Whispers in the Dark
A/N: This is my first Fan fic story about a British show. My grammar is suckish and my spelling not always on spot, but I hope that someone gets a kick out of this story.
Spoilers: This story is set post Series 5. So, stuff may be mentioned. :P
Summary: A degrading set of circumstances cause an uninhabitable condition that forces Abby and Jess from the A.R.C. through an anomaly just before the anomaly closes. Connor and Becker are at their wits end, searching for their loved ones as they feign normalcy – tackling anomaly after anomaly – praying that the next one will bring Abby and Jess back to them. It's been seven long hard months…
Chapter One: The Ghosts We Know
"Connor, it's getting too high," Her voice shivered in bouts of breath and gasps intermittently disrupted over the intercom speakers, a frantic slosh accompanying each word.
"I know, I Kn…" Connor broke off his own words fraught with a myriad of muddled emotions as he chanced a glance through the window of the room he was trying his damndest to get into. Lockdown and a flood of water coming from the anomaly that had opened in the A.R.C. had Abby and Jess trapped in one of the labs as he, Matt, and Becker fought to get through the door that stood between them and the rest of their team.
The lockdown was triggered by the plankton and phytoplankton that surged in the water that was spilling through the anomaly. The organism readings were off the charts, even if they were microscopic and seemingly harmless as of yet.
Now they were reaching a threshold where Jess and Abby could possibly drown and the added pressure wasn't helping to get through the added security that had rendered Connor's previously established backdoor null and void.
"Connor…" Abby couldn't manage another word as she was suddenly sucked under, her last breath taken in the lab as the waters reached the ceiling. Her hold on the unconscious Jess tightened as she sank, swimming mid room height her open eyes peering through the murky depths to meet Connor's through the lab window.
A bubble of air escaped her lips as her lack of oxygen made up her mind before the panic could set in. She looked back to the brilliant tendrils of light that throbbed all around her and Jess then back to Connor pleadingly. She met his eyes as long as she could before she had to break contact and swim.
In tear streaked horror Connor watched Abby drag Jess through the anomaly to hopefully save them both as he continued to fight his losing battle with the lockdown, his own screams seeming silent against the waters depth inside the lab.
"Connor!" Connor jumped awake, the memory of Abby and Jess's disappearance having played out in nightmare wonder in his dreams. He raised his head, keyboard impression still vibrant against his pale cheek in hues of red lined splendor.
He shook off the last throws of the nightmare, fluorescent lab light invading his senses as he looked to the door to find Matt perched there casting a concerned glance in his direction. "Anomaly," And that was all the explanation he had to hear. Connor finally caught sight of the flashing red beyond the lab doorway, in the hall. He scrambled up, yanking his coat from the chair back and took off at a flustered sprint.
A second later and he scrambled back, grabbing the anomaly dating device from his disaster of a desk before falling in line behind Matt. Emily joined them, moving at a brisk walk from the menagerie, before they all three met up with Becker who was already locked and loaded with a team of soldiers near a couple of dark SUVs.
"You alright?" It was a loaded question, leveled straight at Connor, who looked a mess of dark circles and sunken skin. He'd practically been living at the A.R.C. for the last seven months. He didn't look alright, hell he didn't look like he'd seen the light of day in the last week long break between anomalies.
"Rosy," Connor lied easily, not about to spill the obvious about his decline over the last seven months. "I just fell asleep at my desk. The alarm took me off guard." He explained to Becker.
Becker seemed satisfied enough with the reply as he turned back around in his seat, Matt glancing worriedly between the two of them with glances in the rear view between his measure sight on the road.
Matt caught Emily's eye as he was worriedly switching his gaze between the passengers and they shared a knowing concerned glance. They had both been worried about Becker and Connor over the last seven months as their behavior had been declining with each passing month. Their losses were weighing heavy on both their hearts and it was only a matter of time before Lester pulled them from active duty at their current pace.
Matt slammed the first SUV to a stop, the one behind him following suite, the whole group throwing their doors open with weapons at the ready as they beheld the anomaly, which towered over the three story apartment building before them. It seemed situated on the roof and they had no word on whether there was a creature incursion or not.
A multitude of glances were cast skyward before orders rang out from Matt and the team and their back up moved in tandem. They traversed the lifts, leaving a man on each stairwell as they made their way to the roof.
A cacophony of cityscape transitions wound around them as the door to the rooftop burst open, giving them ample line of sight on the pulsing anomaly at the rooftops western edge. Becker and Connor seemed a bit deflated upon seeing the absence of occurrence all around this one. An occurrence that was all too familiar since Abby and Jess's disappearance seven months ago.
"Prepare to lock the anomaly," Matt called as he looked back to Connor who was already trying to take a date on the other end of this one, hoping to match it to the date they had for the fresh water lake that had swallowed Abby and Jess.
Connor was already making his calculations, the device pointed in hopes that it would say…
"8,733B.C." Connor barely got it out as a whisper.
It was the same year that Abby and Jess had disappeared into.
All eyes turned to Connor and Becker who both looked ready to bolt.
"We don't know where they are, this could…" Matt began but Becker cut him off.
"This could be the only opportunity…" And it was Connor that cut him off as he leveled his weapon on Matt, daring him to take a shot at him.
"She's through there…I'm going after her..."
And in a heartbeat, Connor was racing for the anomaly…with Becker at his back…
A/N: I hope someone likes this story. The next chapter is about where they end up and who ends up there. Reviews would be nifty Peace to all.