about six prepared. I have two psychic Pokémon, whom I care for as if they were my children. I'll need a room for them. Domino and I will share a room together. And… I've taught some of my Pokémon to speak in human language. So don't be alarmed if you hear them talking." The butler nodded, knowing that at times such things happened. "I'll also need rooms for my Lucario and Mewtwo." Ash informed the old butler, as he made his way into the mansion without a single glance back.

The mansion was vast, to say the least. There was a grand, circular, entrance hall that lead to many different rooms. To one side was a large living room, which housed its own library. To the opposite side was a dining room with a large table that looked like it could've been used for medieval banquets.

Domino smirked and looked at Ash "And you called this small to Nurse Joy?" Ash smiled back at her. "Compared to some mansions that I was given from Dad, yes. Don't you remember the mansion in Goldenrod City? It was at least three times the size of this, and then there is the…" "Yeah, yeah. I know. You don't need list every mansion, chateau and villa that you have." Domino said rolling her eyes. The butler gave a small, near non-existent, smile happy that there was going to be some commotion in the mansion again.

The butler led them up the stairs and into the entrance hall, when Ash remembered something. "I'm sorry. I've forgotten to ask you your name was." The butler turned to Ash and said "I'm Alfred, sir. It'll be a pleasure to serve you sir." Ash smiled to him.

"Can you arrange someone to take our belongings to your guests' rooms for when we return? I need to get my Pokémon back from the Pokémon Centre. We'll be here… at some point before midnight. That, and… Domino seems to think I need a full wardrobe at every place I stay." He smirked, jokingly. His joke, however, earned him a slap on the back of the head from Domino, making the boy nearly face plant the carpet. Alfred nodded and laughed inwardly to himself before he went over to a table and wrote something down. He then gave the paper to Ash.

"Sir, this is the passcode that you'll need to open the gate on your own. I'll give this to your friends Jessie and James as well." Ash thanked Alfred and walked back to the gate with Domino. When they reached the gate Ash saw Lucario walking towards them.

"Hello master. I didn't like the Pokémon centre so I came looking for you. I also informed Nurse Joy that I was leaving with company. She said it was fine, as they've all had their check-ups." Lucario then jumped out of the way as a blue, red and white missile passed where he was just standing and collided with Ash knocking him over.

Ash laughed and cuddled his attacker. "Hi Rose how are you?" 'I'm fine, Daddy.' Rose said. She looked at Domino and said 'Hi, Mommy' and jumped at her. Domino knew what was coming and braced herself as a hyperactive Kirlia hugged her. Domino giggled and hugged Kirlia back. They all turned when they heard a laugh and saw Willow with Pikachu on her shoulder.

'Hello Mom, Dad' Willow said to the couple as she walked over and gave Ash a hug. Ash embraced her tightly as Pikachu jumped to Domino's shoulder. Domino smiled as she watched, adjusting Rose to sit on her waist. Together, Ash and Willow really they looked like a father and daughter. Domino had helped Ash raise both Willow and Rose and both of them thought of her as their mother. Not that she minded, she really enjoyed being their mother. Domino walked over and hugged Ash and Willow with her free arm as Rose hugged Ash and Willow from Domino's waist.

Lucario smiled, since they truly looked like a real family. 'I can't wait until Ash and Domino settle down and have children, they would both be the perfect parents' he thought as he watched them talk and play around like a real family. Jessie and James arrived at that Moment. Jessie stopped next to Lucario while James lagged behind a little carrying all of their shopping.

Jessie smiled too when she saw the scene and had similar thoughts as Lucario. James looked at the scene and shook his head with a smirk on his face and placed all of the shopping down and pulled a digital camera out of his pocket. He took a photo of Ash, Domino, Willow, Rose and Pikachu surprising them with the flash. Everyone stopped to look at James who had a very pleased smile on his face, Jessie walked over to him and took the camera and brought the picture up on the screen and smiled. "Good work, James. You seem to have a talent for taking photos." she praised, being the only one not to see the blush that rose on his face.

Domino walked over to see the picture and also thought that it was very good photo and told him that he had to get it developed as soon as possible. Ash, seeing his friend looking near to passing out from embarrassment, said "Hey, Domino. Are we going to go and buy some clothes or what?" Domino glared at him but muttered an agreement and dragged Ash off to shopping District. Ash gave Jessie and James the passcode for the gate, and he and Domino set off.

Rose, by then, had claimed Ash's shoulders as a seat and held onto his hair so she wouldn't fall off. Willow walked beside Domino and talked to her about something that didn't interest Ash and Pikachu was perched on Lucario's shoulder talking about training.

When they arrived at the shopping district Domino went crazy, dragging Ash around to every clothing store buying everything he needed from underwear to suits. Ash let her drag him around half-heartedly he knew that the less he complained the sooner she would be done. He didn't really mind shopping with her, as – while she bought a lot of clothes – she didn't go overboard like some other people could. He even had fun posing in the clothes that she wanted him to try on, as she had a great sense of fashion.

Together, when they finished, Lucario took their shopping – much to their protest – saying that he would like to get away from all the people. Ash and Domino hesitantly let him take the shopping, knowing that Lucario didn't feel comfortable with all the people around him and watched him disappear into the crowd.

Lunch time came, and they walked into a restaurant. Ash and Domino had hamburgers, salad and chips, Willow and Rose nibbled on berries, Pikachu happily drank his way through a bottle of ketchup. When they were finished, they exited the restaurant and headed home. Just as they were setting off, however, they were spotted by someone.

It was Rhonda, who was sent here to be the host who televised the Sinnoh Conference for Sinnoh Now. The news company she worked for couldn't find many trainers to interview, as they would be arriving in the next two days, and any that were already here didn't want an interview, so she was getting worried because she was supposed to show a live broadcast any minute. So when she saw a shiny Kirlia sitting on top of a man's shoulders she knew that she had her story for the day.

She briskly walked in the direction of the Kirlia as everyone moved out of her way. To say she was surprised when she saw there was also a shiny Gardevoir with him was an understatement. It seemed that all of her dreams for a dream scoop for today came true.

'Ash, you know that we are being followed by a reporter don't you?' Pikachu asked from Willow's shoulder. Ash nodded to Pikachu and replied "Yeah I do Pikachu." He sighed "I may as well answer her questions, cause I don't want her stalking us all the way to home" he said and stopped and turned to face Rhonda and was a little surprised to see that it was her remembering her from his past adventures with Dawn and Brock in Sinnoh.

When Rhonda reached him she stopped to take a breath and said. "Hello there, I'm Rhonda and this is my camera crew and we were wondering if you would have an interview with us and the watches of Sinnoh Now?"

Ash decided to string her along a little and said "Well… I have a lot to do today and…" Domino shook her head and smacked him on the top of the head just barely missing Rose. "Ow! Domino, that really hurts when you do that, you know." He whimpered as he touched his head before Rose started to rub it soothingly. Ash sighed and looked up and said "Thanks, sweetie" to Rose.

Rhonda was surprised by the way that Ash interacted with Rose. "So will you let us interview you?" ignoring the chuckles of her new crew at Ash's misfortune she was sure she also heard a few whispers of 'he is so whipped'. "So long as Domino doesn't hit me again then yes I will let you interview me." Rhonda let out a happy Squeal and was told by one of her crew members that they were scheduled to go on air in a couple of minutes.

She turned to Ash and asked him if he was competing and his name and he said "Yes I'm competing and my name's Ashura Satoshi."

Suddenly, a Crew member asked all of the people around them to make some space. When everyone made room he told everyone that they would be on air and counted down "5…4…3…2…1" Rhonda then smiled at the Camera and said "Hello Sinnoh It's me Rhonda reporting to you Live from Lily City on Lily of the Valley Island in preparation for Sinnoh League, and with me today is a trainer who will be competing in the Lily of the Valley Conference; Ashura Satoshi!"

Several people stopped to look at the TV screens near them. Ash's friends, Suzanne, Delia and Professor Oak looked at the TV that was on the boat as well as several other Pokémon trainers wishing to compete in the conference. Mr Goodshow also stopped what he was doing and looked at the TV in his office and Cynthia was also looking watching TV in the café that she was in with several others within the café.

"So Mr Satoshi how are you feeling now that you are here on the eve of the Conference?" Ash smiled at the camera causing Domino to sigh inwardly knowing that he just put on one of his masks.

"I'm feeling confident, Rhonda. All my Pokémon are fit and healthy and have been working hard in preparation for the Conference. And I'm proud of all of them."

"I must say that your Kirlia looks very healthy and happy, I also noticed that she is a shiny Pokémon along with this Gardevoir here, it is very surprising to see one shiny let alone two and of the same evolutionary tree, are they related in some way?"

"Yes. This is Rose. And Willow here is her big sister. I've raised them both since Rose was an egg and Willow was a Ralts, and I treat them both as my daughters with my girlfriend Domino here as their mother." Domino, Rose and Willow waved at the camera when Ash said their names.

"Can you tell us how you came to capturing them?" everyone watching saw Ash's face darken.

"I'm sorry but I can't since I met them under very dark circumstances and I don't wish to frighten some of the younger viewers, all I will say is that they are the only survivors of their family when they were attacked by poachers, their mother asked me to care for them before she died." Rhonda gasped and looked sad.

"I apologize if I have brought up some upsetting memories." Ash shook his head. "Don't worry, it was five years ago the poachers were put to justice for their crimes." Rhonda nodded and turned the conversation to a happier topic.

"How long have you had your Pikachu?" Ash smiled glad that they were off such a dark topic and answered. "Pikachu here was my first Pokémon I got him ten years ago and he is one of my strongest Pokémon." Pikachu jumped onto Ash's Shoulder and waved happily at the camera with a happy "Pika pi!"

"Can you tell us about anything about your other Pokémon?" Rhonda asked genuinely interested. Ash laughed and replied "sorry I can't do that since there are probably many other trainers watching so I don't want to give away my strongest Pokémon before the Conference has even started."

Rhonda nodded and was about to ask another question when her danger senses started to tingle and she cringed waiting for Jack the boom operator to hit her on the head with the boom Microphone only to wait and not feel a thing. Looking up she saw that Rose had stopped it with psychic. Rhonda smiled and thanked Rose who giggled.

"So Mr Satoshi where are you from?"

"I live on Mt Silver but I also travel a lot too." Rhonda nodded and turned to Domino.

"What about you Miss Domino? What are your thoughts right now?" Domino smirked evilly.

"I am personally surprised that we are here considering that Ashura's sense of direction is shot so badly that I am sometimes worried that he would lead us into an active volcano. If it wasn't for Ashura having Psychic Pokémon that know teleport I would think that we would still be lost back on Mt silver"

"Hey! my sense of direction is not that bad I admit I am not very good but I wouldn't lead us into an active volcano unless that I needed to go there." Ash's pout caused everyone to laugh. Everyone looked stopped when Lucario appeared in front of Ash.

"Master, your friend James asked me to bring this to you." He said and handed Ash the photo that James took earlier this morning. Ash smirked "He wants me to show this on TV as a make money quick scheme doesn't he?" "So I suspect, master" Lucario replied ignoring the still shocked people around him.

"Why that Evil little... When Lucario gets back I'll strangle him!" James yelled as he shook the TV in rage while Jessie was lying on the couch laughing as James. Alfred sweat dropped. 'Master Ashura certainly has some interesting friends.' he thought.

"What is the photo of?" Rhonda asked and was awarded with Ash showing her and the audience the photo. "I must say that it look like it was done by a professional photographer" Rhonda said. "James did that with a digital camera that he carries around with him when he found out he had a certain flare for taking photos. He is very good and I am sure he will have a stall setup at the Conference for all those who would like a photo be it with their Pokémon or family or any other photo they want."

Many watching decided that they would get James to take their photos. James meanwhile was sitting in a chair on cloud nine with Dollar signs in his eyes thinking of all the customers he would have thanks to Ash.

Rose yawned alerting Ash and Domino to the time. Ash took Rose off his head and cradled her in his arms. "It seems that it is getting late I need to go and collect my Pokémon for the Pokémon centre and put this one to bed so until next time Rhonda." Rhonda nodded and looked at the camera. "So there you have it folks this is Rhonda on Sinnoh Live at Lily City see you next time!"

"AAAND cut, that was perfect Rhonda" Rhonda nodded happily and turned to Ash and thanked him and told him they may interview him again before leaving to go to the hotel that they were staying at.

Ash gave Rose to Domino and asked Pikachu to go with her a little worried about anyone wanting to steal Rose or Willow. Pikachu nodded and leapt onto Willow's shoulder as Domino and Willow took a sleeping Rose home.

Lucario and Ash walked into the Pokémon centre and saw Cynthia at the counter also collecting her Pokémon. Ash walked up and patiently for his turn. When Cynthia had all of her Pokémon she turned around and gasped when she saw Ash. Ash raised an eyebrow at her causing her to Blush before turning to Nurse Joy. "Have all my Pokémon finished their check-ups?" he asked.

Nurse Joy nodded happily to him and said "They have and I am happy to say that they are the healthiest Pokémon I had the pleasure of examining though there was a Pikachu that seemed different to the rest of them."

"Oh that is Pika and he is Domino's Pikachu." 'I better not tell them that he is a clone.' He thought to himself. Nurse Joy frowned wondering what made him different but dropped it and passed Ash the bag that had his Pokémon in it. Ash thanked her and reached in and grabbed Pika's ball and threw it letting Pika out. Pika blinked a couple of time before it shook its head and looked around, spotting Ash climbed onto his shoulder and said "Hi where is Domino?" Ash smiled and replied.

"She is at home she had to put Rose to bed we will be going there now." Pika nodded. Ash was glad when Pika forgave Domino for what she did to Mewtwo and the other clone Pokémon back at Mt Quena, it took a while and Mewtwo had to have a long talk to him about something but in the end he gave her a chance and now had a bond almost as strong with her as Ash had with Pikachu. He chuckled inwardly to himself thinking about it Ash and Domino were similar in certain aspects and Pika and Pikachu were also similar, especially those two since pika is the clone of Pikachu but even then they both had different personalities which melded well with both Ash and Domino.

Ash nodded to Nurse Joy and Cynthia and started to walk out the door. Cynthia snapped out of her trance and turned to Ash. "Mr Satoshi, may I have a word with you?" Ash turned to look at her.

"That all depends in the type of conversation you wish to have with me, I already have a girlfriend and am very happy with her so unless there is something else you want to discuss…" Cynthia blushed at what Ash insinuated but shook her head. "No it has nothing to do with that."

"Very well but can you be quick I need to get home as I have some important business to attend to." He said to her. Cynthia nodded and walked over to him and said quietly "I know who you are Mr Goodshow told me." Ash raised his eyebrow. "Really and who did he tell you I was?"

"He said that you were Ash Ketchum." Ash nodded to her. "Yes I was once known by that name but my name changed with me as I changed and the person you know as Ash Ketchum isn't around any longer and has been dead for five years. He is gone no matter what my family try to do to bring him back." Ash said in a sad quiet voice. With that he turned and left the Pokémon centre leaving Cynthia who had a lone tear roll down her cheek. Pika and Lucario followed him with sad looks on their faces.

Pika said to Ash 'there is a way for you to bring your old self back you know.'

"Yes and if I do that I risk the safety of those I want to protect." Pika frowned at Ash. 'Shouldn't they be the ones to decide if they want to be safe or risk their lives helping you? They have has as much right to decide for themselves, you are simply taking away that right. It is just the same as when Mewtwo wanted me and the other clone Pokémon to live in solitary at Mt Quena instead of letting us choose what we wanted.' Ash stopped walking and looked at Pika. He knew what he was saying was true but he still didn't want to endanger his friends.

'Think about it, you are the only one that can decide if you inform them of your plans but remember they should be allowed to choose it they aid you or not.' Ash looked off into the distance for a while. Pika and Lucario decided to let Ash sit and contemplate what Pika said. Lucario took the bag of pokéballs and let Pika climb into his shoulder and left Ash alone with his thoughts.

'Am I taking their right away to choose? Of course I am! I don't want them to get mixed up in my families problems. They say ignorance is bliss, I wonder what they say about the people who can take that ignorance away.' Ash stood there for an hours wondering what he should do he finally decided that it was getting late as he watched the sunset. Watching the sunset he sighed. He wanted to go to his friends dearly but was terrified with them being in danger. Over the years he hadn't realised or didn't want to realise the danger he put them in over the years of travelling with him and he didn't want to put them through that again. He sighed again; he would wait and decided that if they found out about his identity he wouldn't lie to them. He only hoped that day never came but a part of him had started to count down the days that he would see his friends again.

When he returned to the mansion he heard a song being played in one of the rooms. Wondering what it was he into the room to find a lounge area with Domino sitting in front of the fire quietly singing the song that was playing to herself, he then realised what the song was. It was one of Domino's favourite songs called 'Your Heart Will Lead You Home' and the first time he listened to the words and heard the message that Domino said it carried.

Sunny days and starry nights

And lazy afternoons

You're counting castles in the clouds

And humming little tunes

But somehow right before your eyes

The sun light fades away

Everything is different

And everything has changed

If you feel lost and on your own

And far from home

You're never alone, you know

Just think of your friends

The ones who care

They all will be waiting there with love to share

And your heart will lead you home

Funny how a photograph

Can take you back in time

To places and embraces

That you thought you'd left behind

They're trying to remind you

That you're not the only one

That no one is an island

When all is said and done

If you feel lost and on your own

And far from home

You're never alone, you know

Just think of your friends

The ones who care

They all will be waiting there with love to share

And your heart will lead you home

There'll come a day when you're losing your way

And you won't know where you belong

They say that home is where your heart is

So follow your heart know that you can't go wrong

If you feel lost and on your own

And far from home

You're never alone, you know

Just think of your friends

The ones who care

They all will be waiting there with love to share

And your heart will lead you home

If you feel lost and on your own

And far from home

You're never alone, you know

Just think of your friends

The ones who care

They all will be waiting there with love to share

And your heart will lead where you belong I know your heart will lead you home

During the song Ash had been taken into old memories of him and the friends that he met with over the years. He thought of the adventures he had with his friends had and the fun that they had together and the love they shared for each other. He never realised he was crying until he felt a soft hand wipe them away. Surprised he saw Domino looking at him also crying. He hugged her desperate to feel her warmth. When he felt got control of himself again he pulled away from Domino and looked into her eyes. Domino's heart skipped a beat when she saw some of the old Ash in them again.

Ash said to her "if my friends don't work out my identity by the end of the Conference I promise you I will tell them then." Domino gave him a teary smile and hugged him again and said "It is good to have you back again Ash." He kissed her on the head. "It is good to be back Domino." They stood there never realising that they started to sway slowly to the music that they were listening to or that they were being watched by Jessie, James, Willow, Rose, Pikachu, Pika, Mewtwo or Lucario from a crack in the doorway. All of the eavesdroppers slowly crept away from the door and left Domino and Ash together happy that Ash was starting to return to his old self.

Chapter four is done Ash has started to regain what he has lost over the years.