Young Justice X Generator Rex
December 23, 20:24 GMT
Year 2011
"I'm freezing." Artemis grumbled as she and the team worked their way though the gathering snow. What were they doing? The team was going after Freeze, Icicle Jr., and Killer Frost. Batman suspected they were up to something. Why all the way out here where it was already frozen, they weren't positive. In fact, there weren't even sure when they had even broken out of Belle Reve.
The whole team was on the mission; Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash, Superboy, Miss Martian, Artemis, Zatanna, and their newest team member, Rocket.
In 10 days, Icon was going to join the League. Rocket was supposed to join at the same time, but Batman thought it would be best if she joined earlier than she was supposed to, so they could see how she worked with the team.
They were all determined to make this mission a good one. It was pretty simple, at least. Find out what Freeze, Frost, and Icicle were up to, and then leave... well, that's what would ony happen if they were lucky. What would really happen? They would find out what happened, and then get caught.
Wally ran up next to her, and put an arm around her shoulders. "Don't worry, Artie. We'll only be here for a little while, and then we can get back to the Mountain and finish the tree." he told her with a grin. The team had been trying to decorate it for the past two weeks; but with their new teammate and other missions, they just hadn't gotten around to finish it. Now it was only a few days until their first Christmas together.
The archer ducked away from the speedster, and walked up next to Robin to get away from the red-head. The Boy Wonder grinned at her. "We're close, anyways." he told her. "And-"
He was cut off by Wally. "Dude, I think we left Miss M and Supes behind." he told him. Everyone turned to see that he was right. The Martian and the Kryptonian were gone.
Kaldur, who had been ahead of all of them, walked over to the back. "They can not just disappear- Did they go off in another direction?" he asked.
Zatanna, who had been closest to the back (other than Miss M and Superboy) shook her head. "We all know they wouldn't."
Aqualad was quiet for a moment before walking back ahead of the others. "We can only continue. We will find them." he said. They all then continued on.
After about ten minutes, Artemis had moved closer to Wally, probably to stay warm. Robin guessed she didn't even realize she had. Zatanna was now walking next to him, and Wonder Girl was next to Kaldur, though the two of them seemed fine.
"You know, I wouldn't be upset if I never saw snow again." Artemis grumbled, as she stepped away from the speedster. He just grinned, and ran up Robin and Zatanna.
"What do you think Freeze is up to? Do you think he took Miss Martian and Superboy?" he asked, top-speed. He looked backwards to the archer as he asked, and Robin saw his eyes widen.
"What the- Artemis!" he yelled, before running back. The rest of them all spun around, to see that Artemis had disappeared. Just... gone. They all rushed over to where her footprints had ended.
Zatanna knelt down to look at them. "Has the team made any enemies that can use magic?" she asked them.
"Klarion the witch boy." Wally answered immediately. "I remember because he called someone an old fart, and threw a fit when I hit his familiar." he said with half a grin. Then it faded. "Why?"
She stood up. "'Klarion' might be part of this. Unless you can think of some other way she disappeared." he said. Nobody had a response.
"There's a cave up ahead. We can stop there and figure out what to do." Robin suggested, before taking the lead and walking off. "We might want to stay in sight of each other." he added. The rest of the team then came up next to him.
They continued walking for a while, worried about their friends, before entering the dark cave. Surprisingly, it was even colder than outside. But it had started to snow outside. It was best to stay out of it.
"So what do we do? Just stay here and hope they happen to come along and find us? Artemis is only human. She'll freeze." Wally said, while Aqualad and Zatanna walked further into the cave.
"Find anything?" Robin asked, while doing something on his holographic computer. There was no reply, and he looked over in the direction they had gone. "Aqualad, Zatanna, what did you find?" he repeated, before starting to walk over. Kid Flash stopped him.
Rocket had walked ahead instead, while Robin raised a questioning eye at his friend. "Dude, I was only walking ahead to find them." he said, pushing by him. "Rocket, what are they doing?" he then called. No answer. He sighed, and started looking around in his utility belt, before pulling out a flashlight.
Kid Flash stood next to Robin as he turned it on to flash it further down into the cave... only to see there was nothing but the cave wall. "Where-" he started to say, before he was shoved out of the way by KF. After stumbling to the ground, he looked up at his friend... to see he was caught in a block of ice.
He looked around, and saw Killer Frost, smiling. "Eight down, one to go." she said. Next to her was Klarion, big shocker. Icicle Jr. and Freeze were in the opening of the cave, with eight other blocks of ice. It took him a moment to realize each one was one of his teammates.
Freeze stepped forward, and smiled. "I was hoping you would be the last one standing," he said. "So I can freeze you myself. The best part is... that you'll just be frozen forever, never dieing." he told him.
Robin raised an eyebrow. "I don't think that's possible. Even you can't freeze someone that fast." he pointed out.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Klarion muttering something under his breath, while Freeze glared at him. "It's nothing about how fast I freeze you," he told him. "It's about who I know."
The Boy Wonder was about to say something else before everything turned so cold, it burned. His vision faded, and then... nothing.
Freeze smirked as Killer Frost froze Robin from behind. The minute they had broken out of Belle Reve, Jr. had told them about Superboy and Miss Martian stopping their breakout. They had decided that they would end the Young Justice League, so they wouldn't bother them again. Of course, the League probably would... but the teens seemed easier to take down.
"Are we just going to leave them here?" Icicle asked.
"Of course not." Freeze said. "The League would find them too easily. Scatter them around the world. Onto another planet if you want. Just hide them away well enough so that the League won't find them."
Klarion smirked. "I'll take care of that." he said. He said a few words that the others didn't really pay attention to, and the eight frozen teens vanished. "They won't melt. The places they're in are too cold." he told them. "And they won't be able to track them." he added, looking satisfied.
"Good." Frost said, smiling. "Will we tell their mentors, or let them find out themselves?" she asked.
"They'll find out on their own." Icicle pointed out. "I'm out of here." he then said, before walking out of the cave.
"Jr, we're your ride home." Freeze told him, following. Their work was done.
Word Count: 1,400
Yeah, some people may be out of character... I don't care right now. I haven't seen enough of them to know how they are. So... yeah. Future chapters are usually 2,000-2,500 (:
btw, I have no beta... sorry for any mistakes. If there are any pointed out, they will be corrected tomorrow morning. If there aren't, then I'll go through it myself before Chapter 2 is posted (:
Next Chapter: 30 Years Later
Riddle: I am the beginning of the end, and the end of time and space. I am essential to creation, and I surround every place. What am I?