Rogue's Avalon

Written The Summer of 1997-March 1998

Magneto's message to the UN had been direct and brutal. He had used his magnetic abilities to rip the ceiling of the United Nations Building in New York completely off before entering. The obvious attack was recorded and televised within seconds to every nation present at the assembly. However, people in New York--especially Winchester--knew it a lot earlier.

"Magneto is here." Xavier was in the large area that was the kitchen. Beside him sat three X-Men, Scott, Jean, and Wolverine. "How do you know, Sir?" Scott looked worriedly at his mentor.

"Scott, I know."

Rogue had been up in her room watching General Hospital when the love scene between Robin and Jason was interrupted by an ABC newsbreak. Cursing violently at the interruption, Rogue collapsed backwards in disgust on her bed. That is, until the nature of the broadcast exploded into her reality and sent all thoughts of Jason's gorgeous body out of her mind.

The broadcaster began, "Magneto has just broken through the roof of the United Nations Building in New York. The self-proclaimed 'Leader of Mutants,' and publicly known terrorist, gained entrance to the building by removing the steel enforced roof. While ABC had no reporters inside the UN Building, they did have a camera crew, which we will now go to in order to bring you this Earth shaking news. Once again, Magneto the world-renowned terrorist has just gained entrance into the UN Building. We go now to our live feed directly from the UN."

Rogue involuntarily sucked in her breath, anticipating whatever Magneto could have done this time; and how Xavier would make sure the X-Men had to fix it. I wish the others could know the man behind the name. If they did, I know they could find some method to his madness. He's not a bad person, not even his ideas are crazy; but hell if his applications don't make people's blood boil.

Just as her personal thoughts had ended, a scene of Magneto hovering over the crowd of UN officials became animated on the screen of her television set. Aloud she said, "Magneto, what are ya up ta?"

His voice, captured and projected into every home worldwide that owned a TV or radio, was stunning in its clarity. "I am Magneto. All of you know me as a mutant; and one, which is willing to do whatever necessary to free mutants from oppression. On this day, do I leave to all humans my legacy to the Earth.

"On every continent, will I place transport vessels. These containment units will carry all mutants who desire a free life from human oppression, to my waiting space station, Avalon.

"On Avalon, mutants shall live in peace with one another, away from the humans that have oppressed them all these decades. These mutants that join me will become a separate entity from the Earth. So much so, that Avalon will leave the Earth's atmosphere entirely, and will venture forth to find a new planet to call our home.

"Exactly twenty-four hours from now, in the cities of Montpelier, Vermont, Humaita, Brazil, Jima, Ethiopia, Tengiz, Kazakhstan, Alexandria, Australia, Sendia, Japan, and at exactly the North and South Poles, I shall retrieve the transport vessels that are landing in those cities even as I speak. To all mutants who would enter them, I tell you this: Bring with you that which you wish, for Avalon shall never return to Earth again.

"Now to you leaders who stand beneath me like insects, do I tell you to attempt nothing against either the transport vessels, or against Avalon itself. I assure you, Avalon is too well protected against anything you could fire upon it; and the transport vessels will have mutants desperate to get away from your already regulatory laws, provoking them, would not be wise."

Then, looking for the first time directly at the hundreds of cameras, Magneto made his final statement to the mutants for the planet Earth. "I await every mutant onboard Avalon, we will be free."

As proof of his powers, Magneto then pointed his hands at the cameras, and every screen instantly received static. Snow falling on her TV screen, Rogue cursed silently and flew out of her bedroom.

In the hall Rogue had only to look at Storm, who was exiting her attic stairwell, to realize that she too had seen the broadcast. There was a sense of calmness about her however, as she met up with Rogue. Damn-it, even in the face of global panic, that woman still remains like a goddess. Outwardly however, she said, "What now, Ororo?"

Storm was about to answer just as Psylocke opened her door and said, "Jean said that they saw it on the kitchen TV. We're suppose to report to the war room."

Turning around to face the hallways' exit point, all three women moved rapidly towards the war room.

* * *

"Sir, with all due respect, that's insane! What do you mean 'Just let Magneto go.'"

Scott wasn't use to being wrong when it came to guessing what the Professors plan was, Rogue guessed that was why this was so hard for him to accept. Scott sure got knocked off his high horse this time. But I can't really blame him; I think--know--we're all surprised by the Professors response.

Roughly an hour had passed since Magneto's speech, and the TV screens surrounding the war room either showed static from Magneto's magnetic pulse that destroyed three major satellites, and damaged many more; or displayed pictures of army after army preparing for battle, and weapons being tested. All in all, it was a pretty messed-up situation; and the events in the X-Men's war room hadn't been much better.

After everyone's initial shock was over, they had all settled down, intently waiting for Xavier to tell them what to do. As it happened, they all sat in complete silence for over five minutes before Hank inquired about the Professors lack of a statement. When the Professor finally spoke, everyone was already on edge, when he finished no one knew what to do.

"It is obvious that what Magneto has just proposed will effect everyone, both human and mutant. The question is, what are the X-Men going to do about it. At this point, I am open to suggestions." Immediately, everyone had something to say on the matter.

Some believed that all the X-Teams should be combined to rush Avalon and beat Magneto's head in; Bobby and Jubilee were obviously pleased with their solution; to the point where the two were slamming high-fives and chugging Pepsi's together. Others thought the transport vessels should be the main targets. As Bishop put it, "Leave Avalon to the government, let the X-Men put down the traitors who would abandon their posts." People liked Bishop's plan but told him the delivery stunk; Jubilee accentuated her point with a plasma burst in his face.

Wolverine argued with Scott and Jean. He thought they should stop Magneto on Avalon once and for all; while Scott and Jean tried to reason that it would be too risky on Magneto's turf. To that, Wolverine only smiled and lit a cigar.

Through it all, only the Professor and Rogue stood silently by. It took the rest quite a while to notice their silence, but when they did Wolverine understood right away; at least in Rogue's case.

"Ya know, darling, he is the bad guy here." It could have been said gruffly, but it wasn't, instead, Wolverine looked more concerned for her then angry.

"Ah know Wolvie." Her eyes fell away from his searching gaze. She looked shy and small to the X-Men around her; Gambit put a gloved hand over hers.

Perhaps that was when it had all started. When she began to realize she was missing something. Something she desired with all her heart and soul.

Rogue looked at the Cajun's hand covering hers. There was an odd feeling inside her, and it started to grow as she took in Remy's well muscled arm, defined shoulder, and then his amazingly hansom face. To cover her inner feeling of oddity, she smiled at him disarmingly.

Looking back at Logan, Rogue shuffled that feeling into the back of her mind. When she spoke again, it was about Magneto, and everyone listened. "It's jus' that, well, he was good ta me when Ah was hurt. It ain't everybody who'll be nice ta a gal that's tired ta kill's on more'n one occasion. Besides, he may have been a bastard ta y'all, but ta me he was a gentleman; and Ah don't get much a that 'round here." She accented her point by nudging the tender part of Remy's stomach with her elbow; he grabbed his stomach in a fake double over.

The X-Men weren't buying all of it though, they new that something had happened between herself and Magneto a few months back in the Savage Land. But just what it was, they didn't know. The sad and confusing part was, neither did Rogue, not for certain, but what she did know was that a battle face to face with Magneto, would be more than difficult for her.

She knew that Logan had figured out that something had happened between the two mutants, but for his part, he stayed silent.

It was the Professor who saved her from any more quizzical looks. Sitting up a little higher in his yellow hover chair, Xavier conveyed a sense of superiority and wisdom over the band of mutants. Attention was immediately granted to him. "I have listened to all of your suggestions. Most were based on reason," he looked towards Scott, "Others were not," Jubilee squirmed under his gaze. "However, I have instead come to a decision which I believe will benefit all parties." He paused, not so much for a dramatic entry, as to compose himself for his announcement. "My X-Men, we have all fought for peaceful co-existence between humans and mutants for many years now. Each of us has tried to unite two very different groups of people. But the reality is, some mutants--and a majority of humans--do not desire a life together. Therefore, in light of current events, I have decided to let Magneto, and any that follow him, go to Avalon."

The room fell silent. No one knew what to say or do. They looked to each other for answers to the devastating words Xavier had just stated. But when eyes met, none of them had any explanation.

All of these events led to Scott's question. "Sir, with all due respect, that's insane! What do you mean, 'Just let Magneto go.'"

The Professors' answer was just as incredible as his first. "Simply put Scott, I am thinking of the majority instead of the minority. The majority of mutants will not want to exist with humans, peacefully or otherwise. They will then opt. to join Magneto and leave the planet, and its inhabitants behind. This is also a solution to the majority of humans who want mutants gone." Just as Scott was about to protest, Xavier raised his hand to silence him, then continued.

"This event also opens a window for us. We have had to fight both humans and mutants who do not wish to live in harmony together. By eliminating the mutant half of that equation, we are left with only the humans. It will be like starting over, only with the knowledge of past mistakes and accomplishments.

"Magneto may be our enemy here on Earth, but in space, he can only be our allay. Eliminating Magneto and the mutants who would follow him, my X-Men, we stand a chance to truly achieve the dream."

As he had talked, Xavier had become more and more excited about the prospects of Avalon's success. Now he looked on fire about the new possibilities that had been gifted to him.

With his obvious excitement, the rest of the X-Men--use to following Xavier's word--also began to think through the idea; all except Scott.

"So that's it, Sir. We just let Magneto fly away with hundreds of mutants under his command? Think how ludicrous that sounds! What if he's really going to train them all to be fighters, bring them back to Earth, and try to conquer the planet? What then?"

But Xavier had looked into his cup of tealeaves already, and liked what he saw. "Number one, Scott, it will most likely be thousands, not hundreds, of mutants. And number two, the X-Men will still remain in top form, just incase that is Magnus' plan, but I have known Magneto for a life-time, and raising an army is not what he's trying to do. He's leaving, for good, and he just wants to know if there are others that wish to join him." Even arguing with his star student wasn't extinguishing the glow in Xavier's eyes. He looked like a man who was finally getting a break; and he was determined to seize it with all his strength.

Scott was about to say something else when Gambit--to the surprise of many--spoke up. "It be lik' dis, Scott: Wit' de bad mutant leader gon', de ou'cas' X-Men get de're shot, non?" Smiling his most charming smile he looked to the Professor for acknowledgement.

The Professor, for his part, ended the discussion, "That is correct, Gambit. Now if you will all please excuse me, I believe Val will want an explanation about why the X-Men have yet to respond. Hank, if you would please inform the other teams that I want Magneto's plan to go along without incident from them or us. The rest of you are all on stand-by."

Raising his hover chair, Charles Xavier left the assembly of mutants to retire to his office. Hank stood and left down the hallway to the communications room. Around the table, many of the X-Men still sat stunned by the Professor's announcement. And though they couldn't hear it, they knew Jean was taking a beating listening to Scott.

One by one they left the table. Some in high spirits, others not. When Gambit had risen he reached out his hand for Rogue's, however the Southern Belle was lost deep in thought and never saw it. Eventually he left her there to think, as did the others, until only Rogue was left to wonder--for not the first time--what side she wanted to be on.